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Baseball season


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I'm pretty new here, and this is obviously my first baseball season that I'll be spending posting messages and sharing thoughts/ideas with some pretty damned knowledgeable fellow Sox fans.


However, through the first week and a half of the season, I think we've fired JM 495 times, traded Carlos Lee just as many, released Tom Gordon, sent Rick White down to the minors, and several other things have been said about various players.


Guys...the baseball season goes from late-March until early-October. 162 games, spanning more than 6 months, with 600 or so AB's for the everyday players, 150-200 IP for each starter, and anywhere from 40-90 IP for the relievers.


So far, we've reached about 1/20 of that, and some of you freak out at every loss. We're going to lose. We're going to lose a lot more than we want to. Even in a very good season, we're going to lose 60 times. Even in an MVP season, a player is going to go cold for a 2 or 3 week period, and even the best pitchers are going to have a few bad starts. It's nothing to get overly worried about.


It seems like most of us are losing some perspective on what 1 game means. Sure, we want them to win em all, but we can't get too high when they do -- and conversely, we can't get too low when they don't.


I've seen 8 of the first 9 games, and that has never happened before since I live out in CA. I feel myself falling into that mindset where if the Sox lose, it ruins my day for a few hours. That is not healthy. I'm sure I'm not the only one who dwells on each loss, and I really think it should cease. At this rate, I'll die of a heart attack by the AS break!


Anyway, just thought I'd try to put things in perspective a bit. It's nothing that you guys don't already know, but it sometimes get lose in the shuffle and in the heat of the battle.


:bringit Detroit.


PS -- Kobe rules.

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Clujer, great post.


I have that same feeling every time the Sox lose, but right now I know that they are going to win a whole lot more then they lose. My logic to it is simple, the Sox have a very good ball club, one that is better then almost all in baseball and as long as we make the playoffs and are amongst the best in baseball then we have a shot.


I believe this team is built to suceed over the long haul. They have very few weaknesses. One is the question with the staff now that Wright is hurt and the other is the question of having such a righty dominated lineup. Otherwise, we have two ace pitchers, two potential aces that are pretty proven middle of the rotation guys (Wright/Garland) and then two guys that I think can provide innings and keep us in games (Stewart/Loaiza).


We got an amazing bullpen with two great setup men (Tom and Marte) a great closer and then some damn good middle guys and a very good lefty specialist. We also have plenty of depth in the minors.


We have a deep bench with 4 guys that can produce off the bench (Olivo - defensively), Graffy, Daubach, and Rios - offensively) and then we have as almost all know an above average offense.


Ya a few guys have struggled, but offenses tend to struggle early in the season and Flash is a guy that is better when its warmer. Not using it as an excuse though, while White is getting things straightened out. This is a very good team and they will finish as a playoff team and in my mind they will win the series.

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Great post since I started posting on this board I noticed one thing. That WhiteSox fans are pesimistic, (sp) and always need something to complain about. I learned this from reading posts and finally said I am not different there are more like me :D


Anyway what you say is true, and I am trying to stay positive because hell the season just started. Maybe the reason I am staying positive is the idea that I cannot get the games and depend on informantion on the internet, and all my cyber comrads here at. :cheers

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Great post since I started posting on this board I noticed one thing.  That WhiteSox fans are pesimistic, (sp) and always need something to complain about.  I learned this from reading posts and finally said I  am not different there are more like me :D

Well, I suppose we could be like Cub fans and think everything's peachy 24/7! LOL :lol:


Well put, clujer! Carlos WILL break out of it, Gordon WILL break out of it too. It's kinda cold out there now, and the warm weather will only help.


I just don't know about JM. He's gotta have grit out there!

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Wow! Did we need this thread. Thanks Cluj and Jason. That is exactly the perspective we need, instead of crucifying the guys that are struggling. The Sox will be a very good team this year, I have no doubts. Now, let's just relax and ENJOY this possible championship season. :cheers

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As a lifelong Chicagoan and Sox fan, let me try to explain the Chicken Little vibe that seems to permeate these boards whenever something goes wrong.


1) The obvious answer--The Sox haven't been to a WS since 1959, and haven't won since 1917(chk year?) That's a 44 year drought, even the Blackhawks have been to the Stanley Cup Finals a few times since then.


2) Every time the Sox give you a year that breeds anticipation for the following season, something happens and the promise goes unfulfilled. In 1977, the South Side Hit Men go 90-72, then follow up in 78 with a near opposite record of 71-90. In 1983, they win the West by 20 games, then fall to 74-88 in 84. In 1993, they go to the playoffs, then have hopes dashed in 94 by the strike. In 2000, they lead the AL in wins, then suck ass in 01. The lack of any year-to-year consistency leads to insecurity amongst Pale Hose Supporters.


3) The hated Cubs. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that means more to a Sox fan(outside of winning a WS, of course) than finishing better than the Cubs. The Cubs have the stadium, the money, and the attendance, the Sox have the middle-child complex. Every loss or bad performance means one less thing they have over the North Siders.


4) Ownership records. With the exception of the Bulls run in the 1990's, Chicago is notorious for having crappy owners, in all sports. Chicago fans are some of the best in the country, and usually follow all Chicago teams, regardless of sport. Going from Reinsdorf or the Trib Co.(real Cubs fans realize how shoddily run the baseball side of things are up there) to the McCaskeys, to the Wirtz Organ-I-zation is enough to drive any sports fan clinically insane. There is so much pent up sports frustration in this town, that people jump at any chance to rail on management, and blame them for anything, no matter how short-sighted or inaccurate the claims may be.


Does that help, Clujer?

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As a lifelong Chicagoan and Sox fan, let me try to explain the Chicken Little vibe that seems to permeate these boards whenever something goes wrong.


1) The obvious answer--The Sox haven't been to a WS since 1959, and haven't won since 1917(chk year?)    That's a 44 year drought, even the Blackhawks have been to the Stanley Cup Finals a few times since then.


2)  Every time the Sox give you a year that breeds anticipation for the following season, something happens and the promise goes unfulfilled.  In 1977, the South Side Hit Men go 90-72, then follow up in 78 with a near opposite record of 71-90.  In 1983, they win the West by 20 games, then fall to 74-88 in 84.  In 1993, they go to the playoffs, then have hopes dashed in 94 by the strike.  In 2000, they lead the AL in wins, then suck ass in 01.  The lack of any year-to-year consistency leads to insecurity amongst Pale Hose Supporters.


3)  The hated Cubs.  There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that means more to a Sox fan(outside of winning a WS, of course) than finishing better than the Cubs.  The Cubs have the stadium, the money, and the attendance, the Sox have the middle-child complex.  Every loss or bad performance means one less thing they have over the North Siders.


4)  Ownership records.  With the exception of the Bulls run in the 1990's, Chicago is notorious for having crappy owners, in all sports.  Chicago fans are some of the best in the country, and usually follow all Chicago teams, regardless of sport.  Going from Reinsdorf or the Trib Co.(real Cubs fans realize how shoddily run the baseball side of things are up there) to the McCaskeys, to the Wirtz Organ-I-zation is enough to drive any sports fan clinically insane.  There is so much pent up sports frustration in this town, that people jump at any chance to rail on management, and blame them for anything, no matter how short-sighted or inaccurate the claims may be.


Does that help, Clujer?

Great post! You beat me to the punch and said it better than I would have. :cheers It's tough being a Sox fan, but I'll take us over you know who's fans any day. :lolhitting Damn these new toys are so much fun even for a relatively old fart like me. :bringit :bang

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Guest hotsoxchick1

lol.......geez steff since when do we listen to these guys anyhow???? unless they are in agreement with us that is..........lol lol lol lol lol lol........... :lol:

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lol.......geez steff since when do we listen to these guys anyhow???? unless they are in agreement with us that is..........lol lol lol lol lol lol........... :lol:

You got that right! ;)


But seriously... I find it humerous that every few days a post like this pops up. Good grief.. I've been complining about the Sox for a long time now. Is it useless? Yep. Does it make a difference? Nope. But does it make me feel better to vent my frustrations..? Sure does.


So.. don't bother telling me how many games are in the season. I've got a big stack of season tickets to remind me. And if anyone doesn't want to hear me, or anyone else, b**** about this team, fire people, trade players, etc, etc.. then DON'T READ IT. It's really just that simple.

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I think some of the frustration right now is that this is a part of the schedule where the Sox need to make a run even though it is the first few weeks into the season. Plus the fact that everyone is still in shock over the Royals.


BTW, since the 0-3 start, the Sox have won 5 of 6. ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1
lol.......geez steff since when do we listen to these guys anyhow???? unless they are in agreement with us that is..........lol lol lol lol lol lol........... :lol:

You got that right! ;)


But seriously... I find it humerous that every few days a post like this pops up. Good grief.. I've been complining about the Sox for a long time now. Is it useless? Yep. Does it make a difference? Nope. But does it make me feel better to vent my frustrations..? Sure does.


So.. don't bother telling me how many games are in the season. I've got a big stack of season tickets to remind me. And if anyone doesn't want to hear me, or anyone else, b**** about this team, fire people, trade players, etc, etc.. then DON'T READ IT. It's really just that simple.

egg zactly......i couldnt agree with ya more steff... i vent and talk to get it off my chest.. agree or dont ..read it or dont.. but in the process it makes me feel better and thats what its all about anyhow... right...... lol lol lol lol.........

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I'm pretty new here, and this is obviously my first baseball season that I'll be spending posting messages and sharing thoughts/ideas with some pretty damned knowledgeable fellow Sox fans. 


However, through the first week and a half of the season, I think we've fired JM 495 times, traded Carlos Lee just as many, released Tom Gordon, sent Rick White down to the minors, and several other things have been said about various players.


Guys...the baseball season goes from late-March until early-October.  162 games, spanning more than 6 months, with 600 or so AB's for the everyday players, 150-200 IP for each starter, and anywhere from 40-90 IP for the relievers. 


So far, we've reached about 1/20 of that, and some of you freak out at every loss.  We're going to lose.  We're going to lose a lot more than we want to.  Even in a very good season, we're going to lose 60 times.  Even in an MVP season, a player is going to go cold for a 2 or 3 week period, and even the best pitchers are going to have a few bad starts.  It's nothing to get overly worried about.


It seems like most of us are losing some perspective on what 1 game means.  Sure, we want them to win em all, but we can't get too high when they do -- and conversely, we can't get too low when they don't. 


I've seen 8 of the first 9 games, and that has never happened before since I live out in CA.  I feel myself falling into that mindset where if the Sox lose, it ruins my day for a few hours.  That is not healthy.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who dwells on each loss, and I really think it should cease.  At this rate, I'll die of a heart attack by the AS break!


Anyway, just thought I'd try to put things in perspective a bit.  It's nothing that you guys don't already know, but it sometimes get lose in the shuffle and in the heat of the battle.


:bringit Detroit.


PS -- Kobe rules.

WOW! :headbang Awesome Post Clujer, you know, we disagree a lot on some things but this is a great thread.


P.S.- Kobe sucks and so do the Lakers, Go Kings!

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I became a Sox fan in the summer of 57 at the ripe old age of 6. The Sox shot out of the gate that year but faded late. I still remember a crucial three game series in Aug of 57 where the Sox were swept by the hated Yanks. I was six getting ready to go to the second grade and I still remember how bad I felt. After the Sox lost the WS in 59 I remember thinking that they would be back for many more. Instead they traded their farm system for short term help. There were near misses in 64 and 67 one year hits like 72 and 77 with no follow up, a fine 83 team that ran into the tail end of the Oriole era and more, much more. When the Sox shocked the baseball world in 00 I thought it was the beginning of a long run like the go go era of 51-67. This is an important year. It could be, it should be a real good year. In the mean time if I feel like venting let me. I've earned it. :headbang :headbang :headbang But hey, you younger more optimistic fans here at Soxnet, don't go away mad. Here's to ya. :cheers Just try to understand where some of us are coming from.

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you know its seriously bad when you need a calculator to add up the number of years that both baseball teams have gone combined w/o winning a world series....or even playing in one


86 + 95 = 181...is that right??..181 years w/o a world series??...gee..and people wonder why we are skeptical??? :lolhitting :bang

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P.S.- Kobe sucks and so do the Lakers, Go Kings!

Yes...3-time defending WORLD Champs -- golly they stink.


See you in the playoffs.



Ah Damn Cluj, you have to be a Laker Fan :D


Well, like I tell my dad, this is your last year, Bulls will be back :headbang

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Ah Damn Cluj, you have to be a Laker Fan  :D


Well, like I tell my dad, this is your last year,  Bulls will be back  :headbang

Yep, been a Laker fan my whole life (I'm not a loser bandwagon fan).


Also, there are 4 teams in the West that are so superior to any team in the East that I don't think we'll have to worry about "da bulls" for quite a while.


Everyone knows the Western Conference Finals are the REAL NBA Finals. :)

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Ah Damn Cluj, you have to be a Laker Fan  :D


Well, like I tell my dad, this is your last year,  Bulls will be back  :headbang

Yep, been a Laker fan my whole life (I'm not a loser bandwagon fan).


Also, there are 4 teams in the West that are so superior to any team in the East that I don't think we'll have to worry about "da bulls" for quite a while.


Everyone knows the Western Conference Finals are the REAL NBA Finals. :)

Bulls already won the finals when they kicked the crap out of the Lakers earlier this year :lol:


I firmly believe the Bulls are going to create so many mismatch problems on all the teams they play. Realistically, they won't win it all next year, but I expect playoffs, especially if they land Scottie Pippen. They can put up points and Pippen will give them a good defensive edge. Defense is the one thing that will keep them back for a little bit.


The Lakers are coming on, but I have to believe the Kings will win it all.

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Bulls already won the finals when they kicked the crap out of the Lakers earlier this year  :lol:


I firmly believe the Bulls are going to create so many mismatch problems on all the teams they play.  Realistically, they won't win it all next year, but I expect playoffs, especially if they land Scottie Pippen.  They can put up points and Pippen will give them a good defensive edge.  Defense is the one thing that will keep them back for a little bit.


The Lakers are coming on, but I have to believe the Kings will win it all.

The Lakers are doing the thing they've done for the past 3 years -- getting it all going on 8 cylinders just in time for the playoffs. In the last week and a half, they've beaten Dallas twice (once in LA and once in TX) and last night they fairly easily dismantled the Kings in LA.


Shaq is unstoppable, and Kobe can do it all. I don't see anyone dethroning the champs until one of them gets injured or unless the supporting cast (guys like Fox, Horry, Fisher, Shaw, George, et al) falls on their face. I don't see that happening. :)


And also, if Pippen is smart, he'll decide that he wants to win and he'll sign a mid-level exemption contract with the Lakers for $4.5M this off-season. However, I don't think the Lakers want him as much as they want Gary Payton or Jason Kidd (of course, it will depend on if those guys want money or victory).



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