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  1. 1. Which computer format do you PREFER?

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 12:16 PM)
Depends on what I'm using it for.  Work = Linux, Home = Windows, Multimedia = Mac.


THe problem I have with the Mac is that it's hard to find a cheap one. Through places like Dell and Gateway, you can get a nice system for around $1000. To get a nice system, you have to spend at least $1500-2000 unless you go witht he eMac.


When I get married in August I want to buy us a nice computer for wherever we live (my laptop is slowly dying). I am thinking of converting over to Mac, but cant find one for around $1000.

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QUOTE(Goldmember @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 04:02 PM)
used to like macs for multimedia use until one pretty much literally ate my zip disk with all my graphics homework for the semester. have hated them since...lol


Well.... there's a life lesson about having your work backed up now, isn't there? :bringit

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 02:24 PM)
Mac Mini - 499 dollars new.

the problem is I dont have a monitor. So, that's $100. And since I have never owned a Mac i need the keyboard and mouse. That's another $100. I would want to upgrade the memory and the drive to a CD/DVD burner. Over all, it would top out at around $1000. Not to mention that I would only have one USB port available, so I would have to buy a USB hub for all my USB stuff. The price addes up very quickly.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 02:52 PM)
:headbang  :headbang


We're going to get some minis and hook them up with iSight firewire camera systems and wire the campus of the oceanographic institution I work for with them for webcam type applications.


That is really sweet! I assume you guys already researched looking into some sort of a video server that you could conect all the cameras up to then send those out?

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 09:10 PM)
That is really sweet! I assume you guys already researched looking into some sort of a video server that you could conect all the cameras up to then send those out?


Yeah, I guess the individual feeds will come in from Broadcaster and then go through the Darwin Streaming Server software for delivery. I'm more the 'visionary' and I'll let the webhead figure it out. But in my little marine science media group we are all hardcore Macheads and wouldn't touch the cheap iron if you paid us. :D

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QUOTE(winodj @ Feb 1, 2005 -> 08:29 AM)
That bad boy does hook up to HDTV dont it?


You have a couple of different 3rd party solutions now, although Apple is kind of caught with their pants down and they wanted all the media center doodads to be their products.


Firstly, with teh DVI monitor connection, there is an easy way to hook the mini (or any G5 mac) into maybe half of the HDTVs right ouit of the box. For the rest, there are converters that can be found.



Really, though, the mini is just going to be the CPU and the hard drive of a TiVo-type setup. You still need a DTV tuner and there are two firewire-based solutions I've seen out there that are built to play nice with G5s. These are Elegato's Eye TV 500...



and the ComCast/Motorolla DVR...



If anybody wants to send me any of this hardware, I'll be glad to give it a test drive and write up a review. :D

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Feb 1, 2005 -> 01:28 AM)
Mac Mini = The end of Tivo.  Think Ipod for your TV.


That's an interesting point. But I am not sure how logistical it is. you would need to download from a DVR via Firewire or USB. Then you would need some sort of a monitor no matter where you go.


Apple is better off finding a way to use the Mini as a spring board to their own version of Portable Media Centers. Apple should develop its own version of a DVR and then allow its content to be downlaoded to an iPod for video (iVideo maybe?). THat would be really sweet. Especially if they could keep the price around the same price as the iPod. It nothing else, they should seek a deal with Tivo to allow its content to be downloaded to the iVideo

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They've talked about bringing out a V-Pod in the near future. I think that the Mini will soon have ripping video software - IF apple thinks its a good idea. Right now the idea is to use the computer to gain a better fingerhold on what little market share they have left in the PC market.


Not by marketing it so much as a different kinda PC but more as a digital hub - great for your movies, your music, your digital pictures, your websurfing - since their software and operating system is superior to Windows XP for these needs.

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This is an interesting article about the iPod price point and comparing it to the razor or inkjet printer where all the money is made on the replaceable parts. iPods make loads of money on unit sales and sales of songs both.


The Mac Mini stuff further down leads me to believe that the sheer computing power of the Mini over other DVR offerings makes it logical for Apple to eventually offer some kind of video content-delivery system. I figure it's not a large logical leap to even imagine Apple including capture cards with the systems.

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