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Why is this? I have never understood.


You should ask your wife, your g-friend, or your mom for a better answer.

Your in a tux, she's in her best dress. Ring a bell? Speaking of bells, bells, bells?

It doesn't matter whether you've been going steady, dated a few times, or your going at it blind. She will never forget that day. Even if you do.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 04:17 PM)
You should ask your wife, your g-friend, or your mom for a better answer.

Your in a tux, she's in her best dress.  Ring a bell?  Speaking of bells, bells, bells?

It doesn't matter whether you've been going steady, dated a few times, or your going at it blind.  She will never forget that day.  Even if you do.

So in other words its sentimental value.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 05:20 AM)
Dude you need confidence if you're gonna do this.  So you need to junk that attitude right now! 


Do you have a girl in mind?  Is she single or seeing someone?

Yeah ladies love confidence when you ask her act like it is not a huge deal.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 11:20 PM)
Dude you need confidence if you're gonna do this.  So you need to junk that attitude right now! 

Yeah, Ladies love confidence.....


Confidence and BIG COCKS.



So here's my advice: Go to the supermarket by yourself an appropriately sized and shaped fruit or vegetable, and then throw it down your shorts in a nice banana hammock.


I know baggy pants are in these days, so you might have to rub up against the girl while you are asking her for her to notice.



The key is to only rub your junk on her just enough for her to notice. Too much and you'll 1) creep her out, and 2) bruise your fruit or vegetable so that you can't have it for lunch later.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 11:31 PM)
Yeah, Ladies love confidence.....


Confidence and BIG COCKS.

So here's my advice: Go to the supermarket by yourself an appropriately sized and shaped fruit or vegetable, and then throw it down your shorts in a nice banana hammock. 


I know baggy pants are in these days, so you might have to rub up against the girl while you are asking her for her to notice. 

The key is to only rub your junk on her just enough for her to notice.  Too much and you'll 1) creep her out, and 2) bruise your fruit or vegetable so that you can't have it for lunch later.


LMAO! thats got to be the funniest s*** i have ever read in my life.. funny and true, awesome Gene... :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

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don't have one...

i try to have some confidence but people sure like to change that...

No STANDARDS for the lady...


I give up.




You can't go wrong with Google. Can you?

Anyways there's girls on that site that probably can offer you more help than we can.

They might even be able to help you with your C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E problem.

It's ok to be shy. Some girls actually like that. It's a turn on. But don't be a wimp or a coward at the same time. If you are shy, then be brave & bold.


Dr Jugger Luv is signing off for the night. Good Luck!

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QUOTE(silver and black @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 11:43 PM)
I need some advice...

I want to go to Prom and I need help to find a girl...any advice on how to get one? The dance is on the 30th of April...I know I shouldn't ask on the internet because most of you are dweebs(heads). I'm really desperate, and I have no idea what to do...

Please be serious about this thread...

dude, quit bein such a pussy. Just be yourself and ask a girl that youre friends with or at least talk to on a pretty regular basis. Or just ask a girl that you really like, but have never really talked too. Just be yourself and dont get nervous or anything like that. Chicks like confidence. And remember, GIT ER DONE!!!! :headbang :headbang :headbang

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After discussing it with my better 1/2 I was told to tell you if it's junior prom don't sweat it. It's no big deal. That's just a $ grab. Senior prom is what counts. Not just yours but hers. She's right about that.


I recall going to 4 prom's. First girlfriend's senior prom when I was a junior. Second girlfriend's senior prom when I was a senior & then my senior prom with her. My third girlfriend's senior prom when I was in college. My forth girlfriend's senior prom when I was a junior in college.

I didn't have much luck & staying long in a relationship until that year.

That one lasted 3 yrs.


Then I moved to Michigan with my first big job. Got engaged a yr later. That didn't work out either. You get engaged by romance but you get married on compatibility. We just weren't compatible. It was pretty scary. She was 5'11" & hot. We went shopping for a house. I forget when but I had to go to Chicago on business. She had to stay behind & teach. She was the non-trusting kind. Called all the time acting like I was cheating on her. I tried to calm her down but I guess it didn't work. When I returned we were shopping for a house. Things were going well. Close to the time we were ready to make a purchase she confessed to me at dinner in December she had cheated on me that 1 weekend.


She laid it out like it was my fault. Some guy from her passed called her up & convinced her I was cheating on her. Apparently this guy had gotten rough with her in the pass because she said he was rough when he came over. She was crying & all that s*** & well I was pretty much speechless.


Anyways we never got the house & still have that engagement ring. You're pretty much stuck with them. You can use them for down payments on a new ring but don't do that with your girl present. You've got to do that in private. We saw each other off & on after that & I guess I started to forgive her, but then she unloaded the fact that she had an abortion years back & well that was pretty much it for me. Let's just say I learned too much that night. She was crying in a dark closet & I had to work pretty hard just to hold her. Any ways it was clear to me she had some major problems in the cookoo's nest & it was pretty much out of my control.


I moved to Texas shortly thereafter & she came & visited me in the spring.

I was a little bit of a wild child then so we actually got along pretty good.

But then she kicked in the wall of the bathroom (don't know how) & well roaches flooded the tub she was in & well that was a nasty experience for both of us. Beware of dem dare apts in Texas. We had a nice time & all but she had to go back (I didn't want her quitting her job as a teacher to live with me) & we sort of just slowly grew apart after that.


Anyways, you didn't need to hear that. After that I avg'd about a relationship a year until I finally met someone who didn't smoke, wasn't a lush, was a good looker, & I shared a lot in common with. Been pretty happy since.


The moral of the story is prom is no big deal. No one I ever went to prom with remained in my life more than a few years. Don't sweat it.

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