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For the past couple seasons my habit has been to start Sox games listening on the radio outside on the patio. When I come in later I have the stereo set to Rooney and Farmer while turning the video on the TV. I score most of the games and it’s easier with the radio play by play. So I just haven’t listened much to Harrelson or DJ, except for highlights.


This spring there are a lot of games on comcast that radio is not broadcasting. I have no option except the Hawk. So I’m kind of a Rip Van Winkle, awakening to these commentators after not hearing them for many years. After about a half dozen games, I’ve reached a conclusion.


Hawk Harrelson is worst commentator and homer I have ever heard in my entire life. Exposure to him beyond 15-second highlights is detrimental to my well being. He has said the most ridiculous things lately. Ozzie is the best manager in the majors, KW is the best GM, is the best he has ever seen, and on and on and on and on.


I know it’s his job to sell tickets but he’s worse than QVC. He is very knowledgeable but also very discriminating as to when he displays this knowledge. Fields was in a couple games back and let a high hopper play him then threw a balloon off his wrong foot. He got the guy but as Hawk was gushing about what a great play it was, I was thinking how glad I was Fields didn’t hurt himself. Come on Hawk, Fields has also made some pretty good plays this spring and has a lot of potential but Jesus, Hawk, call a spade a spade.


Rooney and Farmer have their faults too, they will also window dress at times but Hawk is so blatant he drives me crazy.

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QUOTE(TLAK @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 08:18 PM)
For the past couple seasons my habit has been to start Sox games listening on the radio outside on the patio.  When I come in later I have the stereo set to Rooney and Farmer while turning the video on the TV.  I score most of the games and it’s easier with the radio play by play.  So I just haven’t listened much to Harrelson or DJ, except for highlights. 


This spring there are a lot of games on comcast that radio is not broadcasting.  I have no option except the Hawk.  So I’m kind of a Rip Van Winkle, awakening to these commentators after not hearing them for many years.  After about a half dozen games, I’ve reached a conclusion.


Hawk Harrelson is worst commentator and homer I have ever heard in my entire life.  Exposure to him beyond 15-second highlights is detrimental to my well being.  He has said the most ridiculous things lately.  Ozzie is the best manager in the majors, KW is the best GM, is the best he has ever seen, and on and on and on and on.


I know it’s his job to sell tickets but he’s worse than QVC.  He is very knowledgeable but also very discriminating as to when he displays this knowledge.  Fields was in a couple games back and let a high hopper play him then threw a balloon off his wrong foot.  He got the guy but as Hawk was gushing about what a great play it was, I was thinking how glad I was Fields didn’t hurt himself.  Come on Hawk, Fields has also made some pretty good plays this spring and has a lot of potential but Jesus, Hawk, call a spade a spade.


Rooney and Farmer have their faults too, they will also window dress at times but Hawk is so blatant he drives me crazy.


Great post, I heard his comment about KW being the best GM the other day as well and I was like, what in the world is this guy talking about.


I rarely tolerate listening to him anymore either. The only guy as annoying as Harrelson is Dick Bremmer of the Twins.

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He also repeats the same thing over and over if you listen to him very often.


See Soxfest 2005 and his dumb comments about how many home runs the Sox hit compared to the Yankees, yada yada yada.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 07:23 PM)
He also repeats the same thing over and over if you listen to him very often.


See Soxfest 2005 and his dumb comments about how many home runs the Sox hit compared to the Yankees, yada yada yada.


That was the worst. He had his 3 points that he was going to make, and he did nothing but repeat them ad naseum. He was the worst part of Soxfest, besides Farmers outfits. :bang

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 08:25 PM)
That was the worst.  He had his 3 points that he was going to make, and he did nothing but repeat them ad naseum.  He was the worst part of Soxfest, besides Farmers outfits. :bang

At least Ed has something intelligent to say.

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I completely understand your criticism of Hawk. He often spouts the company line to unbearable heights.


If we're down by 5+ runs early in a game; ie: Munoz's Montreal start, I often find it impossible to listen to Hawk. He'll barrage viewers with philosophies of Ozzieball until a comeback mounts. As it did in Montreal.


However, I've grown up listening to Hawk and will continue until he's forcibly removed.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 08:34 PM)
while Hawk can be repetetive at times and other times be a homer.... i for one cant imagine a white sox game w/out him  :drink

If you can't imagine it, hit the mute button, it'll be a reality.... :P

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 01:23 AM)
He also repeats the same thing over and over if you listen to him very often.


See Soxfest 2005 and his dumb comments about how many home runs the Sox hit compared to the Yankees, yada yada yada.


Or his yearly (usually twice, at least a couple times in the last two years) anti-Moneyball/anti-Beane rant.


I heard the 'KW best GM' comment as well, and as much as Kenny tries to field a winning team, he's no where near the top. I don't know how he can even put Kenny in the top half, considering he hasn't made the playoffs yet.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 07:26 PM)
At least Ed has something intelligent to say.

Just wish he would learn to lay off on the constant stories of what happened to him in certain situations. Sometimes a few pitches go by and he's still yakking on a story about himself that can sometimes go on longer than it should. Stay with the game at hand, tell what's going on, and repeat the score and situation at hand a little more often. The TV has a toolbar for reminders, or for when your just tuning in. Radio doesn't, so to leave you hanging for too long gets you antsy as to what's happening. Farmer is good, don't get me wrong, but he needs to lay off the "way too many"stories about himself and stay with the the game comentary that is going on now.

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QUOTE(Rooftop Shots @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 07:53 PM)
Just wish he would learn to lay off on the constant stories of what happened to him in certain situations. Sometimes a few pitches go by and he's still yakking on a story about himself that can sometimes go on longer than it should. Stay with the game at hand, tell what's going on, and repeat the score and situation at hand a little more often. The TV has a toolbar for reminders, or for when your just tuning in. Radio doesn't, so to leave you hanging for too long gets you antsy as to what's happening. Farmer is good, don't get me wrong, but he needs to lay off the "way too many"stories about himself and stay with the the game comentary that is going on now.

There is an appreciable drop in energy when Farmer takes the play by play. Even during good games I lose the pace of the game with him. Rooney stays on top of what is happening and, I don't know how to say it, but I have more of a sense of anticipation about what will happen on the next pitch. I'm glad they split up the innings the way they do, Farmer gets the 4th, 5th and 7th. If he went three in a row somebody would have to wake me up.

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Hawk's a homer but I'd be crushed if he were to leave. When there were some rumors this winter about him possibly going to Tampa, I was worried. I love his rhythm, his old stories, his catch phrases, and his enthusiam. He's perfect for me. I too am a homer. I even appreciate his silent times when the Sox are blowing a game. You can just tell he's gritting his teeth trying not to say anything that would get him in trouble with the FCC. Sometimes I think he gushes praise about a player who is in a slump just so that it may give that player some confidence. Whoever replaces him someday will not come close to filling his shoes.

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I also loooove Hawk. Living in the Northern burbs and being born into a Cubs family, Sox fans are few and between so watching a sox game with Hawk announcing makes it almost like watching the game with a huge sox fan. He feels the same as i do during the games and adds inside information. He catchphrases add even more to my enjoyment.

Just my 2 cents


I looooove Hawk



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QUOTE(rangercal @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 07:57 PM)
I dont care if I get grilled for this.  I think hawk is Great.  Sox games would not be the same without him. He loves the team just as much as anyone on here and I would not want anyone else. HAWK IS THE BEST!

Agreed! For those who disagree, remember that we once had Drysdale as our full time announcer. The guy was a great pitcher, but his excitability towards our home team white sox was like listening to a casket with arms and legs. Maybe Hawks sometimes has the extension lips out with certain praises, but his excitement when good things happen during a game are real.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 08:32 PM)
I completely understand your criticism of Hawk.  He often spouts the company line to unbearable heights.


If we're down by 5+ runs early in a game; ie: Munoz's Montreal start, I often find it impossible to listen to Hawk.  He'll barrage viewers with philosophies of Ozzieball until a comeback mounts.  As it did in Montreal.


However, I've grown up listening to Hawk and will continue until he's forcibly removed.


I've noticed that whenever the Sox are down big, Hawk will keep rattling on about Ozzie ball and the lead isn't that big, while DJ goes silent, only saying things like "Right", "Yes", and "Mm-hmm". Still, in my opinion, they're just below ESPN's Joe Morgan and I can't remember his name at the moment.

Edited by AirScott
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QUOTE(Rooftop Shots @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 08:06 PM)
Agreed! For those who disagree, remember that we once had Drysdale as our full time announcer. The guy was a great pitcher, but his excitability towards our home team white sox was like listening to a casket with arms and legs. Maybe Hawks sometimes has the extension lips out with certain  praises, but his excitement when good things happen during a game are real.

:lol: Funny line, but remember, he was better than Jack Drees. I got no problem with Harrelson fans, just a matter of taste. I like to hear Milo Hamilton down in Houston, although one of Hawk's old batting gloves probably knows more about baseball. Did you ever hear Hawk tell the story about inventing the batting glove?

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