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i have no friends that are girls...

plus im such a loner...


Dude, you're a tough case. You're asking us to help you find a 100% blind date for prom. I'll talk it over with my better 1/2 & get back to you on this. I'm sure she'll have more ideas. You sound pretty desperate so just try to follow what she says no matter how weird it might seem to you.

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Just ask someone. You have absolutely nothing to lose when you think about it. If she says no you can just move on, it isn't going to kill you. It is better to take a stab at it and see what happens rather than wonder "what if" later on and regret not trying. Just ask someone and see what happens. You might be surprised.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 01:20 AM)
Here's an idea. Take out an EBay ad to get people to bid on going out on a prom date with you.  ;)

This would actually be a good idea...


You would be guaranteed to get attention... All you have to do is send the link to a bunch of highly trafficed sites and local news media... The local news would eat that s*** up. It's not like they've got anything imortant to report up there in Ya Hey Der country.


You'd make some scratch out of the deal as well.

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Holy Christ -- grow a set & ask somebody.


If they say no, that's the worst they can say. And in my own personal philosophy when a girl says no to me, I explain it away thinking "Hey, I can't help she's a lesbian."


Just find a girl and talk to her -- work a creative line* (i.e. get a buddy and go up to a girl saying "Are you Michael Jordan? Because my friend and I totally want to double team you")


*LCRCo takes no responsibility for injuries incurred as a result of using these line(s).


Prom can be a very fun time with friends and that's it. Its what I did -- went with my cabal of friends and we laughed our asses off all night long.

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QUOTE(silver and black @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 01:43 AM)
It is my senior prom...

Who really would go to prom with a mug like mine...

I don't have an ebay account...

I like the help you are giving me...


Old Chomsky quote: "If you believe there is no hope, you ensure there is no hope."


If you don't wanna be around yourself then how do you expect to find anybody else to want to?

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Don't sweat it.

I went to Prom all four years of high school and it really means nothing in the scope of life.



Life is going to happen to you, soon. This is a small blip on it's radar.

Ask a girl, if she says no...move on. It's cool.

Edited by RibbieRubarb
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My $.02:


1) If you don't go to the prom, it's not the end of the world. I went to my Sr. Prom, and it was boring and hardly memorable. And that's while going with the girl who I thought at the time I would marry(I was much more traditional back then).


2) If you do want to go, I can GUARANTEE there's a girl out there who's just as depressed as you out of fear that no one will ask her to go. Hell, I bet there's more than one. Just pick out a girl that you think would be a fun prom partner, that doesn't have a boyfriend, and just f***ing ask her. Chances are, you'll have made her day, month, even year. Good luck, Casanova.

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Take all the cash you'd waste on the prom and go get yourself and 'escort' and a room at a nice hotel. If you offer to pay, I'm sure she'll bring booze and a nice, big pile of blow. Leave your old self in that hotel room and get ready for College.

I promise you'll have the best story Monday morning and all the cofidence in the world for College life.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 11:31 PM)
Yeah, Ladies love confidence.....


Confidence and BIG COCKS.

So here's my advice: Go to the supermarket by yourself an appropriately sized and shaped fruit or vegetable, and then throw it down your shorts in a nice banana hammock. 


I know baggy pants are in these days, so you might have to rub up against the girl while you are asking her for her to notice. 

The key is to only rub your junk on her just enough for her to notice.  Too much and you'll 1) creep her out, and 2) bruise your fruit or vegetable so that you can't have it for lunch later.


So this Roman soldier asks his buddies for help with the ladies, and surprisingly receives the exact same advice as above. Fortunately for him the style of the day were tight speedo style shorts, and the outline of the potato (potatoe for GOPers) was clearly defined in his shorts. After walking through the marketplace, and receiving nothing but laughs, he returned to his buddy and asked for more advice.


After carefully looking over the soldier and his potato, his buddy replied. Let's try this again, only this time, put the potato in the front.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 05:31 AM)
Yeah, Ladies love confidence.....


Confidence and BIG COCKS.

So here's my advice: Go to the supermarket by yourself an appropriately sized and shaped fruit or vegetable, and then throw it down your shorts in a nice banana hammock. 


I know baggy pants are in these days, so you might have to rub up against the girl while you are asking her for her to notice. 

The key is to only rub your junk on her just enough for her to notice.  Too much and you'll 1) creep her out, and 2) bruise your fruit or vegetable so that you can't have it for lunch later.


That might work since the goal is just to get her to go to the prom. Based on what he's written, I don't think he needs to worry about having to actually 'deliver the goods'.

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Here's an idea that actually makes sense to me. You know how all the colleges & some high schools have the ad post-it boards where you can find apts for rent & such, well create an ad for the schools nearby you & include a cell number. With a little more than a month to go keep it local.

I would bet with the hook-up culture in colleges today you'll get some calls.


Make the ad intriquing like you want to experience the spontaneity of a complete blind experience for prom. Sell yourself good in the ad. Many people look at those boards from time to time from apts to rent to concert tickets. Anythng someone is trying to sell or cash in gets put on those boards. I'm assuming your paying her way in this endeavor so you're selling a prom date.


We're curious how this works out so please give it a try. Take your time on the ad. Do it right. I'm sure many here can help you come up with the words but it's best you try it yourself. You might find then your hearts not in. You should do some research on proms in the general sense to capture the ambience of the whole affair.

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QUOTE(silver and black @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 11:14 PM)
im a loser...thats why

Don't say that. You remind me of my baby brother. He is convinced he is the worst looking thing under the sun and he isn't. He recently lost a bunch of weight and he looks good for himself and better than that he is a great guy. I am not saying that just cuz he is my brother, but because I know he treats people right.


As for mail order brides, one of Brian's buddies did that about 2 years ago and they are still happily married. (My only point to this is that people do actually do this and every now in then it actually works out.)

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As for mail order brides, one of Brian's buddies did that about 2 years ago and they are still happily married.  (My only point to this is that people do actually do this and every now in then it actually works out.)


Wow! You have to explain to us all the details. You hear about these things but never from any one you know or in your circle of life. This is definitely rare.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 11:20 AM)
Wow!  You have to explain to us all the details.  You hear about these things but never from any one you know or in your circle of life.  This is definitely rare.


I've met her a few times and she seems really nice. She is from the Ukraine and is going to school (for English as well as a few other classes I believe). Don't really know too many other details other than that.

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I've met her a few times and she seems really nice. She is from the Ukraine and is going to school (for English as well as a few other classes I believe).  Don't really know too many other details other than that.


Do you know how they met? Was it on-line or by regular mail? Did he travel to the Ukraine to meet her in person or did she travel to meet him? Are they living in America or the Ukraine?

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 11:30 AM)
Do you know how they met? Was it on-line or by regular mail?  Did he travel to the Ukraine to meet her in person or did she travel to meet him?  Are they living in America or the Ukraine?


From what I understand, I think it was a online (but I am not 100% sure). She traveled to meet him. They live here.

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