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Girls and the Superbowl

Controlled Chaos

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Why is it that a girl who can give two s***s about football all dam year wants to be around you when you go to a superbowl party. I don't have that problem with my wife.....she just says "I don't like football so why would I want to go watch the superbowl" But she is the first girl I have ever come across, in my life that said that....and none of my friends wives/girlfriends will let them go without them, so it doesn't matter much anyway. It's like some women just dont want you to have fun without them. Even if it's doing something fun they dont like.


My one friends wife always whines to him whenever we have like all the guys going to a baseball or football game or even just out and I don't know if it's him being naive or just stupid, but he's always like...well she likes football or she likes baseball now. Im like no dude she doesn't...has she ever said me and the girls are goin to the game?? or sat their and watched football or baseball when you weren't home?? NO...she'd rather do things with her friends that she likes to do or watch stuff on tv that she likes to watch. She doesn't like sports at all...she just doesn't like you having fun without her being there.


I had a huge argument with an ex about this like 7 years ago. I told her I was goin to my friends superbowl party and she was like "what about me??" I said "what about you...you don't watch football" and she got all mad at me. I'm like "these are guys I play fantasy football with...we are gonna be talking football, yelling, gettin rowdy...what the hell would you want to come for?" She goes "will other girls be there??" I'm like "I dont know...Im sure some guys will have to bring their girlfriends, but I dont care...I'm there to be with my friends..."


Well she was mad at me that whole day....and she went to a superbowl party with her brother instead....and everyone there was a couple...which didn't bode well for my case. Then when I talked to her at night and said yeah there were some girls there...she freaked out. Blah Blah Blah Blah other guys brought their girlfriends...Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.....I'm like yeah cause they are either pussy whipped or the girls LIKE football....neither applies to ME!! Needless to say...we broke up with her a couple weeks later. :)


But why ladies...(the ones that don't like football) do you have a problem with your hubby/boyfriend goin to a superbowl party without you? The whole reason for the party itself is to WATCH football. Insecurity??


Thanks all...had to vent since when I asked two of my buddies about superbowl...both said "yeah she wants to be with me that day" like it's their anniversary or something... :whip :whip



P.S. If you actually like football...this doesn't apply. I know most of the ladies on this site like sports so it probably doesn't apply, but maybe you got friends you know of that are like this...........WHY?????

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Members of both genders need there own time. A couple shouldn't have to do EVERYTHING together. Then again, if a couple can share each other's interests and do things together, in most cases, that's a good thing too.


Each couple has to find their own balance on this issue. To be honest, you have no business judging anyone else because they choose their significant other. Maybe they have something very good and would tell you, "If this is pussy whipped, so be it."

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We have a SB party every year... the whole 9 yards.. Jim sure as hell doesn't organize it :lol: .. and after the poker game.. and some sandwiches.. and the Star Spangled Baner.. STHU, sit down, and watch the damn game is my opinion. Never fails though.. each and every year one of our friends will bring the latest dish who doesn't know crap about the game and I'll be expected to entertain them... :headshake


Usually if chicks who don't like it come over we usually get a change poker game going... in the site line of the tv for me of course. For the most part they know that it's the "man's day" and to leave him alone. I have only had one incident where the female whined.. they left early. It wasn't pretty. :ph34r: If I didn't want to watch it I'd go shopping or see a movie or something I guess. If I didn't like it I sure wouldn't want to be sitting there listening to all the screaming about it.

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My wife is just like you, Steff. She digs football. I like having her there.


The group that throws the SB party is a group of my friends that, for the most part, aren't married. The "ring leader" is one of these guys that likes to plan "all guys" outings. I had to tell my wife that it was guys only. Well, you guessed it, there would always be girls there. So, I started bringing her to everything, including poker nights. They didn't like it, but got the point really quickly.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 11:50 AM)
My wife is just like you, Steff. She digs football. I like having her there.


The group that throws the SB party is a group of my friends that, for the most part, aren't married. The "ring leader" is one of these guys that likes to plan "all guys" outings. I had to tell my wife that it was guys only. Well, you guessed it, there would always be girls there. So, I started bringing her to everything, including poker nights. They didn't like it, but got the point really quickly.



One of Jim's friends planned the first 1 and there was stale chips, nasty pizza, and warm beer. We had a poker night a few weeks later at our house and waalaa... Steff the party planner was born. None of this order pizzas BS.. I get Portillo's catered or Subway sammiches so there are like 8 varities. Make nacho or taco dip. Veggie tray, chips & salsa and usually a salad for the healthy guys. Sometimes I make gravy and have some pasta or Italian sausage. And of course plenty of beer and PLENTY of ice to keep the beer cold. Then, once that's all done... move the hell out of the way :lol:

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 12:56 PM)
One of Jim's friends planned the first 1 and there was stale chips, nasty pizza, and warm beer. We had a poker night a few weeks later at our house and waalaa... Steff the party planner was born. None of this order pizzas BS.. I get Portillo's catered or Subway sammiches so there are like 8 varities. Make nacho or taco dip. Veggie tray, chips & salsa and usually a salad for the healthy guys. Sometimes I make gravy and have some pasta or Italian sausage. And of course plenty of beer and PLENTY of ice to keep the beer cold. Then, once that's all done... move the hell out of the way  :lol:

The guy that does our's does a pretty damn fine job. No where near as good as my summer party, but hey, it's indoors.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 11:56 AM)
One of Jim's friends planned the first 1 and there was stale chips, nasty pizza, and warm beer. We had a poker night a few weeks later at our house and waalaa... Steff the party planner was born. None of this order pizzas BS.. I get Portillo's catered or Subway sammiches so there are like 8 varities. Make nacho or taco dip. Veggie tray, chips & salsa and usually a salad for the healthy guys. Sometimes I make gravy and have some pasta or Italian sausage. And of course plenty of beer and PLENTY of ice to keep the beer cold. Then, once that's all done... move the hell out of the way  :lol:


holy s***...you called it gravy!! :o

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QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 11:58 AM)
The guy that does our's does a pretty damn fine job. No where near as good as my summer party, but hey, it's indoors.



I love our summer party also. The pool is open, the horseshoes are being tossed, the kids play in this huge blow up castle I bought at Costco, the older boys usually are playing pool or virtual golf in the basement... everyone is eating, drinking, and having a good time. I wish it was warmer out for SB. But we do have a hot tub on the deck if anyone wants to venture outside. :lol:

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 01:01 PM)
I love our summer party also. The pool is open, the horseshoes are being tossed, the kids play in this huge blow up castle I bought at Costco, the older boys usually are playing pool or virtual golf in the basement... everyone is eating, drinking, and having a good time. I wish it was warmer out for SB. But we do have a hot tub on the deck if anyone wants to venture outside.  :lol:

I don't have the pool...yet, but we have most everything else you mentioned. I have a playset instead of the pool. We play volleyball, corn hole, horseshoes, whiffle ball. Then, when it gets dark we go in the garage for a band and karaoke!

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QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 11:50 AM)
My wife is just like you, Steff. She digs football. I like having her there.



You can put me in that catagory as well. We've gone to a couple SB parties and I ended up getting more into the game than Brian lol.

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I guess my situation might be a little different because I have kids.


My wife comes along with me to Soxfest and Sox games because she doesn't want to be stuck at home with 3 kids while I'm out having fun. She doesn't drive so she would literally be "stuck".


I have an occasional "guys night out" and she'll have an occasional "girls night out" though.


Her best friend is supposed to be planning a SB party but I think it's just an excuse to have a party. I doubt either one of them will watch much of the game...

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If I ever get married, I gotta either have a wife that loves sports, or understands that I love sports. Otherwise the marriage could become chaos. I'd be more than happy to let her do whatever she wanted aslong as I got to also. Who knows, I still have some years ahead of me to get married though.

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It's not just women that are annoying about the Super Bowl, it's everyone who doesn't know or give a s*** about sports (nothing wrong with that) and then turn around and become head cheerleader.


I guess the Super Bowl has been marketed so much that it's become like New Year's Eve or the Fourth of July. Everyone pays attention, and the giddiest people (not usually sports fans) get all excited.

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The Super Bowl is much more than a football game. If only the diehard football fans watched, they wouldn't have 1/3 of the audience they get.


The Super Bowl is a party. You don't have to be a football fan to want to go and socialize. Hell, half the time the game itself sucks and the commercials and the pre-game food and drink are the highlights.


I say let the women come. The more the merrier! It's a hell of a lot better than staring at a room full of ugly assed guys. :)

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QUOTE(Man Of Steel @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 01:22 PM)
Get this s***


I have a friend who doesnt know ANYTHING about sports at ALL and she is going to the super bowl with one of her friends JUST for parties..


Its the biggest waste of SB tickets ever, and it pisses me off



We secured tickets for next year in Detroit and I am already excited about it. I could not imagine going if I didn't like it.

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We're having a super bowl party. I do like football, but really don't care a lot about the teams this year (except for my inordinate dislike of New England teams)--but if the football sucks there's always the commercials to enjoy...

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QUOTE(farmteam @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 04:30 PM)
When you say gravy...do you mean the stuff you put on mashed potatoes?  Because I call that gravy...I have no idea what else you would call it.




Many Italians call pasta sauce gravy.

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