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AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The delicate problem of how to dump a lover before moving on to the next one has been given a new twist by a Dutch Web site.


The site suggests women tell their partner they want a baby and men buy their girlfriend underwear that's too big.


But instead of just helping people give lovers the elbow, the site sells holidays -- working on the assumption that people want to go away for a fling without the shackles of a loved one at home, Dutch communications company Young Works said.


Some 180,000 people have visited www.dumpjeschatje.nl since it was launched Monday, it said.


The site also provides two downloadable documents with blanks left for names -- one a curt business-style letter, the other a scathing poem -- to end relationships in writing.


Rose are Red

Violets are Blue

I'm in Love

But not with You!

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I was dating a girl while I was in high school. She dumped me because I didn't party and because I moved to slow in the "romance department". I was bummed. The following week she was at a party doing the "romance" thing with her new guy.


She puked in his mouth while making out.


I was no longer bummed.

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I got this joke in an email today.


A soldier in Afghanistan gets a Dear John letter from his girlfriend that says she's not in love with him, has slept with two other guys and that she wants her pictures back.


The guy goes around to all his buddies, gets any and all unwanted pictures of females, some clothed and some not. He sends all of these pictures to his now ex-girlfriend with a note that says "I forgot which one you are. Just pull your pictures and return the rest."

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 26, 2005 -> 07:16 PM)
I got this joke in an email today.


A soldier in Afghanistan gets a Dear John letter from his girlfriend that says she's not in love with him, has slept with two other guys and that she wants her pictures back.


The guy goes around to all his buddies, gets any and all unwanted pictures of females, some clothed and some not.  He sends all of these pictures to his now ex-girlfriend with a note that says "I forgot which one you are. Just pull your pictures and return the rest."


That is absolutely hilarious. :lolhitting

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Almost 2 years ago I was dumped over the phone on the 4th of July. I had an idea to go watch the fireworks that night with her. I decided to go anyways, which probably was pretty stupid, but who do I see, her with another guy. I had found out after I was dumped, she called this guy and asked if he wanted to go to the fireworks, I was pretty pissed about that.

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QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Feb 27, 2005 -> 10:52 AM)
I was about to break it off with this girl I had been seeing a little, not serious at all, when one of her friends calls me and tells me she's in the hospital with a brain tumor.


I still did it, but I felt a lot worse about it.

Can't blame ya, man....get-well cards are expensive!


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Well nothing really serious happened until high school. Little 7th and 8th grade 2-a-day stays don't count.


Met a girl in high school that thought I was pretty, she liked me, and she was pretty cool. Went out for 6 months, and she just didn't fit what I wanted, besides it wasn't that eventful, god knows how honest she was with me anyway.


Went out with my best friend for 2 months, and we haven't talked lots since, but she sure is one of the most wonderful people i've met, and we mutually broke up.


Nowadays, I'm finding myself with a beautiful freshman who has got the funniest and one of the greatest personalities i've encountered. Went to turnabout with her last night. May have been the best night of my life.


I learned something, go in small groups to a dance, like a double date. It was assloads of fun...and all I could say is that the girl I'm with, was beautiful last night.


Yes, Beastly is romantic... :P

Edited by Beastly
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QUOTE(El Piervizdyeguchansodnik @ Feb 27, 2005 -> 11:19 AM)
This is  pretty stupid on the girls part.


I asked the girl out, she said yes. She said yes, but she knew she was moving to Texas in a month.


2 weeks later she tells me.


I was pissed.

I hear you, the couple I was with last night had the same issue.


You see, they broke up, but are really good friends with benefits. They could go back out at any time.


She liked a guy (who isn't a good guy) who was moving to Florida. He doesn't really liked her, and she said "I can't go back out with him because If I go out with him and like him and another guy, it just wouldn't feel right."


So the one she likes is moving to Florida. (Thank god) And now my buddy will prolly, hopefully hook up with her, again.

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I'm not into having a serious girlfriend in highschool because it seems pointless to me. I don't want all the money I'm making going to a girlfriend. So I guess I haven't really had a bad breakup. I have been telling a lot of girls off and none of the believe me that I don't want to have a serious girlfriend. Oh well. I'm sure if someone really great comes around I'll go out with her. I went on a few dates with a couple different girls this year, but didn't want anything too serious from them. I guess just friends with benefits. ;)

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Was seeing a girl. She told me that she was sleeping with another guy but still really liked me and wanted to go out with me. So, her two best friends thought that was really shady and took me out for a weekend on the town telling me hilarious, embarassing stories about her. They liked her but they thought what she did to me was total and complete s***. She got so pissed at the 3 of us that she's not talking to any of us because somehow I was the bad guy in all of it. :bang

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