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Idiot Co-Workers/Colleagues


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I know we all have them so who wants to share stories?


Today I spent 2 hours of my life in a class "Content and Technology in Social Studies Education". In this class, the professor read the syllabus to us word for goddamn word after showing up 15 minutes late. Then we looked about 10 different examples of portfolios we'll have to put together [although 3 examples would have been more than plenty] and then she went into about an hour long lecture with such intellectually stimulating things like "Putting blue font on a blue background on your web page is hard to read", 20 minutes on the colors wheel, how to choose colors [a.k.a. what colors match] and making things pleasing to the eye for our portfolios.


The entire class was yelling "f***ing boring.", "We got the idea" and "For the love of God and all that is holy, shut your piehole!" but the professor was encapsulated in her own self-importance just droning on and on while everybody in the class murmured/yelled obscenties about the class and how this is a total waste of time. Plus the only assignments for the course are to use Powerpoint, build a web site and write a 3 page paper on how we're going to use technology.


Its the UIUC ed minor that is keeping me from wanting to be a teacher with all this banal busywork that they feel needs to be done that holds no academic value in the slightest.

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If 'going at it' means 'going at it', why was there a 2nd opportunity? The company asked for it.


QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 06:12 PM)
My winner without a doubt has to be the idiots I caught going at it in the print room... who were stupid enough to get caught a second time.  :headshake  :banghead

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I worked at a radio station in southern illinois for 6 years and my boss couldn't have been a bigger idiot. Among the many stories i could tell...this one was one of the best.


Our morning guy tells our boss his brother is getting married and he's in the wedding so he needed a particular weekend off. Now this was 3 months in advance so the boss says "ok but remind me as it gets closer." My friend reminded my boss every week. and then every day the week of. (My friend asked for a saturday off) The thursday before my friend is called into the bosses office and told that he can't have the day off cause he doesn't have anyone to fill in for him." (We were evesdropping in the outer office cause we knew this was coming) my friend virtually exploded and said he was the best man and needed to be there. I walked in put something on the bosses desk he was waiting for, shot my friend a consoling look and as i was leaving i heard my boss ask (with a straight face) "Is there any chance your brother could postpone the wedding??

I tripped over my own feet leaving the office stunned he would say that much less think it. The natural reply was "What???????"

My bosses response was "If it would help i could call your brother and explain it to him."

My friend left before he killed him. I volenteered to work his shift since i figured i would end up doing it anyways. To this day i STILL can't believe my boss had said that.


I know he's old and prone to such things but that was really bad.



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QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 01:19 PM)
If you've ever had a spanish class here at the UIUC....that is the definition of busy work. If you've had it, you know what i'm talking about.


Take Sociology 380 -- the definition of busywork /running off to the library to print off 150+ pages of papers for a HOMEWORK GRADE. This class is singlehandedly making me think about dropping out -- and I can't drop it since it is mandatory.

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I used to work at a Kay-Bee toy store and my boss tried to make me return a couple of Frank Thomas starting line-up figures because they hadn't been on the shelves for 24 hours before I bought them (company policy).


The truth was he took them off the truck when they came in and hid them in the back room. I found them and bought them for myself.


He did this with a lot of the collectable figures (Star Wars, Spawn, etc.) so he couldn't do anything to me because he knew I would turn him in as well...

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