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Indians have record low attendance


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This is kind of redeeming to me personally after we had to listen to Indians fans who proclaimed themselves the greatest baseball fans in the world because they sold out the Jake every night. Turns out they are just a bunch of bandwagoners just like I suspected all along.


To the people jumping off... :finger

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This is kind of redeeming to me personally after we had to listen to Indians fans who proclaimed themselves the greatest baseball fans in the world because they sold out the Jake every night.  Turns out they are just a bunch of bandwagoners just like I suspected all along.


To the people jumping off... :finger

In defense of Cleveland fans....


- EVERY team's fans would show up in droves if their team had won several division titles in a row and had lineups with players such as Albert Belle, Jim Thome, Manny Rameriez, Kenny Lofton, Roberto Alomar, Bartolo Colon, et al and a shot to win every night.


- The weather was AWFUL.

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My point all along was if they were such great fans, they would still be supporting the team now.


There also would have been more than 5000 a night going to Muni stadium in the 80's.

If the team continues to tank it won't be long before there are only 5-6000 a nite at the Jake. The novelty has worn off.

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My point all along was if they were such great fans, they would still be supporting the team now.


There also would have been more than 5000 a night going to Muni stadium in the 80's.

If the team continues to tank it won't be long before there are only 5-6000 a nite at the Jake. The novelty has worn off.

It has already started. Attendance has dropped by 10,000 a night from 2000-2002, that is about 840,000 less total tickets sold. This year, while still a sell out, was also the lowest openning day attendance in the Jake's history also.


I could see the Indians attendance falling to the mid 20k's this year, if they don't get really hot soon.

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I could see the Indians attendance falling to the mid 20k's this year, if they don't get really hot soon.

Or the teens. If the TIGERS can't draw s***, Cleveland can't draw s*** if they are gonna be s***. The Cleveland area isn't that populous, way smaller than even the Detroit area, and if they really tank it early, not many are gonna show. They might just have season ticket holders show up, with a few walk-ups. This could get interesting!

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I still remember a picture in the Sun-Times back in 2000. It was during a game between the Sox and Cleveland at Comiskey, and some guy in full Indians gear had a sign that said "Where are all the fans?"

Tribe fans were as bad as cub fans with the whole attendance thing.

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I still remember a picture in the Sun-Times back in 2000. It was during a game between the Sox and Cleveland at Comiskey, and some guy in full Indians gear had a sign that said "Where are all the fans?"

Tribe fans were as bad as cub fans with the whole attendance thing.

As much as I hate to say it... At least the Cub fans have room to talk about being loyal fans, and attendance. They will show up even when they lose. Indians fans have ended up just being full of it.

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I could see the Indians attendance falling to the mid 20k's this year, if they don't get really hot soon.

Or the teens. If the TIGERS can't draw s***, Cleveland can't draw s*** if they are gonna be s***. The Cleveland area isn't that populous, way smaller than even the Detroit area, and if they really tank it early, not many are gonna show. They might just have season ticket holders show up, with a few walk-ups. This could get interesting!

Yeah, but at least the Jndjans have good, young talent... Detroit is just... Uh... They suck!

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Hey....success can do a s*** load.


In 2000....14,700 was a very good number for a Twins game. If they got 10,000, they were happy as hell.


If they got 10,000 now.....there would have to be a hole in the roof and baseball wouldn't be able to be played....because some 10,000 dumbasses would show up to the game anyways.

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I still remember a picture in the Sun-Times back in 2000. It was during a game between the Sox and Cleveland at Comiskey, and some guy in full Indians gear had a sign that said "Where are all the fans?"

Tribe fans were as bad as cub fans with the whole attendance thing.

As much as I hate to say it... At least the Cub fans have room to talk about being loyal fans, and attendance. They will show up even when they lose. Indians fans have ended up just being full of it.

"loyal fans"... :huh:


More like yuppies being raped on ticket prices to be "seen" there. I have a friend who is a season ticket holder.. he is forever getting calls offering him insane amounts of money for tickets. The normal course of the call.. "What do you got? What do you want? Doesn't matter.. just going to get drunk anyway."



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