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FranK to Appear at march 17 hearing


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Report: House presses for testimony on steroids

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It turns out several current and former Major League Baseball players will not have to R.S.V.P. to a March 17 hearing on steroid use.


Rather than choosing the invitation route, Congress will use its subpoena power to generate appearances by Jose Canseco, Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi, Orioles outfielder Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire and others, The Baltimore Sun reported on its Web site Tuesday.


The subpoenas will be the issued beginning Wednesday by the House Committee on Government Reform, government officials familiar with the process told The Sun.


Canseco already accepted Congress' invitation on March 3 to testify before a House committee, but his attorney said Canseco would appear only if given immunity.


"Jose has always said he's more than happy to do that, welcomes it, and has been hopeful that Major League Baseball and the player's association will start being more forthright in the revelations that he has made in the book," Robert Saunooke told Fox Sports Radio.


The Orioles' Rafael Palmeiro, Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, and Frank Thomas of the White Sox are also due to receive subpoenas, The Sun reported.


According to the newspaper's story, Barry Bonds -- whose role in baseball's steroids scandal has been questioned for the last year -- is not on Congress' list.


In his book released last month, "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits & How Baseball Got Big," Canseco admits using steroids and alleges that McGwire often injected the drugs with him. Canseco also said he introduced steroids to former Texas Rangers teammates, including Palmeiro.


Palmeiro, McGwire, Ivan Rodriguez, Bret Boone and others named by Canseco have denied using the performance-enhancing drugs.

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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 09:57 PM)
The foot issue probably won't be enough for him to avoid the subpoena, hopefully the swelling is just a side-effect and won't cause damage....


I hope Frank gives them hell!!!


Probably not. Hopefully the docs can give him something to help ease it though.


I went on a flight a few days after getting my braces and that was the strangest feeling. I remember some slight swelling in my knee (arthritis among other things), but it was fine after I was on the ground for a few hours.

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QUOTE(knightni @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 11:47 PM)
Frank should take a limo-bus to Washington then.


Kind of interesting that Bonds isn't being subpoenaed though, isn't it?

Are you thinking immunity issues? Bonds could be a target for prosecution in the Balco mess.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 06:05 AM)
Isn't Giambi in the same boat?  He's got to go to DC.

If I understand it right, Giambi coughed up everything to the Grand Jury under immunity. Bonds admitted to nothing except flaxseed oil. Proof he was aware that the substance was actually a prescription drug at that time could leave him open to prosecution. Not for taking the drug, but for lying to the jury about it.


This is just speculation on my part; sports radio is not the best place to get legal opinion, but that’s the theory.

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QUOTE(JDsDirtySox @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 04:17 AM)
Anyone heard why Frank has to go?  Did they just draw names out of a hat or something?  Other than him, and probably Schilling, the other guys are Steroids Poster Boys.


Chances are Congress wants to hear both sides of the story. Frank is a big, powerful guy that by all accounts and evidence has never touched steroids. He's also been a fairly vocal anti-steroids guy. It makes sense to bring in both guys who more than likely take/took steroids and guys who didn't.


I'd really like to see Selig and Fehr going in there too, so Congress could flat out ask how they let this happen, how they "didn't notice", or if they've just turned their backs on it.

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I'm not gonna post the entire article. Read it as you wish, but one paragraph once again has me :headshake at Capt. Clueless:


No one will be laughing a week from Thursday. When the House Committee on Government Reform first announced it would invite players to testify, the excuses were as pathetic as the problem itself. Sosa used his agent, Adam Katz, to say he was "politely declining'' the invitation, as though it was a charity event. Rafael Palmeiro, accused of using steroids by Canseco, vowed not to go because March 17 is his wife's birthday, saying: "I don't want anything to do with that. I'm flattered that they've invited me, but I'll respectfully decline.'' Curt Schilling, who has pushed baseball through the years to toughen its steroids policy, said he wouldn't go "if it's a McCarthy witch hunt all over again.'' Thomas, who sometimes looked like an overweight bum in the steroids era but now looks like a hero of sorts, worried that his wounded ankle would swell to the size of a grapefruit on a cross-country flight. As for Jason Giambi, he said he already had "done things I had to do earlier,'' referring to the confession that wasn't.


'kay. I remember Frank mentioning his ankle injury and the grapefruit comment, but if memory serves me correct, I think I also saw this:


"It's an honor for Congress to invite any of us to the meetings," Thomas said. "It's one of those things I definitely won't turn down. If I get the opportunity to go, I will.


"We will see how it works out. It's an educational process for kids on most of it, and they want to shed light on what's been going on. I'm not going to be the guy who sits here and says I don't think it's necessary. If guys are subpoenaed, we are going to have to go anyway."


Just once, I'd like to see him report the truth instead of his usual garbage.

Edited by ChiSoxFan
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I heard the subpeonas are going to any player named in Juiced. Frank is named as being a passenger in Canseco's high speed thrills. From Congress' point of view that implies Frank & Jose were friends to some degree & that Jose may have confided in Frank on roid usage around the league.


Frank will be asked what did Jose talk to you about & when did these talks happen?


It would be nice to setup VC for Frank given his livelihood depends on getting healthy again.

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