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how have some of our youngsters doin


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This is a page that a guy on the Sox ESPN boards maintains. He only updates it a couple of times a week, but it is nice because all of our teams are on one page.


So far Rauch and Borch have been great, Harris has been meh, and Miles has been OK.


It would help if I posted the site :lolhitting



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This is a page that a guy on the Sox ESPN boards maintains.  He only updates it a couple of times a week, but it is nice because all of our teams are on one page.


So far Rauch and Borch have been great, Harris has been meh, and Miles has been OK.


It would help if I posted the site :lolhitting



thanks great link

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Ya know...


I was checking out that link and some of the Sox stats, and I was looking at Aaron Miles. I see his batting average -- .278. I think "Wow, that's not too bad, I wonder what his OBP is?". Expecting to see something AT LEAST .340 or higher, I see ".278". 18 AB, 0 walks, 6 strikeouts.


I'm sorry, but there is NO way this guy deserves to be on our team (or any ML team for that matter) unless he can get his OBP above .350. So unless this guy plans on having a batting average of .349, he can sit his ass in Charlotte until he learns what it takes to win.


And for ANYONE that thinks Aaron deserved the 2B job over D'Angelo out of ST, here's what #5's done so far for us....


14 for 45 (.311), 7 walks, 4 strikeouts, .404 OBP, and 1 error in 11 GP

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Ya know...


I was checking out that link and some of the Sox stats, and I was looking at Aaron Miles.  I see his batting average -- .278.  I think "Wow, that's not too bad, I wonder what his OBP is?".  Expecting to see something AT LEAST .340 or higher, I see ".278".  18 AB, 0 walks, 6 strikeouts.


I'm sorry, but there is NO way this guy deserves to be on our team (or any ML team for that matter) unless he can get his OBP above .350.  So unless this guy plans on having a batting average of .349, he can sit his ass in Charlotte until he learns what it takes to win.


And for ANYONE that thinks Aaron deserved the 2B job over D'Angelo out of ST, here's what #5's done so far for us....


14 for 45 (.311), 7 walks, 4 strikeouts, .404 OBP, and 1 error in 11 GP

Miles has only played in 4 games. Give him the benefit of the doubt, will ya? Averages don't mean s*** with that small of a sample size.


If the Sox weren't afraid of losing Josh Paul, Aaron Miles would be in Chicago right now. For some reason Miles isn't playing that much in Charlotte. They have a lot of guys and are overloaded at some positions. Miles has DH'd in 3 of his 4 starts, I believe.

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And for ANYONE that thinks Aaron deserved the 2B job over D'Angelo out of ST, here's what #5's done so far for us....


14 for 45 (.311), 7 walks, 4 strikeouts, .404 OBP, and 1 error in 11 GP

not I - Jimenez has been a most pleasant sujrprise for me thus far. On my next scorecard, he will be listed on a first name basis - a status I reserve for players that are showing something and he has shown a lot in the early going, far more than I expected

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Miles has only played in 4 games.  Give him the benefit of the doubt, will ya?  Averages don't mean s*** with that small of a sample size. 


If the Sox weren't afraid of losing Josh Paul, Aaron Miles would be in Chicago right now.  For some reason Miles isn't playing that much in Charlotte.  They have a lot of guys and are overloaded at some positions.  Miles has DH'd in 3 of his 4 starts, I believe.

He "should" be on the ML team, yet he can't find any PT at the AAA level? There's something wrong with that if you ask me.


The bottom line is that it's 18 AB's and 0 walks. Even if you only have 1 AB every 10 days, you ought to be able to work at least 1 walk in 18 attempts.


I think the person who should be given the benefit of the doubt is the guy who we're going to depend on to get on base for guys like Frank, Magglio, Paul, and Carlos -- D'Angelo Jimenez. He's done a solid job for the Sox since we started playing him at 2B, and yet people still think he's not worthy of being here. What kind of logic is that?

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Miles has only played in 4 games.  Give him the benefit of the doubt, will ya?  Averages don't mean s*** with that small of a sample size. 


If the Sox weren't afraid of losing Josh Paul, Aaron Miles would be in Chicago right now.  For some reason Miles isn't playing that much in Charlotte.  They have a lot of guys and are overloaded at some positions.  Miles has DH'd in 3 of his 4 starts, I believe.

He "should" be on the ML team, yet he can't find any PT at the AAA level? There's something wrong with that if you ask me.


The bottom line is that it's 18 AB's and 0 walks. Even if you only have 1 AB every 10 days, you ought to be able to work at least 1 walk in 18 attempts.


I think the person who should be given the benefit of the doubt is the guy who we're going to depend on to get on base for guys like Frank, Magglio, Paul, and Carlos -- D'Angelo Jimenez. He's done a solid job for the Sox since we started playing him at 2B, and yet people still think he's not worthy of being here. What kind of logic is that?

I never said Jiminez didn't belong. I only said Miles would be in Chicago. Made no mention of the starting lineup.


And yes, something has to be wrong. He has not played 3 days in a row, so I wonder if he is hurt. He is not playing all that much because Harris is still KW's boy. With Harris, Hummel, Nunez and Miles, you are truly looking at 4 starters for 3 positions, so the AB's have to get spread around.


I still think you are nuts if you are worried about a guys walk rate after 4 games. If he plays tomorrow and walks three times in 4 plate appearances, all of a sudden he has 3 walks in 19 AB's. You gonna sing a different tune then? That's why averages don't mean s*** until they have played at least 20 or 30 games.

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I never said Jiminez didn't belong.  I only said Miles would be in Chicago.  Made no mention of the starting lineup. 


I still think you are nuts if you are worried about a guys walk rate after 4 games.  If he plays tomorrow and walks three times in 4 plate appearances, all of a sudden he has 3 walks in 19 AB's.  You gonna sing a different tune then?  That's why averages don't mean s*** until they have played at least 20 or 30 games.

I know you didn't say Jimenez didn't belong....but there are some here who feel that way. I think that sentiment is ridiculous at this time.


And maybe you haven't seen Aaron's statistics from last season. He had nearly 550 plate appearances, and had only 40 walks. That is my main basis for saying he doesn't belong on a contending team in the majors -- but the 0 in 18 AB so far in '03 just furthers my feelings on him. Like Carlos Lee proved last season, it's possible to learn how to take a walk, but until he does so, we won't be seeing him on the Sox 25-man roster -- and if we do, we'll be in trouble IMO.

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What are you all talking about? Don't you know that guys who are mediocre minor league ballplayers for 6 years, never make it higher than AA, and bounce around between 3 different organizations are the real deal when they finally blossom at the age of 29?


Don't you know anything about baseball? The guy won the Southern League MVP! I think we should vote him into the Hall of Fame right now. Man, its too bad no one else knows anything about baseball because Aaron Miles is, and forever will be, the s***. I mean, sure, just because his career average at Rookie ball, A, and AA is like .250 and even though he's got no mitt, that doesn't mean squat because last year, his only good one out of 7 or so, was OBVIOUSLY the true measure of his baseball capabilities.


:fyou KW for almost letting him go.... :fyou JM for picking D'Angelo Jimenez over Aaron.... :fyou D'Angelo Jimenez for being a better player than Miles... God, he's like so much better than you.... Why don't you just realize it and stop playing so good... No one's fooled by that batting average and on base percentage.... We all know who the real second baseman for the Sox should be.

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Miles has only played in 4 games.  Give him the benefit of the doubt, will ya?  Averages don't mean s*** with that small of a sample size. 


If the Sox weren't afraid of losing Josh Paul, Aaron Miles would be in Chicago right now.  For some reason Miles isn't playing that much in Charlotte.  They have a lot of guys and are overloaded at some positions.  Miles has DH'd in 3 of his 4 starts, I believe.

He "should" be on the ML team, yet he can't find any PT at the AAA level? There's something wrong with that if you ask me.


The bottom line is that it's 18 AB's and 0 walks. Even if you only have 1 AB every 10 days, you ought to be able to work at least 1 walk in 18 attempts.


I think the person who should be given the benefit of the doubt is the guy who we're going to depend on to get on base for guys like Frank, Magglio, Paul, and Carlos -- D'Angelo Jimenez. He's done a solid job for the Sox since we started playing him at 2B, and yet people still think he's not worthy of being here. What kind of logic is that?

I never said Jiminez didn't belong. I only said Miles would be in Chicago. Made no mention of the starting lineup.


And yes, something has to be wrong. He has not played 3 days in a row, so I wonder if he is hurt. He is not playing all that much because Harris is still KW's boy. With Harris, Hummel, Nunez and Miles, you are truly looking at 4 starters for 3 positions, so the AB's have to get spread around.


I still think you are nuts if you are worried about a guys walk rate after 4 games. If he plays tomorrow and walks three times in 4 plate appearances, all of a sudden he has 3 walks in 19 AB's. You gonna sing a different tune then? That's why averages don't mean s*** until they have played at least 20 or 30 games.

Weird thing is I expected to see Miles get plenty of time with Harris working a lot in center as well, but so far Aaron hasn't played much at all consistently. You'd think with the impression he made they would find a way for all of them to get at bats.


I'm gonna go easy on the stats and wait a little longer in the minor league season before I make any assumptions though. Miles's biggest need is to improve his OBP by drawing more and more walks if he is going to make it with a big club, imo. If your trying to be a leadoff hitter, I really do recommend you watch Jimenez when it comes to how many pitches he sees and how great his eye is.


One of my favorite parts of Jimenez is just how he sprays the ball all over the place and almost never swings at a bad pitch, unless he's protecting himself which in that case he typically just shoots them foul until he gets a pitch he can handle. Man, if only Jimenez was quicker, like he used to be. Oh well, he's gonna have a great career as a leadoff hitter although he could eventually move to the two hole if the Sox got another high obp guy with speed.

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What are you all talking about?  Don't you know that guys who are mediocre minor league ballplayers for 6 years, never make it higher than AA, and bounce around between 3 different organizations are the real deal when they finally blossom at the age of 29?


Don't you know anything about baseball?  The guy won the Southern League MVP!  I think we should vote him into the Hall of Fame right now.  Man, its too bad no one else knows anything about baseball because Aaron Miles is, and forever will be, the s***.  I mean, sure, just because his career average at Rookie ball, A, and AA is like .250 and even though he's got no mitt, that doesn't mean squat because last year, his only good one out of 7 or so, was OBVIOUSLY the true measure of his baseball capabilities.


:fyou KW for almost letting him go....  :fyou JM for picking D'Angelo Jimenez over Aaron....  :fyou D'Angelo Jimenez for being a better player than Miles... God, he's like so much better than you.... Why don't you just realize it and stop playing so good... No one's fooled by that batting average and on base percentage.... We all know who the real second baseman for the Sox should be.

You have got to be kidding me. The fact of the matter is that D'Angelo is better than Aaron. DJ has been lights out since joining the Sox. Miles would stink up the joint anyway. I give Aaron props but he has to improve in some places.

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What are you all talking about?  Don't you know that guys who are mediocre minor league ballplayers for 6 years, never make it higher than AA, and bounce around between 3 different organizations are the real deal when they finally blossom at the age of 29?


Don't you know anything about baseball?  The guy won the Southern League MVP!  I think we should vote him into the Hall of Fame right now.  Man, its too bad no one else knows anything about baseball because Aaron Miles is, and forever will be, the s***.  I mean, sure, just because his career average at Rookie ball, A, and AA is like .250 and even though he's got no mitt, that doesn't mean squat because last year, his only good one out of 7 or so, was OBVIOUSLY the true measure of his baseball capabilities.


:fyou KW for almost letting him go....  :fyou JM for picking D'Angelo Jimenez over Aaron....  :fyou D'Angelo Jimenez for being a better player than Miles... God, he's like so much better than you.... Why don't you just realize it and stop playing so good... No one's fooled by that batting average and on base percentage.... We all know who the real second baseman for the Sox should be.

You have got to be kidding me. The fact of the matter is that D'Angelo is better than Aaron. DJ has been lights out since joining the Sox. Miles would stink up the joint anyway. I give Aaron props but he has to improve in some places.

Real quick, I think Doublem was being very sarcastic in the post. Not sure if he posted it in Green, but thats typically the color most chose to post their sarcastic comments.


As long as I'm remembering right, Doublem pretty much tended to believe Miles has to prove himself at AAA first and then in the majors, as he thought Miles was more of a one year wonder.

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What are you all talking about?  Don't you know that guys who are mediocre minor league ballplayers for 6 years, never make it higher than AA, and bounce around between 3 different organizations are the real deal when they finally blossom at the age of 29?


Don't you know anything about baseball?  The guy won the Southern League MVP!  I think we should vote him into the Hall of Fame right now.  Man, its too bad no one else knows anything about baseball because Aaron Miles is, and forever will be, the s***.  I mean, sure, just because his career average at Rookie ball, A, and AA is like .250 and even though he's got no mitt, that doesn't mean squat because last year, his only good one out of 7 or so, was OBVIOUSLY the true measure of his baseball capabilities.


:fyou KW for almost letting him go....  :fyou JM for picking D'Angelo Jimenez over Aaron....  :fyou D'Angelo Jimenez for being a better player than Miles... God, he's like so much better than you.... Why don't you just realize it and stop playing so good... No one's fooled by that batting average and on base percentage.... We all know who the real second baseman for the Sox should be.

You have got to be kidding me. The fact of the matter is that D'Angelo is better than Aaron. DJ has been lights out since joining the Sox. Miles would stink up the joint anyway. I give Aaron props but he has to improve in some places.




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Does this mean Willie is back out of the doghouse? OPS of 970 is almost 200 points higher than Borchard's. You know he has CF potential and is one of the minor leagues' fastest players, though he could use some work on his jumps.


I say if this kid hits, Sox have found their 8th spot hitter of the future. This year however he must spend in AAA- he was too raw while with the Sox.

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Does this mean Willie is back out of the doghouse?  OPS of 970 is almost 200 points higher than Borchard's. You know he has CF potential and is one of the minor leagues' fastest players, though he could use some work on his jumps.


I say if this kid hits, Sox have found their 8th spot hitter of the future.  This year however he must spend in AAA- he was too raw while with the Sox.

harris always hits in the minors...then when he is promoted to the bigs he starts hitting everything in the air...willie harris has to prove he is willing to change his game to more of a luis castillo tpye....its his only shot at the majors because no one has figured out how to steal first base yet :huh:

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He impressed the heck, out of me when he took a letter-high inside fastball and hooked it 400 feet to left in his first Comiskey at-bat. The ball just jumped off his bat.


Then of course came a month of less impressive feats with Willie failing to improve pitch recognition without which hitting is impossible at the major league level. With his speed, Harris should hit 250 with his eyes closed.





Who is Scott Morgan and why is his OPS 1300?

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Scott Morgan is a first baseman/outfielder. He got a lot of action with the Sox during spring training. This guy is absolutely huge. He has got to be 6-7 or bigger and Mario will vouch for me on that. When we first saw him we were like who the hell is that guy.


The size and strength is there, the question is can he develop the swing, etc. Maybe he will.

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Scott Morgan is a first baseman/outfielder.  He got a lot of action with the Sox during spring training.  This guy is absolutely huge.  He has got to be 6-7 or bigger and Mario will vouch for me on that.  When we first saw him we were like who the hell is that guy. 


The size and strength is there, the question is can he develop the swing, etc.  Maybe he will.

an adam dunn type??...tell me he is a lefty ,pleeaasssee :huh:

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