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What if Loaiza and Stewart r the real deal?

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Think about it guys. These guys have been pitching lights out for the last 5 or 6 weeks now. What if it's for real? What if these 2 maintain this type of pitching all year long? What if Loazia faced with the prospect of being pretty much kicked outta baseball finally figures out how to pitch consistently? What if Josh Stewart really does turn out to be the 2nd coming of Mark Buehrle? I ask this cause what happens when Dan Wright is ready? Do u just bump one of these guys? Do u move a Stewart to the bullpen maybe? I guess it's a good problem to have. Let me know what u guys think.......

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I say if Loazia and Stewart are pitching awesome, then leave them in the rotation and bring Wright along a bit slower using him out of the pen.



If Loaiza can be like Eldred in 2000 and Stewart like MB in 2001, I could realistically see us going deep into the 2003 Playoffs. That's a BIG "if" though.

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I agree that the Tigers aren't anybody to get excited about....What i'm saying is that these guys been pitchin well for bout 6 weeks now.  I know u remember Stewart shuttin down the world champion Angels in one of his spring starts. Will see though....

Ok as long were keeping everything with in the realm of reality...... were o-k then

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Stick with who is doing the job. Wright wasn't exactly pitching like the next Walter Johnson before his injury so if you have 5 guys doing the job send him to the pen until one of them stumbles. However like earlier posters said it was only one good game for both of them and only against the Tigers and in cold weather which always seems to favor pitching. Either way time will tell.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
If they're for real, then we have one hell of a rotation.

thats what im thinking.. but as someone else said.. it was only against the tigers.....and its early in the season .. not to get too excited just yet............

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Pitching in this weather really works to the pitchers advantage rather than when it gets warmer. It looks good, but I can't make a judgment til the weather gets a little warmer and the bats they face do too.

didnt help madux,glavine,johnson in there games.

Weren't they pitching in warmer weather? Like Atlanta? Big difference from Turner Field to Comiskey.

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too many pitchers.....oh such a great problem to have......... :D :D :D

You know what I was thinking, hsc...


If your boy Olivio was the "real deal," he could pitch AND catch at the same time!!! That's right!!! Olivio catching for himself and pitching to himself.


Then we could call it the Olivio Light Show!!! :lol:

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Well I think it looked like our AA team had better pitching than the Tigers, they also got more runs off our staff than the Tigers did...


Hmm I wonder for the Southern League: WS Detroit vs Birmingham?

Last year's team vs the Tigers team this year, right?


We woulda killed them....and our AAA team would kill the Tigers this year too.


The Tigers have like 2 mediocre players....and 1 good player....otherwise, everyone else on their team sucks ass. Pena will be a good hitter some day....and Young and Palmer are decent players....but otherwise....everyone else is terrible. They have decent pitching....but it is young and raw.


They might lose 110-120 games. Not a great first season for Alan Trammel and crew.

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Mark my words,  Dombrowski, Trammel and Gibson will turn that franchise around.

It is going to be a long time coming if it ever happens. They have a lot of really bad contracts to recover from, the farm system has been robbed blind, and the attitude of the organization is just terrible as I understand it. Plus they have alienated most of the fans up there and attendance is terrible. Even if they can find the talent enough to start to win, I don' think that they can rebuild a fan base quickly enough to keep those players.

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