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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 02:37 AM)
Whoa.  I can see both sides of this issue and agree with certain points made from either perspective.  I'm not going to get into the back and forth discussion other than to ask .... If someone has an avatar or signature that is offensive to another, regarldless of why it is offensive, why not just eliminate the offensive item? 


If a poster finds near nudity offensive, that person can choose not to open that thread. No problem.  However, an offensive avatar will be found thoughout Soxtalk.  It really all comes down to common courtesy.  That's not a difficult concept to grasp, but one that seems to be forgotten all too often in this day and age.


Hey paleface, Me no like-em Black Hawks avatar. Me think-em you bad, bad paleface...


:P :)

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 12:42 AM)
I have never seen someone get so whiny about politics on a f***ing baseball message board.  :headshake






Oh.. there's a couple banned posters that PA couldn't hold a candle to in the b****ing and whining department.


One, IIRC, is directly responsible for the "no gay talk" rule...

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 08:14 AM)
Oh.. there's a couple banned posters that PA couldn't hold a candle to in the b****ing and whining department.


One, IIRC, is directly responsible for the "no gay talk" rule...


lol, see I know I'm right if Steff gets anywhere close to my opinion ;) :lolhitting

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Full disclosure, I've been recognized for my work with youth through both the Catholic and Methodist Churches. I consider myself Catholic.


Yes, a tiny percentage of Priests have been committed terrible acts against youth boys and girls. They have violated a trust and those acts ripple far beyond just the people involved. Further, the Church acted in a manner that was inconsistent with Church teachings and more in the interest of the institution that its members.


The same can be said for Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Camp Counselors, Scoutmasters, Police, and other people who were entrusted with children and took advantage of them. The Catholic Church has been the ones in the headlines and takes the brunt of the publics' outrage.


To be more outraged when this was a person who by their position in life should be more trustworthy is using faulty logic. To be more outraged that this was a religious leader, means one would be less outraged if this was a plumber or engineer or short order cook at McDonalds. We are all humans with human strengths and weaknesses. We should be equally outraged when an adult takes advantage of a child.


I saw the cartoon of Jesus and it pained me to see my Savior the brunt of this joke. Was I offended? Yes. I also know that my God is a strong God and this will not change that. I saw the dollar sign on a medal around this caricature's neck and it reminded me that not all religious leaders are in it for the right reasons. Some see it as easy money and prey on people who trust them. All people of faith should be alert for those unscrupulous individuals who seek to defraud believers because the bad person thinks we are easy marks. We should bring the same skepticism that we bring to car salesmen, attorneys, Doctors, and politicians with us to Church.


Of course this is all interwoven and interrelated. Con men, pedophiles, and crooks of all shapes and sizes, prey on trusting people. They look for victims. They find them where they find them. Overall you are safer in Church than a bar, ballpark, or walking down Milwaukee Avenue.

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last week the "no gay talk" rule stopped me from making a post. I mean I was just gonna make a joke, but after I thought about it I didn't do it. I actually had it written out and then canceled it... then wrote it again then canceled it...I was torn. I hated that feeling of not being able to post what I want...especially since I know that if it was a joke about Italians, Irish, Mexicans, Religion or whatever, I wouldn't have had a second thought about posting it.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 08:25 AM)
Even a broken clock is right twice a day PA..  :lol:



HAHAHAHAHAHA.... I really did laugh out loud on that one. :cheers




I don't care if Hall of Fame has a jesus Avatar. It offends me, but I'm not going to make a deal about it, likewise about the naked women, etc. I just don't understand the difference between a personal attack singling out one person and a sweeping attack a whole group of people. If I said I didn't like Sean Connery because he's a Scottish and he should die, that would be equally offensive if I said all Scotsmen should die.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 08:40 AM)
last week the "no gay talk" rule stopped me from making a post.  I mean I was just gonna make a joke, but after I thought about it I didn't do it.  I actually had it written out and then canceled it... then wrote it again then canceled it...I was torn.  I hated that feeling of not being able to post what I want...especially since I know that if it was a joke about Italians, Irish, Mexicans, Religion or whatever, I wouldn't have had a second thought about posting it.


I think we ... society as a whole ... is all together just to touchy about this stuff. In fact, I've been guilty of it too. I live in, and my family is from, Kentucky. Then I'd see people would get all bent out of shape if someone joked about gays, blacks or whatever, yet it was "ok" to degrade "hillbillies" with insinuations of ignorance, incest, backwardness ... and why? Because the majority of the posters at Soxtalk are "Damn Yankees" so to speak. That's one reason why I can relate to PA being upset. It's more of an issue of how "popular" a political correctness situation is as opposed to politcal correctness in general.

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Since we have moved towards what is and isn't allowed. Let me throw this log on the fire. In the discussion as to what is and isn't allowed, consideration is given to our current members *and* visitors who may drop by, read a few posts, and are deciding to stay and become regular contributors.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 08:53 AM)
Since we have moved towards what is and isn't allowed. Let me throw this log on the fire. In the discussion as to what is and isn't allowed, consideration is given to our current members *and* visitors who may drop by, read a few posts, and are deciding to stay and become regular contributors.



Call me dense, but what are you getting at here?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 08:53 AM)
Since we have moved towards what is and isn't allowed. Let me throw this log on the fire. In the discussion as to what is and isn't allowed, consideration is given to our current members *and* visitors who may drop by, read a few posts, and are deciding to stay and become regular contributors.




Where/when did it move there...? :huh

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 08:55 AM)
Call me dense, but what are you getting at here?


I read several posts regarding sexual abuse of children by Priests and believed, by the title, this was a Geo-Political Thread. Then I read a few more posts wondering why certain things like almost naked women and religous cartoons are allowed while calling someone gay instead of stupid is not allowed (the most common issue that comes up regarding gays).


Which discussion are we having?


And my comment regarding visitors was ahead of the "if no one here complains about something, why is it banned" comment that always seems to get tossed out here. The rules are made with both members and visitors in mind. The powers to be would like to see this community continue to grow. For that to happen, Sox fans of all stripes should be made to feel welcome. To be a closer community, we need to discuss more than just baseball or more than just sports.

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Seems to me that this discussion is about why some things that could be considered offensive are allowed and other things that are considered offensive are quickly and vehemently shot down. It seems levels of political correctness is directly purportional to the perspective of the membership.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 08:48 AM)
I live in, and my family is from, Kentucky.  Then I'd see people would get all bent out of shape if someone joked about gays, blacks or whatever, yet it was "ok" to degrade "hillbillies" with insinuations of ignorance, incest, backwardness ...


I love Kentucky! You people make great moonshine.



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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 03:01 AM)
I like the sigs and avs. I shouldn't have to make an all or nothing choice because of one inconsiderate person.


I turned my sigs off quite some time ago due to the nature of them. I should turn the avs off as there seems to be a growing number of ones I find questionable, but there are too many I like to turn them off for the few. But I note that it is me that finds them offensive and questionable, why should I make that choice for someone else (ie ask them to remove it rather than ignore it or shut off avatars)? That's just my opinion though so take it for what it is worth.

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 10:15 AM)
I agree. 

Why force people to change avatars because some people are oversensitive?



Everyone makes concessions in life.. I guess it's just a matter of picking the battles to fight in.

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