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Gang to target vigilante border patrol


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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 12:45 PM)
A family from Canada can spend 6 months travelling the US and a family from Mexico only 90 days. Because if illegal immigration? What? So if someone from a country commits a crime, we punish the whole country?


BTW, it's costing American business billions in tourism dollars as wealthy Mexicans travel to Australia, Europe, and other destinations.



Illegal immigration is costing us BILLIONS of dollars a year. What's your point?

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 01:23 PM)
Making a living, supporting themselves and their families...it just doesn't seem very criminal to me.



You do it legally then I have no problem. You run across the border in the middle of the night and you should be prosecuted and deported. Sorry.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 02:04 PM)
So then why do you insist on reelecting the people who are falling down on the job?



Every time someone tries to do something about this your ilk labels them as racists and the screaming gets so loud that they back down. Blame yourself.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 09:36 PM)
Illegal immigration is costing us BILLIONS of dollars a year.  What's your point?


That even in LEGAL entry into the US we have different laws for Mexicans and Canadians. That in addition to the BILLIONS of dollars that illegal immigration costs us (and I dispute that number) we are costing ourselves BILLIONS of LEGAL, TOURISM dollars as well.


LEGAL tourists from Canada (where the terrorists came through) are allowed more TOURISM days to spend money than Mexicans. This is LEGAL tourism. What's the point in restricting Mexicans more than Canadians in LEGAL TOURISM?


Illegal immigration is saving us BILLIONS of dollars a year. What does having our food produced overseas do to our national security?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 09:39 PM)
Every time someone tries to do something about this your ilk labels them as racists and the screaming gets so loud that they back down.  Blame yourself.


your ilk?? Learn a little about our agriculture before smarting off. Our f***ing economy collapses without migrant workers.


What have we become when US CITIZENS have to be subjected to harassment by vigilantes who are questioning every MEXICAN -AMERICAN they see? They have no training and declare every Mexican they meet as illegals.


Nice that you defend freedom, too bad it doesn't extend to MEXICAN AMERICANS who you seem to think should all be suspected of being illegals.


And read through the Congressional Medal of Honor winners. A lot of Mexicans are represented, some where not even citizens when they enlisted. And even after being wounded or killed, this country still will not grant them citizenship.

Edited by Texsox
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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 09:44 PM)
That even in LEGAL entry into the US we have different laws for Mexicans and Canadians. That in addition to the BILLIONS of dollars that illegal immigration costs us (and I dispute that number) we are costing ourselves BILLIONS of LEGAL, TOURISM dollars as well.


LEGAL tourists from Canada (where the terrorists came through) are allowed more TOURISM days to spend money than Mexicans. This is LEGAL tourism. What's the point in restricting Mexicans more than Canadians in LEGAL TOURISM?


Illegal immigration is saving us BILLIONS of dollars a year. What does having our food produced overseas do to our national security?


You dispute that number? California alone spends something like 2 BILLION dollars on all manner of services for these people when they dont belong here in the first place. I also dont see the relevance in the visa laws in relation to this issue. The people running across the southern border are not headed for Lake Havasau or Vegas to spend a weekend in a hotel living it up.


To assert that illegal immigration saves us money is ludicrous. Even you should be able to see that we can't have thousands of people crossing illegally every day. HELL even LCR sees that! You want our food produced here thats fine. There has to be some control though and a guest worker program, where we can at least screen who gets in and who doesn't, is the right answer there. People crossing willy nilly with no controls is a grave security risk and it is one that gets worse every year because of people just like you.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 09:50 PM)
your ilk?? Learn a little about our agriculture before smarting off. Our f***ing economy collapses without migrant workers.


What have we become when US CITIZENS have to be subjected to harassment by vigilantes who are questioning every MEXICAN -AMERICAN they see? They have no training and declare every Mexican they meet as illegals.


Nice that you defend freedom, too bad it doesn't extend to MEXICAN AMERICANS who you seem to think should all be suspected of being illegals.


And read through the Congressional Medal of Honor winners. A lot of Mexicans are represented, some where not even citizens when they enlisted. And even after being wounded or killed, this country still will not grant them citizenship.



Like I said many times already in this thread, there has to be control. We need to know who is suitable to come here and who is not ( criminal record, disease, etc etc.).

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 10:10 PM)
You dispute that number?  California alone spends something like 2 BILLION dollars on all manner of services for these people when they dont belong here in the first place.  I also dont see the relevance in the visa laws in relation to this issue.  The people running across the southern border are not headed for Lake Havasau or Vegas to spend a weekend in a hotel living it up. 


To assert that illegal immigration saves us money is ludicrous.  Even you should be able to see that we can't have thousands of people crossing illegally every day.  HELL even LCR sees that!  You want our food produced here thats fine.  There has to be some control though and a guest worker program, where we can at least screen who gets in and who doesn't, is the right answer there.  People crossing willy nilly with no controls is a grave security risk and it is one that gets worse every year because of people just like you.

Even LCR! I'll bet he appreciates the compliment.


I am not avocating allowing free access. What I am saying is if you waved a magic wand and removed all the illegals, our economy collapses. Maybe your job doesn't resuire training, but every Border Patrol Agent I've talked with hates these guys. They judge everyone as guilty until proven innocent and each Agent believes bloodshed is going to happen. The Agents run special operations along the river and worry that some vigilante is going to get in the middle and start shooting.


I guess no one wants to try and answer why a Doctor and his familty from Canada can spend 6 months out of the year vacationing in America but a Mexican Doctor and his family can only spend 3 months. Could it be we are treating LAW ABIDING Mexicans worse than Canadians? I'm certain the color of their skin has nothing to do with it.


This effects my local economy greatly. Wealthy Mexican families love to come to McAllen, South Padre Island, San Antonio, and other cities and tourism spots. Yet they are limited far greater than tourist from Canada.


QP, most of those million dollar condos you passed on South Padre Isand are owned by Mexican Nationals. They are a huge contributor to the border economy. They are harrased by these vigilantes who see themselves as some modern day Rambo. I believe to patrol our borders takes some training and knowledge of our immigration laws.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 10:21 PM)

Even LCR! I'll bet he appreciates the compliment.


I am not avocating allowing free access. What I am saying is if you waved a magic wand and removed all the illegals, our economy collapses. Maybe your job doesn't resuire training, but every Border Patrol Agent I've talked with hates these guys. They judge everyone as guilty until proven innocent and each Agent believes bloodshed is going to happen. The Agents run special operations along the river and worry that some vigilante is going to get in the middle and start shooting.


I guess no one wants to try and answer why a Doctor and his familty from Canada can spend 6 months out of the year vacationing in America but a Mexican Doctor and his family can only spend 3 months. Could it be we are treating LAW ABIDING Mexicans worse than Canadians? I'm certain the color of their skin has nothing to do with it.


This effects my local economy greatly. Wealthy Mexican families love to come to McAllen, South Padre Island, San Antonio, and other cities and tourism spots. Yet they are limited far greater than tourist from Canada. 


QP, most of those million dollar condos you passed on South Padre Isand are owned by Mexican Nationals. They are a huge contributor to the border economy. They are harrased by these vigilantes who see themselves as some modern day Rambo. I believe to patrol our borders takes some training and knowledge of our immigration laws.


2 Things.


First off do you at least agree that there has to be some sort of control and screening proram in place so we know who's coming here to pick fruit or whatever the heck it is that migrant workers do?


Second do you agree that visa restrictions stopping a wealthy mexican family from visiting for very long are a seperate issue from illegal immigration?

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 11:48 PM)
There needs to be greater efforts to patrol our borders with special agents who are trained and know what the f*** they are looking for not Billy Joe Bob Steve Carl Frank with his rifle out there.


Nobody ever said Billy Joe Bob etc...etc... was the answer to this problem. This is a protest move designed to bring attention to a problem and based on the new enforcement effort in that area announced by the government today it appears to be working already.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 11:50 PM)
Nobody ever said Billy Joe Bob etc...etc... was the answer to this problem.  This is a protest move designed to bring attention to a problem and based on the new enforcement effort in that area announced by the government today it appears to be working already.


I'm just making a statement of fact that there needs to be more trained officers out there. That's all. Calm down, Nuke :D

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Mar 29, 2005 -> 11:52 PM)
I'm just making a statement of fact that there needs to be more trained officers out there.  That's all.  Calm down, Nuke  :D



I AM CALM DAMMIT!!! I AM TOTALLY f***ING CALM!!! CAN'T YOU SEE HOW f***ING CALM I AM!!! NOBODY ON THE PLANET IS MORE CALM THAN I AM NOW!!!!!!!!!!! I AM CALM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 01:01 AM)
You know something sleepy, there is another country where people run across the border willy nilly like this..................


..................it's called Iraq.


What I mean is that better efforts need to be made by both sides to find a common ground in which legal access to work here is made fairer. Until then, people will cross illegally as long as their is a need for them to work to support their families and such and a demand here to employ them. I'm just not a supported of treating honest, hard-working human beings so disrespectfully and, at times, inhumanely.


Edit: And we're not gonna turn into iraq...That's just ridiculous...

Edited by SleepyWhiteSox
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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 12:06 AM)
What I mean is that better efforts need to be made by both sides to find a common ground in which legal access to work here is made fairer.  Until then, people will cross illegally as long as their is a need for them to work to support their families and such and a demand here to employ them.  I'm just not a supported of treating honest, hard-working human beings so disrespectfully and, at times, inhumanely.


Edit:  And we're not gonna turn into iraq...That's just ridiculous...



Thats the same point I've been trying to make all along. I realize there is a need for migrant workers but the way we're getting them now........with no controls or screening........is totally ludicrous.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 01:20 AM)
Thats the same point I've been trying to make all along.  I realize there is a need for migrant workers but the way we're getting them now........with no controls or screening........is totally ludicrous.


But, for now, some do come here illegally and make very positive contributions to this country while embodying the American spirit...


How about a case-by-case basis in which those with clean records and steady jobs get to stay? I prefer that a lot more than just kicking their asses out of the country...

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 12:26 AM)
But, for now, some do come here illegally and make very positive contributions to this country while embodying the American spirit...


How about a case-by-case basis in which those with clean records and steady jobs get to stay?  I prefer that a lot more than just kicking their asses out of the country...


How exactly do they embody the American spirit, again? Describe it to me without citing the writing on the Statue of Liberty.


We have naturalization services in place to transform these illegals into legals. Not difficult to follow.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 01:36 AM)
How exactly do they embody the American spirit, again? Describe it to me without citing the writing on the Statue of Liberty.


We have naturalization services in place to transform these illegals into legals. Not difficult to follow.




But by immediately kicking them out, as is being suggested, they would not have any opportunity for naturalization.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 12:38 AM)


But by immediately kicking them out, as is being suggested, they would not have any opportunity for naturalization.



Doesn't it matter to you that they violated our laws in coming here illegally when there are legal channels that will get them into this country?

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