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like i couldnt guess what your opinion was...lol


as for me..i havent studied the issue enough to really be able to debate the issue intelligently..i will say this..seems like the timing of that, after it being signed into law , then when the full effect of that move on the business community was felt the market started to head into the crapper...dont know if the two are related or not..could be just a coincidence but it is kinda wierd

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like i couldnt guess what your opinion was...lol


as for me..i havent studied the issue enough to really be able to debate the issue intelligently..i will say this..seems like the timing of that, after it being signed into law , then when the full effect of that move on the business community was felt the market started to head into the crapper...dont know if the two are related  or not..could be just a coincidence but it is kinda wierd

NAFTA has had such a great effect on the American economy! 250,000 American jobs that we didn't need going to Mexico!


I love it when the US government gives corporations more ways to bust unions etc. and allows them to keep wages depressed in other regions.


NAFTA f***ing sucks ass. It's one of the main reasons I am in support of Kucinich because he has declared his first action will be repealing NAFTA. The US has lost a quarter million good jobs and the Mexican workers' wage has been depressed over 20% since the movement started.


Having to do a paper for my class about Che Guevara, I was reading up on when Bolivia privatized their water supply under the Banzer regime because of Bechtel. The price of water tripled per month and no people could afford basic water plumbing as they could before. They began demonstrating until the Banzer regime sent out snipers to protect Bechtel's interests. The snipers began firing on a peaceful crowd which sparked a riot. The riot ended up forcing Bechtel out and now they are going before the WTO saying that they want $200 million from the Bolivian government because they were forced out.

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Hey Apu,

What exactly are you talking about??? WTO? Sounds interesting...

The WTO is an organization of economists and others that came about because of the GATT treaty. It's an organization that watches business deals etc. and tries to settle grievances that countries have about trade. But they are really almost in the pocket of giant multinational corporations for the most part.


If you remember the protests in Seattle in 1999, they were protesting at the WTO summit.

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The WTO is an organization of economists and others that came about because of the GATT treaty. It's an organization that watches business deals etc. and tries to settle grievances that countries have about trade. But they are really almost in the pocket of giant multinational corporations for the most part.


Way to let him decide Apu...you just influenced the poor kids opinion by putting in that part about the WTO being in the pockets of multinational corps. C'mon, I wouldn't have thought a liberal that criticizes fox would act hypocritical...boy was I wrong. Pretty soon WSC is going to start posting socialist stuff, all because you gave him your opinion as a fact

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Way to let him decide Apu...you just influenced the poor kids opinion by putting in that part about the WTO being in the pockets of multinational corps.  C'mon, I wouldn't have thought a liberal that criticizes fox would act hypocritical...boy was I wrong.  Pretty soon WSC is going to start posting socialist stuff, all because you gave him your opinion as a fact

I gave him my opinion. I doubt he is that stupid that he can't tell opinion from fact.

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Nafta???? All i have is a few works for that s***..................................It the reason why IHAD TO SWITCH CAREERS BECAUSE OF THOSE MOTHERf***ERS!!!!!!!!


Think i always dreamed of being a truck driver when i was a tool and die maker for 8 years making 20.00 an hour? Please dont get me started on this subject.

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