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I fu**in hate the police


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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 08:43 AM)
I had it much, much worse when I was a yout.


I was leaving a party, heading home when I walked across the street to my car carrying a cooler, still fairly full.  A police officer was driving the side street (complaints of noise from the party) and saw me. 


He made me pour every beer in my cooler out into the sewer drain right in front of him.  Then told me to go home and if he didn't see my car in my driveway within 15 minutes, he would knock on the door ans wake my parents. 


Needless to say, I got over the pain of having to watch beer go to waste and I went straight home not wanting anything to do with an officer waking my parents at 1 am.


Oh I can top that.


Drinking at campground in Indiana beach. We were very orderly for being 17&18 yr old kids. We made friends right away with the old couple parked next to us. Then a cop drove by and saw one of the girls with a beer in her hand. Apparently they were investigating some unruly kids down the block from us and once they spotted her with a beer they stopped by us. The old couple immediately came to our defense saying we weren't causing any trouble and to leave us alone. Cops didn't care. They made us take down all our stuff...We had 2 tents up and a big tarp over the picnic table. We had to pack everything in the cars. My one friend screamed "this is such bulls***" and they handcuffed him and put him in the squad. After we packed everything up they made us dump out our whopping 2 cases of beer between the 8 of us. Then they handcuffed all of us and brought us to police station, leaving the cars at the campground. When this happened I couldn't believe it. I just kept saying "You're not suppose to do this...you're just suppose to take our beer" "Why are you arresting us" "they just take the beer away in Chicago" the cop was like...this ain't chicago son, you're going to jail. The girls started crying and they ended up letting them go....but us 5 guys all got taken to the station. 3 of my friends were 18 so they actually got arrested and put in jail. Me and my other friend were 17 so they had to call my parents. CALL MY PARENTS AT 11:30 AND TELL THEM TO COME PICK ME UP AT POLICE STATION IN INDIf***INGANA. I won't go into details on how that ride home went...but I'm sure you can visualize.


Till this day I'm still kinda pissed the cops did that. We weren't causing trouble. We didn't have hard liquor. Didn't have drugs. Didn't even have a lot of beer. Nobody was driving. They easily could have just taken our beer and slapped us on the wrist. We were basically a good group of kids just hanging out. I know underage drinking is against the law, but it's basically because kids are irresponsible. I just think the cops could have used some judgemet here. It amounted to a speeding ticket for going 5 miles over. Yes it's against the law....but gimmie a fricken break.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 09:18 AM)

If he had really been making any progress with this chick, getting kicked out of the bar would seem like a good excuse to have to head over to his or her place. Seems like the cops almost did him a favor.....unless of course his 'game' is not as tight as he might have hoped.


:lolhitting :lolhitting

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 09:18 AM)

If he had really been making any progress with this chick, getting kicked out of the bar would seem like a good excuse to have to head over to his or her place.





I bet he tried just that and got shot down.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 09:12 AM)
IMO you got what you deserve. To be honest I didn't have my first drink until after my 21st birthday and I'm better off for it. My dad died at 51. He was an alcoholic and had liver failure, not to mention tons of other problems. Take this as a warning, put down the booze, and get a hobby.


I can sort of relate - my dad was an alcoholic until about 7 yrs ago. He has fallen off the wagon once or twice (but not much more than that). My dad still deals with the guilt of not being there for us when we were growing up. I guess having your 21 yr old daughter (how old I was when he almost died) have to take you back and forth from hospital to doctor to hospital finally got through to him. His cousin went through the same thing at the same time. He didn't put the bottle down and died 2-3 months later.


I have a drink every now and then (as in a glass of wine about once a month or so), but when I get the urge to drink more than I should I have to fight it off and it sucks, but you learn to live with it.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 09:37 AM)
That explains it then.  he couldn't admit being shot down, so he had to blame the cops.  :lolhitting



Social ineptitude is the fault of the overzelous, fascist police stormtroopers who dared to enforce the underage drinking laws on a Wednesday. DAMMIT!! When's the protest scheduled!!! NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 10:30 AM)
Oh I can top that.


Drinking at campground in Indiana beach.  We were very orderly for being 17&18 yr old kids.  We made friends right away with the old couple parked next to us.  Then a cop drove by and saw one of the girls with a beer in her hand.  Apparently they were investigating some unruly kids down the block from us and once they spotted her with a beer they stopped by us.  The old couple immediately came to our defense saying we weren't causing any trouble and to leave us alone.  Cops didn't care.  They made us take down all our stuff...We had 2 tents up and a big tarp over the picnic table.  We had to pack everything in the cars.  My one friend screamed "this is such bulls***" and they handcuffed him and put him in the squad.  After we packed everything up they made us dump out our whopping 2 cases of beer between the 8 of us.  Then they handcuffed all of us and brought us to police station, leaving the cars at the campground.  When this happened I couldn't believe it.  I just kept saying "You're not suppose to do this...you're just suppose to take our beer"  "Why are you arresting us"  "they just take the beer away in Chicago"  the cop was like...this ain't chicago son, you're going to jail.  The girls started crying and they ended up letting them go....but us 5 guys all got taken to the station.  3 of my friends were 18 so they actually got arrested and put in jail.  Me and my other friend were 17 so they had to call my parents.  CALL MY PARENTS AT 11:30 AND TELL THEM TO COME PICK ME UP AT POLICE STATION IN INDIf***INGANA.  I won't go into details on how that ride home went...but I'm sure you can visualize. 


Till this day I'm still kinda pissed the cops did that.  We weren't causing trouble.  We didn't have hard liquor.  Didn't have drugs.  Didn't even have a lot of beer.  Nobody was driving.  They easily could have just taken our beer and slapped us on the wrist.  We were basically a good group of kids just hanging out.  I know underage drinking is against the law, but it's basically because kids are irresponsible.  I just think the cops could have used some judgemet here.  It amounted to a speeding ticket for going 5 miles over.  Yes it's against the law....but gimmie a fricken break.

Most of Indiana is not like that, but I believe your story because I have heard a lot of the same about Indiana Beach and White County in general.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 09:18 AM)

If he had really been making any progress with this chick, getting kicked out of the bar would seem like a good excuse to have to head over to his or her place. Seems like the cops almost did him a favor.....unless of course his 'game' is not as tight as he might have hoped.




LMAO LMB.. Hysterical!! :lolhitting

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How did they know you were underage?


Did they just come in and start checkin ID's for everyone or do you just look underaged..


I look like im 23 so no one really bothers me, but when we hit up the club and they put those stupid X's on your hands I just rub that s*** off and get my drink on..


I always hated when my ex Girlfriend said she hated cops when she would see them driving.. I would just be like "well if you stop speeding you have nothing to worry about, it makes no sense to say "I hate cops" because YOU get pulled over for speeding"

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QUOTE(Man Of Steel @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 10:58 AM)
When I was seventeen,

I drank a very good beer,

I drank a very good beer I purchased with a fake ID,

My name was Brian McGee,

I stayed up listening to Queen,

When I was seventeen.

Very nice. I can't believe I forgot that. :lolhitting

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QUOTE(shagar69 @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 01:11 AM)
i was at a bar tonite, talkin to this chick, and the f***in cops have to show up. they caught like 6 people underage drinking, pretty much forcing anybody who wasnt 21 to leave.  WTF is that. I mean cmon, its a wed. night. Leave us the f*** alone. f*** THA POLICE!

You should be thankful you didn't get a ticket. :headshake

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QUOTE(3E8 @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 11:25 AM)
It's kind of like hating the tax collector for doing their job.  I guess we hate the laws, not the enforcers.


I was thinking about making a smartass comment about how it's not the cops' fault that sex with chickens is illegal and they're just doing theuir job, but maybe I had better not...


I mean, the less attention we draw to it the better our chances of quietly getting that completely archaic and repressive law off the books, right?


Er, I mean... Chickens? What chickens?? :D

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Which bar did you go to? Because if its Joe's, CO's or Kam's, it's pretty much a guarantee that the police will be there all the time. Plus handing out drinking tickets is a huge source of revenue for Chambana.


When I was underage we'd hit up bars off campus where police never came, IDs were never checked and I got to get my drink on in a nice environment with no worries since it was assumed that nobody would take a 20 minute walk off campus. But now that I'm of age, I can't even stomach going into COs, Kams or Joes unless on a bar crawl with a bunch of people worth talking to.

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Back in the caveman days when I was there, Kam's had a supersecret Batcave basement that dorms used to rent out for underage drunkfests. I went to exactly one of those as a freshman and realized that paying $5 to drink stale beer and stand in line to get into the bathroom to wade though and/or contribute to a small sea of vomit was not my thing.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 01:45 PM)
Back in the caveman days when I was there, Kam's had a supersecret Batcave basement that dorms used to rent out for underage drunkfests.  I went to exactly one of those as a freshman and realized that paying $5 to drink stale beer and stand in line to get into the bathroom to wade though and/or contribute to a  small sea of vomit was not my thing.


Thanks for that touching memory, Flaxx. :lol: I just have to wonder how the Hell Kam's is still in business if it sucks so goddamn bad.

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Am I the only one who visited this thread thinking "another Rodney King incident?"


To the author of the thread, you can not consume alcoholic beverages until your 21st birthday. If you do not like the law then lobby lawmakers to change it. But keep in mind you will face a very uphill battle as MADD & other groups will lobby hard against you. I realize you might be too self-absorbed in your own desires to bother to consider the big picture but the fact is the police are there to stop underage drinking primarily because underage drinkers have a right to drive as early as age 15.


And if you don't think underage drinkers are involved in DUI related incidents, injuries, & deaths guess again.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Feb 3, 2005 -> 01:47 PM)
Thanks for that touching memory, Flaxx.  :lol:  I just have to wonder how the Hell Kam's is still in business if it sucks so goddamn bad.



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