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For anyone that has had braces (ever)...

Queen Prawn

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When a tooth (teeth) that were way out of sorts pre-braces finally lined up and were relatively straight, did you feel so happy that you had tears (or near tears)?


I had a tooth that had grown in behind my front tooth due to space restriction. Well, the doc has been using rubber bands to pull it to position (and a coil to create more room in the gap that was there). Yesterday, the wire was able to fit to help it line up even better. Over night it pretty much got it into postion and feels like it is fairly well lined up with the rest of the teeth.


I almost teared up last night when we were driving home from my Brian's cousin's kid's birthday party. I ran my tongue against the back of my teeth and the tooth was were it was supposed to be and felt line up correctly.


Weird, I know. But, has anyone else experienced this?

Edited by Queen Prawn
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I only had mine for about a year, and it was only for cosmetic reasons. They did suck though. I have video of me during a time when one of the "brackets" (or whatever they are called) on one of my molars fell off. So in this video you see me just messing with it with my tongue the whole time. I was an annoying person to begin with, and this just exagerrated the annoyance that was the 13 year old me.


On a slightly side note, I'm now 34 and my braces came off when I was 14. Ya know what though? I STILL HAVE THE BOTTOM RETAININER GLUED ONTO MY TEETH!!!

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 02:32 PM)
I only had mine for about a year, and it was only for cosmetic reasons. They did suck though. I have video of me during a time when one of the "brackets" (or whatever they are called) on one of my molars fell off. So in this video you see me just messing with it with my tongue the whole time. I was an annoying person to begin with, and this just exagerrated the annoyance that was the 13 year old me.


On a slightly side note, I'm now 34 and my braces came off when I was 14. Ya know what though? I STILL HAVE THE BOTTOM RETAININER GLUED ONTO MY TEETH!!!

lol i was going to say that I have mine on and I am nearly 22 and I got braces when I was about 12 but I guess someone has had theirs much longer than me

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 11:58 AM)
When a tooth (teeth) that were way out of sorts pre-braces finally lined up and were relatively straight, did you feel so happy that you had tears (or near tears)?

I had orthodonic work from fourth grade until eigth..I think. I wasn't close to tears when I finally got my braces off..I was more happy that I wouldnt have to see the orthodontist anymore, atleast not as much for a while. I hated the orthodontist sooo much.

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I am 23 and had to buy braces myself about last year because my parents were too poor to afford them. :angry:

My teeth were really bad. I mean like terrible, overbite and all.

Now the overbite is alot better. They still have a long way to go. They used a spring to make room for the last tooth that has to come up. I must admit it's a good feeling knowing all of that money i've spent is finally starting to pay off.

It's also nice to know that i'm not the only person over 21 that still has braces... ;)

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On a slightly side note, I'm now 34 and my braces came off when I was 14. Ya know what though? I STILL HAVE THE BOTTOM RETAININER GLUED ONTO MY TEETH!!!


I still have my lower retainer and yesterday the pad or the glue came off, so I had to get that fixed. I really hate the lower one.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 06:32 PM)
I am 23 and had to buy braces myself about last year because my parents were too poor to afford them. :angry:

My teeth were really bad. I mean like terrible, overbite and all.

Now the overbite is alot better. They still have a long way to go. They used a spring to make room for the last tooth that has to come up. I must admit it's a good feeling knowing all of that money i've spent is finally starting to pay off.

It's also nice to know that i'm not the only person over 21 that still has braces... ;)


Ditto on the reason I had to wait until 27 for them. I have to have two teeth on the bottom pulled and jaw surgery was suggested, but due to cash, I will have to pass on it. The jaw surgery was to bring the lower jaw forward a bit. My brother needs the same thing, but his is worse so I don't think his is optional.

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First i had to wear an expander for an entire summer. Having your parents have to turn a screw on the roof of your mouth everyday + having a terribly lisp for and entire summer, talk about fun.

Then had to have 4 teeth pulled.

Then finally got the pleasure of getting braces, wore them for 2 years. Had to have a fake tooth put in because i guess one of mine never grew in.


After all that, I'd still say braces are worth it.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jan 30, 2005 -> 07:13 PM)
Ditto on the reason I had to wait until 27 for them.  I have to have two teeth on the bottom pulled and jaw surgery was suggested, but due to cash, I will have to pass on it.  The jaw surgery was to bring the lower jaw forward a bit.  My brother needs the same thing, but his is worse so I don't think his is optional.


I'm lucky I guess because so far jaw surgury hasn't been suggested. I did have to wear headgear at night for awhile and that was certainly no fun :angry:

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