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Funny childhood stories..


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This isn't mine, but from another board I visit. It was too funny so I wanted to share.



"As many of you guys know I was raised with tons of cousins and the only girl in the bunch. Needless to say I was a tomboy. In order to keep them from beating the crap out of me, I often played pranks on them, so they would think I was tough. Once, I told one of my cousins if he tied a kite to his arms and jumped off the side of the house that he could fly. I and the rest of my cousins knew this wouldn't work. We knew the distant he would fall wasn't going to hurt him, so my cousins convinced him to jump as well. So, my cousin climbed to the little deck to jump with the kite attached to his arms. He jumped and fell like a rock. He jumped up and started calling us liars and he was going to tell on us. I blinked and quickly said the problem was you didn't flap your arms. It is your fault it didn't work. I never thought in a million years he would jump again. But, he did, flapping his arms wildly. Still he fell like a rock. Me and all my cousing got a spanking. Our mothers scoulded and told us we knew better. Later when outside playing I heard them around the kitchen table. I heard them giggling about the whole incident. At family reunions it is still the number one story. But, my cousin who jumped who is now 35 still gets this glazed over look in his eyes and his face turns run when everyone talks about it. He still tries to make me feel bad about it, then he eventually starts to laugh. I have many memories of my childhood that standout and make me smile. Even if I did get my rearend spanked for it. "

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Another one.. those of you with children might get a kick out of this..



"This is a true story, not about my childhood but my son's...I hope he doesn't remember this.


When my son was about two, he was very interested in what happened in his diaper. We had started potty training so it was normal to discuss bathroom habits. He would ask if he had 'poopy? pee-pee? diahrrea? a rash?' just to get an idea of the whole bathroom process. He would ask everytime you changed his diaper, what was in it or he'd tell you what was in it. One morning his diaper was soaked, so soaked that the diaper itself exploded and there were these little, tiny, gel balls on his bum. When he asked what was in there, I told him 'ALOT of pee-pee and these little gel balls from the diaper.'


His sitter was a wonderful grandmom-type woman from Germany. Both my son and I loved this woman. When I went to pick up my son, she was really, really angry. She asked in a thick German accent "What is going on at your home? What are you teaching your child?" I was shocked and clueless. She explained that she went to change Xavier's diaper and he asked the normal questions about his bathroom/diaper habits. But then he asked her 'Miss Irene, do I have tiny balls?' She thought he meant his testicles not the gel balls from the diaper. I laughed so hard I couldn't catch my breath and explain to her what he was talking about. When I finally did explain, she laughed too but still didn't think it was appropriate for a 'young man to ask about tiny balls in his diaper'."

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