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Cubs Sign Burnitz

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I actually had to walk a Cub fan off the ledge at work today.

( NO, not LITERALLY.... :D )

Told him that a year of Burnitz IS going to be better than a year of Sosa.

Bernitz HAS to be a better fielder than Sosa, he just HAS to, there's NO WAY he's as bad or worse. Burnitz won't play Chase The Triple around the right field corner like Corky did VERY regularly.

Burnitz has decent numbers as Wrigley.

Burnitz is not a clubhouse cancer, self-centered, ego and steroid-riddled, gloryhound like the Shrinking Gladiator.

Burnitz will put up very similar numbers to SamMEEEE's, without the daily drama show.


Picking up Spiccoli was not a bad move - letting it get to the point where he was the best remaining option WAS.

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Cub fans have to be the dumbest creatures ever. I was listening to the score on my way home from work, and there were Cub fans actually callin in trying to spin the Burnitz signing into a positive by stating that he put up better numbers than Sosa in 04. HELLO MORONS! HE PLAYED HALF HIS GAMES AT STATS INFLATED COORS FIELD. Burnitz is a HORRIBLE signing, especially at 5 million. I guess Hendry isn't perfect afterall.

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De Luca, a baseball moron, actually thought this was a good trade. He also feels that the Sox did not improve. Imagine the lovesfest if they had signed Dye, give me a f***ing break.


Take the upside of these players;


Hariston has NEVER scored or driven in more than 65 runs.

Burnitz was offered one other deal, by the Pirates for god's sake.


Sosa has hit over .300, hit over 60 Hr a few times and can drive in >120 runs, is he going to do it, probably not but for the same price as the other two it is worth the risk in acontract year.


The Kool-Aid is flowing like never before. The Sun-Times is a complete joke on this matter.

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Feb 2, 2005 -> 05:56 PM)
Am I the only one that thinks this isn't a bad move?  Someone had to replace the strikeout production of Sammy Sosa and I believe the Cubs found their man.

its a horrible move, burnitz strikes out even more

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