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Ever Get Made Fun Of?


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I was at baseball practice, talking with 2 of my coaches the other day. Mind you, 1 is a Cub's fan and the other is a Sox fan. I start telling the Cubs fan about how Podsednik can outplay Patterson (more steals, defense, etc.) you know, backing up my team. So, I bust out with the stats and he was impressed, but to no evail, starts talking about Burnitz..........yes, Jeremy Burnitz. Enters the Sox fan coach and he asks and I quote "What team does Podsednik play on?" I reply "Are you serious?" and he says "Ya, man!." I proceed to ask him, for assurance, if he was a Sox fan. He says "Yes." I then proceed to ask him if he follows the Sox and he once again replies "Yes." I then say "No, you dont because if you did, you'd know that he was acquired from Milwaukee." He then says "Oh, well, all I know is that Carlos Lee is going to rock the Cell this year!" then I ask him "Oh really, do the Brewers play the Sox this year at the Cell?" and he replies "I don't know, why?" So, I tell him the story and inform him on the Sox' additions this winter. I was absolutely shocked. Also, the Cubs fan coach even knew about the Sox acquisitions. Then later on, I was talking to a teammate, started talking about Iguchi, and he asked me if I sit around and read about the Sox and s*** all day and I said "No, I sit around on the internet and read it!" Anyways, the point is that I am sometimes made fun of jockingly by people who don't necessarily follow their sport as much. Does this happen to anyone else?

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You make a good point, but I will say that I think sometimes (trust me-myself included) can come off to casual fans as elitest and intimidate people into avoiding baseball because they don't know enough. I don't believe this anecdote applies to your particular situation, just something to remember. One of point I should make in the interest of accuracy is that The Whiffer Patterson is a much better defender than Pods.

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I know what you're saying, SF1.


To tell you the truth, I don't really even talk to my friends about baseball very often...


When you have to explain to them why Frank Thomas is still a great player, it gets tough. I just kind of nod my head when (some) of my friends are talking baseball.

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Ive worked at a bar at Ohare where I talked to many baseball fans every day. Im not biased or anything but the most Knowledgable fans seemed to be:


white sox, red sox, met, cardinal, phillie, and believe it or not, mariner fans.


the ones who did not seem to know too much in general were : marlin, cub, diamond back, dodger, and rockie fans.


thats my expierience from 2 years of bartending at O'Hare.

Edited by rangercal
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 10:49 PM)
At my workplace, anytime someone has any baseball question, they come to me.  Even if it is about the Cubs, they ask me over any Cub fans.

Oh yeah....wel at my workplace......nevermind, I don't work.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 08:34 PM)
I know what you're saying, SF1.


To tell you the truth, I don't really even talk to my friends about baseball very often...


When you have to explain to them why Frank Thomas is still a great player, it gets tough.  I just kind of nod my head when (some) of my friends are talking baseball.


Oh I see how it is, I'm not a good enough baseball person anymore??? lol :crying

Edited by Pauly8509CWS
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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 08:34 PM)
I know what you're saying, SF1.


To tell you the truth, I don't really even talk to my friends about baseball very often...


When you have to explain to them why Frank Thomas is still a great player, it gets tough.  I just kind of nod my head when (some) of my friends are talking baseball.

I do the exact same thing.

I don't even wanna get into it.

I don't wanna start an argument even if they are clearly wrong. Just not worth the time.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 10:52 PM)
I'm a girl and I follow the sox almost slavishly. So, yeah, I get teased quite a bit about it.


A real man would love me for my obsession. *sigh*

I'm a man and I love the Sox....and obsessions! ;) :D :wub: The Sox are my fetish hahaha.

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QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 10:52 PM)
Yeah I get made fun of up here in Twins country. I hate those fans so much. I also try to avoid them.

Your a Sox fan....living in Minnesota.....but also a Chiefs fan????? :bang :lol:

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I know what you mean about the heat of the moment. Sometimes you dig in on a point and don't want to give it up or you accidentally invent supporting evidence. It's like when my brother said he'd rather have Ben Wallace than Kobe. Sometimes we let our emotions get in the way of reason. I do it all the time.

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