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QUOTE(Jabroni @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 03:55 AM)
The Sox gave Borchard that much money because he looked like he deserved it from the way he hit at Stanford.  Has he earned even $1 million of that $5.3 million?  Hell no.


Well, it's Sox management's job to project what Borchard's going to be, and give him money based on what they think he's going to be.


Anyways, I'm not going to argue with you, it's clear Borchard didn't live up to the hype, no doubt. But alright, life goes on -- it's overkill at this point, nothing anyone says about how he sucks is any different than what anyone else has said...


We've drifted off-topic, my bad for the initial hijack.

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Your a Sox fan....living in Minnesota.....but also a Chiefs fan?????  :bang  :lol:


I prolly have it worse...I'm the real one who is the Sox Fan/Bears fan/Illini fan.

Try LIVING IN Minnesota...

All these people up here suck the big one...

You should see the looks I get when I wear my '83 and '80 Fisk Sox jersey...

All the say is...

Your a Sox fan? They suck!

I get that alot!

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 08:34 PM)
I know what you're saying, SF1.


To tell you the truth, I don't really even talk to my friends about baseball very often...


When you have to explain to them why Frank Thomas is still a great player, it gets tough.  I just kind of nod my head when (some) of my friends are talking baseball.

I can talk to about 2 people in my school about baseball. The others just don't know what they're talking about and I can't even deal with it. Today, I was told that Freddy was at best a 4th starter and I couldn't even continue talking with this person. I mean imo it serves no purpose arguing with these type of people because they just don't understand the game.

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Someone left a Herald on our desk the other day and I get to the class and see Cub love all over the particular page. I also notice someone had wrote "Cubs suck", and another person wrote "damn straight" and I added my two cents and wrote "yeah they do". Then I just left it there. Cub girl walks in, sees the ad for Cub breacelets and says " I want one" then sees what the Sox fans wrote and I start laughing and she asks if I'm a Sox fan, I say "Yes" and she says "why" and I say "the same reason I'm not a Cubs fan", I get a blank face staring back, and I say "Frank Thomas is the s***; thats why, I never liked the Cubs and their lovable loser attitude, I just loved watching Frank beat the s*** out of the baseball" and she's all like "well you should be a Cub fan cause they're gonna win the World Series" so I just turn the other way laughing.


Then some dude hears our conversation and says "frank thomas sucks".


No one disses on my boy Frank. SO I say "Yes, someone with a .450 on base percentage sucks soooo much". He obviously knew what OBP was because he was like "whoa".


Then he says "Yeah but he strikes out too much"


Me: "..........Care to tell me how he strikes out too much if he walked more than he struck out?"


Silence occurs.


Him: "Todd Helton is better."


Me: "Todd Helton is in his prime. Frank Thomas was a million times better in his prime. Think about it... a young Frank Thomas in Coors Field..."


Him: "At least Helton doesn't strike out as much."


Me: "You are full of s***."



I f***in hate idiots.

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QUOTE(El Piervizdyeguchansodnik @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 11:52 PM)
Someone left a Herald on our desk the other day and I get to the class and see Cub love all over the particular page. I also notice someone had wrote "Cubs suck", and another person wrote "damn straight" and I added my two cents and wrote "yeah they do". Then I just left it there. Cub girl walks in, sees the ad for Cub breacelets and says " I want one" then sees what the Sox fans wrote and I start laughing and she asks if I'm a Sox fan, I say "Yes" and she says "why" and I say "the same reason I'm not a Cubs fan", I get a blank face staring back, and I say "Frank Thomas is the s***; thats why, I never liked the Cubs and their lovable loser attitude, I just loved watching Frank beat the s*** out of the baseball" and she's all like "well you should be a Cub fan cause they're gonna win the World Series" so I just turn the other way laughing.


Then some dude hears our conversation and says "frank thomas sucks".


No one disses on my boy Frank. SO I say "Yes, someone with a .450 on base percentage sucks soooo much". He obviously knew what OBP was because he was like "whoa".


Then he says "Yeah but he strikes out too much"


Me: "..........Care to tell me how he strikes out too much if he walked more than he struck out?"


Silence occurs.


Him: "Todd Helton is better."


Me: "Todd Helton is in his prime. Frank Thomas was a million times better in his prime. Think about it... a young Frank Thomas in Coors Field..."


Him: "At least Helton doesn't strike out as much."


Me: "You are full of s***."

I f***in hate idiots.


:notworthy :gosox3:


Like the new sig too!

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Ha, I just remembered this and thought I would share. Earlier in the year some cub fan was trying to rip on the sox and he was claiming how much of a baseball fan he was. So anyways I try to ignore these kids now but this guy was really getting on my nerves, so eventually while he's still talking I just interupt him and I ask "you claim to be a big baseball fan, right?" He responds and says yes. So I ask him to tell me what OPS is. He pauses and then finally says he doesn't know, I told him if you can't even tell me what OPS is, I'm not talking with you and I just walked away. Good times.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 01:16 PM)
Just try explaining to someone in Canada that you spend time on a message board talking about the Chicago White Sox.

I can beat that. Just try explaining to someone in Australia that you spend time on a message board talking about the Chicago White Sox. :P


Actually at University today I saw an American Exchange Student wearing a Chicago Cubs T-Shirt. Ugh... you know what that means, they're migrating. :crying

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QUOTE(silver and black @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 11:27 PM)
It's funny...

Our local radio station always does sports trivia at 12:15 pm, and I always answer the questions right...More than them silly Twins fans...



haha yeah I know more about the Twins than most of them too. They are the biggest bandwagon jumpers I've ever seen. 5 years ago they'd be lucky to even get a quarter of their stadium filled.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 06:26 PM)
Pods will steal more bases than Patterson but Patterson is a better defender than Pods.

Its not even close either. Patterson has his flaws defensively too, but he's immensley better then Pods.


If given the choice I know I'd take Corey over Pods. Pods steals bases better but I'd say Patterson is as good at everything else. I guess its tough though cause if Pod puts up numbers like his rookie year, the SOx are gonna be in luck and in that case there aren't many leadoff hitters better.

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QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 07:03 PM)
Excellent post Punch . I read this board almost every day and yet I cant see myself having thousands of posts about the White Sox. Yes I'm a huge Sox fan have been since i was 10 yrs old 37 yrs ago.  I know the team inside and out  but, woo boy there are a bunch of argumentative know-it-alls on this website. I swear half of them must fantasize about being the Sox GM. The way they know stats and argue about the  tiniest crap amazes me. I mean yesterday's game thread was ruined by guys arguing who's worth more to the Sox Timo or Borchard. Elitist ?? Hell yes!

I admit, I'd love the job :)

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Possessing great baseball knowledge is a double-edged sword, especially in Chicago with so many mindless Cub fans.


On one hand, you want to shut the guy up spouting off wrong stats, terrible insight, etc. So you correct them, right? The problem is you end up either looking like a pompous, elitist baseball asshole or they completely ignore your statement and continue to "impress" their friends with their misinformed baseball knowledge.


My solution: put money on things. Taking someone's money whether it be a dollar or one hundred dollars is accepted by most in society as effectively "pwning" the other person (in computer speak). At least I know that's how I get asshole cub fans to shut up...simple phrasing as "you wanna make a bet?" *


Ultimately, all of these arguments are usually in bars/ballparks where one's ego prevents them from accepting the fact that they're wrong. Whether it's a girlfriend to impress, or a group of your boys, guys just won't know when they're beat and that's when the discussion turns into "my ballpark has more fans than yours, you guys suck".


So ya, getting labeled an "elitist" sucks, but you should use that to your advantage...make a couple bucks off of all this knowledge you possess and maybe next time that asshole that spouts off about something he doesn't know he'll think twice about the possibility of someone around him actually knowing about the subject and hurting his wallet again.


In conclusion, don't gamble because it's bad for you. However if you really want to shut up that asshole sitting next to you, having him put his money where his mouth is is a quality way of achieving your goal. Much like "bar bets", sports bets are the epitome of shutting the other person down. Plus a couple extra bucks is always good. :P







*Note: gambling is not good for you kids, don't do it...this is my responsible message of the day.

Edited by Fotop
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legal age really doesn't matter. Gambling is technically "illegal" but you basically have to be exchanging money in front of a hardass cop to get in trouble for it. Even then I doubt a bet between friends warrants any serious legal repercussions.


But still, gambling is bad. Don't gamble. :P

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 06:00 PM)
Only thing i have to add to this thread is that i almost can't talk baseball with people not at my knowledge level. Probly why i'm here so often. If you don't know you're s***, i just can't talk sports with you. It does nothing for me.

At least you guys over there can talk to people about sports. Down here the closest I'd get, is talking to one of my buddies about how good Albert Pujols is. :huh:

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