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bio weapons lab on wheels found


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rick leventhal..a reporter embedded with the 1st regt ,2nd bn , 23rd marines is sayiong theu found what looked like a radar van but it turns out it could very well be a bio lab on wheels...the van had a false wall and behind it was an self contained air conditioning and heating unit that is needed to store bio weapons and other paraphinalia needed for bio weapons...the pentagon has had intel on these weapons lab but have never found one...there is no evidence att that they found any bio weapons...

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rick leventhal..a reporter embedded with the 1st regt ,2nd bn , 23rd marines is sayiong theu found what looked like a radar van but it turns out it could very well be a bio lab on wheels...the van had a false wall and behind it was an self contained air conditioning and heating unit that is needed to store bio weapons and other paraphinalia needed for bio weapons...the pentagon has had intel on these weapons lab but have never found one...there is no evidence att that they found any bio weapons...

So basically they found an empty truck with no smoking gun? Wow, what a story.

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rick leventhal..a reporter embedded with the 1st regt ,2nd bn , 23rd marines is sayiong theu found what looked like a radar van but it turns out it could very well be a bio lab on wheels...the van had a false wall and behind it was an self contained air conditioning and heating unit that is needed to store bio weapons and other paraphinalia needed for bio weapons...the pentagon has had intel on these weapons lab but have never found one...there is no evidence att that they found any bio weapons...

So basically they found an empty truck with no smoking gun? Wow, what a story.

When they find something, i cant wait to see how you twist that story around. :lol:

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rick leventhal..a reporter embedded with the 1st regt ,2nd bn , 23rd marines is sayiong theu found what looked like a radar van but it turns out it could very well be a bio lab on wheels...the van had a false wall and behind it was an self contained air conditioning and heating unit that is needed to store bio weapons and other paraphinalia needed for bio weapons...the pentagon has had intel on these weapons lab but have never found one...there is no evidence att that they found any bio weapons...

So basically they found an empty truck with no smoking gun? Wow, what a story.

When they find something, i cant wait to see how you twist that story around. :lol:

my guess will be..the US planted it there

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my guess will be..the US planted it there

According to the story they found no smoking gun yet. So that makes, um yes, ZERO weapons so far. Wow what a great reason to have 1100+ Iraqi civilians killed, thousands of other Iraqis, and killing/injuring lots of our troops!


:finger George W.!

well if saddam , on the conservative side killed 500 ,000 people during his 20 plus years as dicktator then that means he was, at a conservatve estimate, killing 2083.3 people per month..so we actually have lowered the killing rate in iraq ;)

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my guess will be..the US planted it there

According to the story they found no smoking gun yet. So that makes, um yes, ZERO weapons so far. Wow what a great reason to have 1100+ Iraqi civilians killed, thousands of other Iraqis, and killing/injuring lots of our troops!


:finger George W.!

well if saddam , on the conservative side killed 500 ,000 people during his 20 plus years as dicktator then that means he was, at a conservatve estimate was killing 2083.3 people per month..so we actually have lowered the killing rate in iraq ;)

Good one Baggs :headbang

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well if saddam , on the conservative side killed 500 ,000 people during his 20 plus years as dicktator then that means he was, at a conservatve estimate, killing 2083.3 people per month..so we actually have lowered the killing rate in iraq ;)

Where are the WoMD that Bush said 100% ARE DEFINITELY IN Iraq? If the US knows they are there, why aren't they finding s***? Is this just another lie from the Bush administration to justify this vigilante illegal police action?

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well if saddam , on the conservative side killed 500 ,000 people during his 20 plus years as dicktator then that means he was, at a conservatve estimate, killing 2083.3 people per month..so we actually have lowered the killing rate in iraq ;)

Where are the WoMD that Bush said 100% ARE DEFINITELY IN Iraq? If the US knows they are there, why aren't they finding s***? Is this just another lie from the Bush administration to justify this vigilante illegal police action?

you need to wait...im sure saddam just didnt leave them out in the open somewhere with a big sign saying "here they are boys"..iraq is the size of california..it might take a little time


my opinion is we all better pray that we find all this stuff...because if we dont god only knows who saddam pawned them off on..and what their plans are

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you need to wait...im sure saddam just didnt leave them out in the open somewhere with a big sign saying "here they are boys"..iraq is the size of california..it might take a little time


my opinion is we all better pray that we find all this stuff...because if we dont god only knows who saddam pawned them off on..and what their plans are

Wait wait wait, Baggs...wasn't the point of the war to stop Saddam from selling the supposed WoMD to other countries? I thought the entire point of this war was to stop him from selling WoMD to other countries if he had them! So if he did sell them, then why invade?


Also, you must have missed Rumsfeld's explanation (to the reason why they have found jack s***) during the press conference yesterday. Ari 'Goebbels' Fleischer came out and said that they had weapons in Baghdad to prepare for that fight. Nothing's found there, so Rummy came out with this explanation. "Saddam is sneaking the weapons out of the country." Yes, the US is kicking ass and controlling nearly the entire country and Saddam is somehow getting WoMD out of Iraq. I really don't like it when the US government pisses on my leg and tells me it's raining.

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Too bad the CIA has no credible evidence that Syria is helping them (i.e. selling nightvision goggles)




"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocents." - Howard Zinn :usa


Oh wait, Syria never attacked us either! Yeah, let's invade them for no reason and use lies!! It makes so much sense since it worked in Iraq!

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Too bad the CIA has no credible evidence that Syria is helping them (i.e. selling nightvision goggles)




"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocents." - Howard Zinn :usa


Oh wait, Syria never attacked us either! Yeah, let's invade them for no reason and use lies!! It makes so much sense since it worked in Iraq!

Who watched Syria's ambassador on Fox News tonight? It was a pretty good debate between her and Gretta or however you spell it.


I learned a lot listening to it.

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Who watched Syria's ambassador on Fox News tonight? It was a pretty good debate between her and Gretta or however you spell it. 


I learned a lot listening to it.

I try not to watch Faux News because they have been pretty notorious for cutting off microphones, etc. Also, how many people know now that NewsCorp purchased the company that owns DirectTV.


http://www.mediachannel.org/ownership/chart.shtml This is a very interesting look at what companies own the TV media and print media.

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Lets look at what's happened so far.


1. Iraq has been liberated from despotic rule by the Hussein/Baath regime. Good, no matter how you slice it.


2. No WMD have yet been used by Iraq. Good, no matter how you slice it.


3. Thousands have people died in the invasion of Iraq. Bad, regrettable, saddening.


4. The US has yet to find WMD/NBC material in Iraq. Both good and bad. Good that the stockpile may not have been as large as assumed. Bad in that the US may have fought a war under a non-existent threat if none or found. Or worse if the invasion compelled Hussein to pass his NBC material to other hostile states or NGOs.


5. A burgeoning humanitarian crisis is rapidly showing up in Iraq. Sad, but expected given the way the regime fell.


6. The US, through its actions, has created a world which is fearful and angry at its foreign policy. States such as Turkey who have supported every US military action since WWII chose not to support this war, mainly because of the political doctrine used to justify it. Some political thinkers say that this is the only way to consolidate hegemony for any consistent length of time. Others, myself included, feel that this misguided policy that may indeed do more damage physically to this country and in international stature than we may realize.


I hope they find that large pile of WMD necessary to justify this invasion. Even though I disagree with the policy completely, I think its necessary for the US to find and have independently verified in order to mend the fences we damaged in this conflict.

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Lets look at what's happened so far.


1. Iraq has been liberated from despotic rule by the Hussein/Baath regime. Good, no matter how you slice it.


2. No WMD have yet been used by Iraq. Good, no matter how you slice it.


3. Thousands have people died in the invasion of Iraq. Bad, regrettable, saddening.


4. The US has yet to find WMD/NBC material in Iraq. Both good and bad. Good that the stockpile may not have been as large as assumed. Bad in that the US may have fought a war under a non-existent threat if none or found. Or worse if the invasion compelled Hussein to pass his NBC material to other hostile states or NGOs.


5. A burgeoning humanitarian crisis is rapidly showing up in Iraq. Sad, but expected given the way the regime fell.


6. The US, through its actions, has created a world which is fearful and angry at its foreign policy. States such as Turkey who have supported every US military action since WWII chose not to support this war, mainly because of the political doctrine used to justify it. Some political thinkers say that this is the only way to consolidate hegemony for any consistent length of time. Others, myself included, feel that this misguided policy that may indeed do more damage physically to this country and in international stature than we may realize.


I hope they find that large pile of WMD necessary to justify this invasion. Even though I disagree with the policy completely, I think its necessary for the US to find and have independently verified in order to mend the fences we damaged in this conflict.

as for number 6.. i dont think turkey didnt support us because they didnt feel this action was the right thing to do..im not really sure how they felt...but there moticve was that the last time this happened they ended up with a boatload of kurdish refugees from iraq that were hiding out from saddam in the mountians of eastern turkey and god i dont know what the final body count was from starvation and exposure...plus that situation also increase terrorist attacks by kurds living in turkey on the government...there was alot more going on in turkey then just whether or not this was the right thing to do...


1-5 i agree on..especially the part about saddam passing on WOMD...that botheers me when people are saying we havent found any WOMD yet so this war wasnt justified....its almost like they are happy we didnt find them...im worried about who really has them..prior to the war only people with ulterior motives were on record as saying iraq didnt have WOMD..i think everyone knew they were playing hide and seek with the weapons inspectors..

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Who watched Syria's ambassador on Fox News tonight? It was a pretty good debate between her and Gretta or however you spell it. 


I learned a lot listening to it.

I try not to watch Faux News because they have been pretty notorious for cutting off microphones, etc. Also, how many people know now that NewsCorp purchased the company that owns DirectTV.


http://www.mediachannel.org/ownership/chart.shtml This is a very interesting look at what companies own the TV media and print media.

how do you know what foxnews is all about if you dont watch it???....i make it a point to try and watch atleast 10 minutes of the BBC..i dont always succeed because lately i cant find out what time their war coverage is on..its not listed in the guide...usually i end up watching some east enders redecorate some rich people house to their horror (what the hell show is that, its funny :lolhitting ) or that graham norton guy running around in pink jumpsuits :lol: but i try..just to make sure i get the latest anti -war propaganda :headbang

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I've found that the best, most balanced news coverage comes from Newsworld Int'l because the viewpoints arent just Canadian. They also show several other newscasts from other countries in English (Japan and Germany for example).


If the WMD were passed on, then this war was not justified because it only hastened the threat posed by these WMD rather than keeping them in Iraq. However, if they were simply moved to Syria, I'd feel relatively safer. The Syrian regime isn't nearly so careless politically, nor is it as apt to do anything at all with the WMD it posesses.


Baggs: consider this, the Turkish parliament rejected the US plan in part because popular opinion against the war ranged in the 90 to 97% range. The slightly Islamist party controlling the secular Turkish parliament risked alienating its base by totally supporting the US position. Even though a liberated, unified Iraq would ultimately be in Turkey's best interest, the way the US went about regime change made enemies.


In retrospect, I wish that we had gone about getting to this point in a different fashion. There were opportunities to build a better consensus for regime change, the Bush administration just chose not to build it. Here's to hoping that they will have the foresight to mend fences and be magnanimous.

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Who watched Syria's ambassador on Fox News tonight? It was a pretty good debate between her and Gretta or however you spell it. 


I learned a lot listening to it.

I try not to watch Faux News because they have been pretty notorious for cutting off microphones, etc. Also, how many people know now that NewsCorp purchased the company that owns DirectTV.


http://www.mediachannel.org/ownership/chart.shtml This is a very interesting look at what companies own the TV media and print media.

how do you know what foxnews is all about if you dont watch it???....i make it a point to try and watch atleast 10 minutes of the BBC..i dont always succeed because lately i cant find out what time their war coverage is on..its not listed in the guide...usually i end up watching some east enders redecorate some rich people house to their horror (what the hell show is that, its funny :lolhitting ) or that graham norton guy running around in pink jumpsuits :lol: but i try..just to make sure i get the latest anti -war propaganda :headbang

I used to watch it, Baggs. After finding out from various sources that they turned off microphones, etc., I stopped. And when an anchor says "Am I slanted and biased? You damn well bet I am", I tend to not watch that station. :bang (Me smacking FOX News)

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Our soldiers were pretty safe in Iraq. The mortality rate for a US soldier so far in Gulf War II has been lower than your likeliness of being killed in a car accident. As I'm sure most of the soldiers drive or ride in cars, they are probably better off in Iraq.


Stay the hell away if you are journalist though. I read something like 10/600 journalists have died or something. That's a rate of like 1.67%!!

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