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Pitching rotation


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QUOTE(Heather Lee @ Feb 10, 2005 -> 02:40 AM)
It's clearly obvious that Buehrle and Garcia will be our top two pitchers (barring anything major that happens in spring training) and that Garland will bring up the rear at the fifth spot.  But just what do you think of the positioning of Contreras and El Duque in our rotation?


I think it could go either way, but due to ElDuque's previous physical setback, I'd say Contreras would have the upper-hand for now.  It seems as though Contreras has turned it around since coming here.  He is a different pitcher since he was instructed not to "tip" pitches.  He seems very comfortable in his role.  Not to knock Duque...I just don't think he'll bring as much to the table as Contreras will this season.  This season, I have this premonition that Contreras will dazzle us.



Welcome Back Heather. Long time no see. Guess the Teaching Carrer is going well :)

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I can tell you where this pro-Contreras & pro-Herm, anti-Jon stuff is coming from.


Jon vs L: 262A .334O .439S .773 49WHBP

Jon vs R: 277A .329O .473S .801 31WHBP

Jon was hit pretty good by both last year.

217 IP

Herm vs L: 285A .354O .498S .852 28WHBP

Herm vs R: 242A .294O .358S .653 21WHBP

Herm was pretty strong vs RH. The ALC is predominantly RH.

131 IP


Contreras vs L: 251A .337O .415S .752 48WHBP

Contreras vs R: 254A .348O .481S .829 44WHBP

170 IP


If you ignore the WHBP & IP, ERA gives the nod to Herm & BA gives the nod to Contreras. But when you add WHBP & IP Contreras has the worst WHBP/IP ratio from both sides of the 3. It's not hard to keep the BA vs down to 254 if you are giving out free passes. I don't think most analysts are thinking that way.


If you project Herm to 217 IP his WHBP is close to Jon's for both sides.

Do the same for Contreras & he's over 50 on both side. :puke


Still no matter how you look at it Herm's 653 OPS vs RH looks pretty impressive amongst the 3. No worse than Garland in WHBP.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Feb 9, 2005 -> 10:41 PM)
IMO Garland should be the #4

The fact is that he has the more consistant track record. Proven year after year he can be decent in a full year at the Cell. Contreas hasn't proven anything.


IMO it doesn't matter where they start the season as long as they are in the rotation. I believe by year's end you will see Garland displace Contreras in the pecking order.



Editted to add: Welcome back Heather. Good to see you. :usa

Edited by YASNY
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Jugger, may i ask how fast you type per minute? What is it like 400 per minute or so?


You can tell by the typos it's pretty fast :D


I wasn't fair to Jon-Jon. I need to look at Herm's SP #'s only. We all know it's lot

tougher facing guys a 2nd or 3rd time in a night than just once ;)

Best I can get for now ...

Herm SP 04 4.59ERA 104IP, .271A 13HR 38FP 74(20)K - () vs 9th in order

JonG SP 04 4.89ERA 217IP, .269A 34HR 80FP 113(13)K - () vs 9th in order


ERA: AL vs NL. Adv Jon.

HR: 34 AL vs 26 NL. Even. Cell #1 HR park, SBC #22.

BA: AL vs NL. Adv Jon.

FP: AL vs NL. Adv Jon. (Free Passes : W + HBP)

K: 100 AL vs 108 NL. Adv Jon. Removed K's vs 9th to negate pitcher effect.


As a starter Jon has the advantage in every category vs Herm. The analysts don't know what they are talking about.

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W + HBP amongst Sox SP:

MarB 59 FP, 245IP

FreG 71 FP, 210IP

JonG 80 FP, 217IP

OrlH 41 FP, 84IP (102 FP, 209IP)

JosC 92 FP, 170IP (115 FP, 212IP)


It's going to be hard to limit Duque's PC if he's walking or beaning that many. That should give you a much better appreciation of Garland.


So how does Duque do it? K's.

K's amongst Sox SP:

OrlH 84K, 84IP

FreG 184K, 210IP

JosC 150K, 170IP

MarB 165K, 245IP

JonG 113K, 217IP


Combining the two : K-FP

FreG 113, 210IP

MarB 106, 245IP

OrlH 43 (107, 210IP)

JosC 48 (85, 202IP)

JonG 33, 217IP


That's why Garland is a #5. Freddy, Mark, & Duque are close to even.

But there is a wide separation between them & Contreras & even wider

between Contreras & Garland. Jon can not give out that many FP when

he has so few K's.

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