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Worst Feeling Evar


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Alright so I am at the college and its 11:30 and I decide to go workout before class.. Well I go in there and do some dumbbell bench and some other upper body things and then leave at about 12:20.. I only wanted to do some light stuff because I have weightlifting tomorrow anyways..


Well I leave and all of the sudden I feel like s***, and theres no where to lay down so I go and sit at a computer and lay my head down.. Well it starts getting worse and I dont know what to do.. and I am starting to sweat pretty bad, like my shirt got all wet and I had sweat starting to come down my forhead.. so I go to get up and I threw up on the floor, and I start to feel it coming again so I try to get to the bathroom but I didnt make it and threw up at the door..


I went into the bathroom and leaned over the urinal and threw up like 2 more times and then finally I felt better.. But now my shirt is a little sticky from the sweat and I am starting to cool down.. but I felt so hot and I couldnt stop sweating..


anyways, I think it might have something to do with the fact I took some vitamins this morning at 9:00 and it said to take with food but I didnt, I dont know.. Anyone else have stuff like this happen..


All I know is I am glad I threw up, because I felt like complete s*** and it was seriously one of the most uncomfortable situations I have ever been in, I kept trying to lay my head down and it just kept getting worse..

Edited by T R U
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 12:41 PM)
It must be Jon Garland Fever :lol:


very funny :P


Man I wanted to lay down so bad, I cant even describe the way I felt..


The only thing I need to do now is go to the food court and get something to eat to get this nasty taste out of my mouth

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 12:41 PM)
It must be Jon Garland Fever :lol:


I had the same thing happen to me today. Just substitute any heavy lifting with logged onto Soxtalk and found out Buerhle broke his foot. The throwing up, and everything else is right on.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 12:44 PM)
I had the same thing happen to me today. Just substitute any heavy lifting with logged onto Soxtalk and found out Buerhle broke his foot. The throwing up, and everything else is right on.


haha.. im sure a lot of people had that feeling today


good news is we arent left with a hole because we got BMac to step in, and that makes me feel a lot better about the situation

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QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 12:48 PM)
I get this every now and again...it seems only when I haven't eaten anything b4 working out. If i have something to eat b4 hand never happens though.


Well its not like I woke up didnt eat and then hit the weights running.. It was a good 3 hours or so between and I didnt even kill myself in there I just did some light things..


This is the first time that it has happened to me, it kinda happened a few weeks ago and one my way home the whole time I was like "man I cant wait to get home and lay down" because the feeling was killing me but by the time I got home it went away..


This was by far one of the worst feelings I have ever had.. but now its gone and I have lost my excuse to skip class which I must now go attend..

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I've broken into cold sweats and almost puked numerous times in life, for no real reason at all. I think sometimes yoru body just wants to f*** with you.


When I was in Junior High we had to run the mile. Back then, a runner I was not. I started to get to the end, and suddenly I was going to puke. The gym teacher saw me coming with the look on my face, and she tried to get out of the way, but it was a senseless effort. I was moving too fast, my gut was too fast, and she never saw The In-Laws, so the yells of "SERPENTINE, SERPENTINE" all fell on deaf ears.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 03:35 PM)
That's kinda wierd.  With the sweating and sick stomach, it sounds like maybe you had a fainting spell.



Exacty what I was going to say. A vasil vagal episode. It's when you do more than your body can handle - even thought you don't think so - and your body shuts down. Usually you puke first, then pass out for a brief moment - some people don't even realize they've passed out. Just long enough for your body to regain control. That's a variation of what happened to Jim. After all those tests they found nothing wrong that caused him to have that reaction and named it VV.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 03:44 PM)
TRU, try some vagasil for those vasil vagal episodes, should clear it right up.



haha that was kinda uncalled for but I've never experienced something like that so I wouldn't know. I've never even fainted before.

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That happened to me once in middle school. I felt like crap all of a sudden so I went out of the room and went to get a drink and I collapsed and my vision went blurry for a bit. Just laid on the cold floor for a bit and that helped, along with some water. I, too, was really sweaty when it happened.

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This exact same thing happened to me about 2 years ago when I tried Hydroxycut. Whether I took it with food or without, I would get nauseous while working out and start a cold sweat. I quickly ditched the stuff.

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I didnt pass out, though I wish I would have


I really cant describe the feeling, it was horrible.. but as soon as I threw up I felt much better... although right now I have a pretty bad headache..


My little sister had the flu recently, maybe I have it? Who knows..


but I was sweating pretty bad and felt like I wanted to pass out

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I'm telling you, it's a fainting spell and it sux. Mine lasted only like 1 minute, but it feels like a half an hour. I'd sweat, feel like I was gonna puke and crap my pants at the same time, get tunnel vision, I'd just want to lie down before I fell over, then just before I blacked out, slowly I'd start to feel better. Everyone around me would say I turned ghost white, almost green. Then you're covered in sweat for like the next 5 minutes. My Dr. said they are caused by an emotional response, which doesn't make sense since sometimes I was just sitting there and I'd get one. I've only had like 4 in my lifetime, so I never really worried about it. :huh

Any physicians or nurses here who can help?

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