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Jackson attorneys reaching


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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 01:22 PM)


None of this means anything.


I don't see how you can say it means nothing. This kids credibility is full of holes now. I hate MJ and would love to see him go to jail just for being a weirdo, but these types of things lead me toward innocence.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 10:56 AM)
Jackson failed to show up for court today.. supposedly he's at the hospital again.. and supposedly the judge issued a warrant for his arrest if he doesn't show up to court within an hour. What a moron..



They'll revoke his bail.

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IMHO, after they send Michael Jackson to prison, lock up any parent who was stupid enough to allow their young children unsupervised visits with Jackson. Maybe not as punishment, but is it safe for somone that stupid to be walking around??


Seriously, if you were making a list of celebrities to not allow private visits with, Jackson has got to be on your Top 10 list, unless you have a daughter

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And by the way, there's NO WAY he is found guilty. You can run a f***ing semi through the holes on the "reasonable doubt" of the evidence just with the testimony thus far.


The only slight, and I mean slight, glimmer is if the kid on the stand now (the actual accuser) can fire a missle in his testimony under cross-examiniation and I would say that the chances of that are slim to none.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 12:53 PM)
The only slight, and I mean slight, glimmer is if the kid on the stand now (the actual accuser) can fire a missle in his testimony under cross-examiniation and I would say that the chances of that are slim to none.


While I agree with you, one thing that is going through the jury's mind is Jackson's avoidance of court today with the accuser on the stand.

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I agree, fat chance he's found guilty.


As far as the parents who let their kids hang out with Jackson, of course they do, how else are they supposed to set him up? The letters from parents pour in, about poor little Bobby or Suzy who has brain cancer. Hopefully Jackson asks to meet their child, the child spends the night a few times and Cha-Ching.


They have to pay those hospital bills somehow.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 12:53 PM)
And by the way, there's NO WAY he is found guilty.  You can run a f***ing semi through the holes on the "reasonable doubt" of the evidence just with the testimony thus far.

I don't think he be found guilty, but isn't reasonable doubt only for murder. I thought there was a lesser burden of proof on other cases...

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 01:54 PM)
While I agree with you, one thing that is going through the jury's mind is Jackson's avoidance of court today with the accuser on the stand.

They're not allowed to take that into consideration.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 01:57 PM)
They're not allowed to take that into consideration.


They are human and they can try to keep that out of mind as much as possible, but it will color how they see other things in the case. As they say on Law and Order, you can't unring a bell.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 03:08 PM)
They are human and they can try to keep that out of mind as much as possible, but it will color how they see other things in the case.  As they say on Law and Order, you can't unring a bell.

I hear ya. Under the law they can't, but in one particular juror's mind, that's a different story.

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