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Democrats busted


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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 09:18 PM)
If it was November 3rd, there would have been a police report taken down and then filed away no matter if the individuals were Dems or GOPers.


If it was November 3rd, there would have been no election for them to try and disrupt.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 04:56 PM)
If it was November 3rd, there would have been no election for them to try and disrupt.


In your post was what they are being charged with


The five who were charged with felony criminal damage to property for slashing 40 tires on 25 vehicles are:


They are not being charged with disrupting the election.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 02:11 PM)
They can be charged all they want but there is still that little presumption of innocence until found guilty.



Yeah, but you're plenty quick to bring the hammer down when some Republican gets accused of doing something like this. Give it a rest already.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 01:50 PM)
Again context is everything.  Slashing tires of GOP workers is a direct & obvious act to undermine the democratic voting process of the USA. 


Maybe it was because of the type of vehichle..... :fight

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 08:25 PM)
Yeah, but you're plenty quick to bring the hammer down when some Democrat gets accused of doing something like this.  Give it a rest already.

Nah, Republican kids are perfect, only the children of DEMs get in trouble.

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QUOTE(PoohIss @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 08:59 PM)
Only the Dems get that sort of media attention.


They both get it. The kids of rich, powerful, celebrities, and the ilk are always tabloid and front page fodder. I hope the intent of the thread was just to embarrass the DEMs on the board, perhaps piss them off a bit and not to indict the entire Democratic Party and everyone who votes Democratic.


Look at those kids! I'm voting Republican in the next election or my kids could wind up like that :lolhitting :lolhitting

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 11:20 PM)
In your post was what they are being charged with

They are not being charged with disrupting the election.


You are right, they are not being charged with trying to disrupt an election. But tell me, what do you think they were doing? Just working off some youthful energy that was merely misdirected? Bulls***. Since they obviously targeted Republicans, why can't that be a hate crime? Yeah, that is a stretch, but so was windodj trying to tie this into Iraq. These guys vandalized vans, being used by Republicans, to help people get to the polls. They knew that, and targeted those vans with the idea of disrupting the plans of the Republicans. They got caught. Tell me this: if the situation was Republicans (or the kids of Republicans) slashing the tires of vans used by ANY Democratic get-out-the-vote group, say in Ohio, would it have taken this long to get printed in a paper, or would the headline the next day read something like 'Neocons try to influence the vote'? Now I am not claiming a conspiracy here, just pointing out that Democrats f***ED UP HERE. Just accept that and move on.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 09:10 PM)
[paranoid]You are right, they are not being charged with trying to disrupt an election.  But tell me, what do you think they were doing?  Just working off some youthful energy that was merely misdirected?  Bulls***.  Since they obviously targeted Republicans, why can't that be a hate crime?  Yeah, that is a stretch, but so was windodj trying to tie this into Iraq.  These guys vandalized vans, being used by Republicans, to help people get to the polls.  They knew that, and targeted those vans with the idea of disrupting the plans of the Republicans.  They got caught.  Tell me this:  if the situation was Republicans (or the kids of Republicans) slashing the tires of vans used by ANY Democratic get-out-the-vote group, say in Ohio, would it have taken this long to get printed in a paper, or would the headline the next day read something like 'Neocons try to influence the vote'?  Now I am not claiming a conspiracy here, just pointing out that Democrats f***ED UP HERE.  Just accept that and move on.[/paranoid]


So why didn't Rush, Hannity, Fox News, the WSJ, and the rest of the conservative press not report it??

:lolhitting :lolhitting

Edited by Texsox
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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 26, 2005 -> 03:11 AM)
So why didn't Rush, Hannity, Fox News, the WSJ, and the rest of the conservative press not report it??


How do you know that they didn't? I thought you didn't listen to them? I have on occasion, but don't make a habit out of it, so I can't say that they did or didn't.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 09:13 PM)
How do you know that they didn't?  I thought you didn't listen to them?  I have on occasion, but don't make a habit out of it, so I can't say that they did or didn't.


Why are we hearing it now? Could it be the media you loath so much reported it and the GOP media empire ignored it because maybe 75 people didn't have a chance to vote?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 09:10 PM)
They both get it. The kids of rich, powerful, celebrities, and the ilk are always tabloid and front page fodder. I hope the intent of the thread was just to embarrass the DEMs on the board, perhaps piss them off a bit and not to indict the entire Democratic Party and everyone who votes Democratic.


Look at those kids! I'm voting Republican in the next election or my kids could wind up like that  :lolhitting  :lolhitting



That's exactly what it is. I'm of the belief that Democrats are inherently good people, albeit misgiuded, who want the best for America.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 09:45 PM)
That's exactly what it is.  I'm of the belief that Democrats are inherently good people, albeit misgiuded, who want the best for America.


About the same I think when I'm voting for a GOP candidate. 100% of either party scares the hell out of me. I like conservative DEMs and Liberal GOPers.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 09:27 PM)
Sure, kids of Republicians never make the news when the committ a crime :rolly


or kids of actors, of business leaders, or anyone famous. If the kids are famous as well. it's a media feast.


Why is this story getting any attention at all? Because of the parents. Do you want to read about Jane and John Doe's boy? There were literally hundreds of these types of stories. If Fox ran all of these their ratings would tumble.

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