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got my seat assignment today


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How much? Where are you sitting, noble friend?

a tad over $500 for everything Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday


and sitting is Section 107 which is kind of crappy but yet, I'll be there and is all that mattered to me - some will brag about better seats and they will have them but I don't have any pull, I am just someone who is glad to be there at all.

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How much? Where are you sitting, noble friend?

a tad over $500 for everything Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday


and sitting is Section 107 which is kind of crappy but yet, I'll be there and is all that mattered to me - some will brag about better seats and they will have them but I don't have any pull, I am just someone who is glad to be there at all.

There to cheer on Maggs, Frank, Paulie, Buehrle, Colon, Koch, AND...Carlos!!!

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Guest hotsoxchick1
and all cheaper than I thought it might be


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

I thought only 20 year full season ticket holders were eligible for AllStar game tix :huh: ?

who told ya that?????? from what i understood everyone except for the split 7 packages were eligable.... i got mine........ besides there arent too many 20 years left ya know...........

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and all cheaper than I thought it might be


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

I thought only 20 year full season ticket holders were eligible for AllStar game tix :huh: ?

who told ya that?????? from what i understood everyone except for the split 7 packages were eligable.... i got mine........ besides there arent too many 20 years left ya know...........

A poster on this board that told me to read the fine print on all of the season tix packages (except Sox 7) but the fine print said AllStar tix but the poster said nothing was guaranteed unless you were a full season ticket holder.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
and all cheaper than I thought it might be


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

I thought only 20 year full season ticket holders were eligible for AllStar game tix :huh: ?

who told ya that?????? from what i understood everyone except for the split 7 packages were eligable.... i got mine........ besides there arent too many 20 years left ya know...........

A poster on this board that told me to read the fine print on all of the season tix packages (except Sox 7) but the fine print said AllStar tix but the poster said nothing was guaranteed unless you were a full season ticket holder.

well as i understood it.. full season ticket holders get first crack....then it trickles down from there.. the only ones i thought had to put in for that lottery were the split 7's... at least thats what i heard when i called my guy and asked the last time we went through this debate on here.......so i guess it depends on who you talk to or what tickets you have .. or maybe how good you are to your mail man??? lol i dont know....all i know is mine cost a hellova lot more than cw's..........

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I knew this to be the case the whole time HSC. I just didn't feel like arguing with said poster.

ooohhhh ok......lol.........got ya now....... ;)

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and all cheaper than I thought it might be


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

I thought only 20 year full season ticket holders were eligible for AllStar game tix :huh: ?

who told ya that?????? from what i understood everyone except for the split 7 packages were eligable.... i got mine........ besides there arent too many 20 years left ya know...........

A poster on this board that told me to read the fine print on all of the season tix packages (except Sox 7) but the fine print said AllStar tix but the poster said nothing was guaranteed unless you were a full season ticket holder.

If you're talking about me.. no, I did not say that.

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and all cheaper than I thought it might be


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

I thought only 20 year full season ticket holders were eligible for AllStar game tix :huh: ?

who told ya that?????? from what i understood everyone except for the split 7 packages were eligable.... i got mine........ besides there arent too many 20 years left ya know...........

A poster on this board that told me to read the fine print on all of the season tix packages (except Sox 7) but the fine print said AllStar tix but the poster said nothing was guaranteed unless you were a full season ticket holder.

well as i understood it.. full season ticket holders get first crack....then it trickles down from there.. the only ones i thought had to put in for that lottery were the split 7's... at least thats what i heard when i called my guy and asked the last time we went through this debate on here.......so i guess it depends on who you talk to or what tickets you have .. or maybe how good you are to your mail man??? lol i dont know....all i know is mine cost a hellova lot more than cw's..........

Mine are a LOT more, too. A cool grand!

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Well, now we know JR is gonna be making a fortune on the All Star Game.  Nows the time for him to reup Colon and Buehrle.

doesn't MLB get a huge slice of the All Star money - for itself and for the players pensions?




As far as who got what - I thought it was clear (from the matierial the Sox sent me) that all seasons tickets holders, full and split, prior ro this year got All Star tickets in the lower deck - newest seasons tickets in the upper deck?



HSC and Steff, mine are cheaper it sounds like than yours but I am in in Section 107 - but who the hell cares, I'm in!

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Well, now we know JR is gonna be making a fortune on the All Star Game.  Nows the time for him to reup Colon and Buehrle.

If you are talking about revenue from the gates of the all star game JR doesn't see a dime of that. That is all MLB's money. I am not sure about secondary revenues such as concessions and souveniers but those might go to MLB also. The only money JR is making from the ASG is through secondary sources such as higher season ticket base and higher ticket prices.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

jas get used to the fact that unless colon takes a healthy pay cut you wont be seeing him next season..........hes a loaner.........as for mark.. he goes to arbritration next year so im sure he will be making a good buck if he has a good season this year........hes stuck with us till 06 anyhow so dont look for him to be going anywhere (unless he gets on kw's s*** list that is) till then..............cw dont know exactly how they divi up the funds but you rest assured that jr is gonna make a ton on something somewhere along the lines during this all star thing..........as for my seats i guess mine are more expensive cause i get my regular seats..........thats how i thought that it was supposed to be for full season ticket holders.. i didnt realize they opened up the flood gates and let you roof hangers down below for the festivities, had i known that i would opted for the cheaper seats and taken my chances.......not......lol lol lol......... :D sorry cw just had to bust on ya a little....no harm ok......i still love ya......... ;)

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I thought it was clear (from the matierial the Sox sent me) that all seasons tickets holders, full and split, prior ro this year got All Star tickets in the lower deck - newest seasons tickets in the upper deck?



My company is first year season ticket holders and we got our normal seats for the allstar game - section 116 - just sent in a check for $1,300 for the All-Star experience.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

hey ven ill have to hook up with ya for a few cold ones at a game sometime.......your not too far from my section...........on the same side anyhow......lol......

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Guest hotsoxchick1
UNS - you're gonna get spoiled...


Hot - I'll pop in and let you know when I'm going.  Maybe I can buy you a Tecate and a Super Taco.

tecate and super taco?? well i guess ill try anything once....lol.....i have to warn you though i am more of the mgd/steak type of gal............ ;)

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