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Quark Sports is this new, small company that I found through Yocohoops.com... They are the ones running the Bloggers bracket for that site (over 350 entrants, including Heads and myself)


Anywho... They've got a fantasy baseball option(along with Basketball and football)


It's a salary cap league where each week you get 100 points to spend on your team (I think you can enter up to 5 teams) Scoring is only for that week, so if you have a bad week, you can start fresh the next week with a new team.


I've created a league for soxtalk.


Group ID: 4 -- I told you it was a small site :P

Password: 1917


They've done an awsome job with the bloggers bracket, updating results almost instantaneously, so I'm expecting simillar results from this.


http://quarksports.com/ -- To sign up... you can use my name "dachort" as a referral.


here's the scoring for the baseball.. http://quarksports.com/baseball/static?fil...ll_scoring.html


when you make a team you have to "add it to your cart" and then "purchase" it, but it doesn't cost anything (so far as I can tell so far)...


This one should be more fun than the other salary cap league I started... I hope we can get a bunch of people in this (I don't think there is a cap on the number of teams that can be in one league) If everyone can have 5 teams each, that could be a whole lotta teams

Edited by Gene Honda Civic
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I just read the fine print...


Cost. The weekly game is free for the first seven weeks of the MLB season. Starting in week 8, the cost to play the weekly game is $5 for one team, and $3 for any subsequent teams entered by the same customer in the same week. There is a limit of five teams per customer per week.


It's like crack... They get you hooked. Then once they've got you, they jack up the price...


Still I'm gonna play for the first few weeks.

Edited by Gene Honda Civic
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