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the most ridiculous item of every day


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what is more ridiculous is anyone who puts stock in that bloward king of spin.


O'Reilly's success is one more proof og P T Barmun's oberservation of a sucker being born every minute


The Tribune on 4 Aril diod a marvelous study of the quality of the news and yhier comments on O'reilly was he was so far gone into spin and fabricated proaganda that he wasn't going to be considered in an article reviewing news sources.


One realizes the Chicago Tribune is a neoCommunist fat left paper though and so antiRepublican it makes me sick.

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what is more ridiculous is anyone who puts stock in that bloward king of spin.


O'Reilly's success is one more proof og P T Barmun's oberservation of a sucker being born every minute


The Tribune on 4 Aril diod a marvelous study of the quality of the news and yhier comments on O'reilly was he was so far gone into spin and fabricated proaganda that he wasn't going to be considered in an article reviewing news sources.


One realizes the Chicago Tribune is a neoCommunist fat left paper though and so antiRepublican it makes me sick.

I know a guy who thinks O'Reilly is a "closet liberal" because of his support of liberal Senator Patty Murray after she made remarks critical of Bush administration policy. He didn't support her remarks just her right to say them and defended her against charges of "treason". O'Reilly has also been a critic of the "religious right" and has gone on the air defending the right of gays to adopt children, which also angered this man. O'Reilly seems to be number one on the liberal s*** list at the moment. I like the guy and think he has more depth and variety to his philosophy than he is given credit for. He is very abrasive, does not suffer fools gladly and does step over the line at times in my opinion with guests who oppose him. Like I have said many times partisanship is the thing and everybody demonizes everyone else depending on their ideology. I am obviously not a liberal but do read and respect a number of liberal commentators. Politics is more complicated than appears on the surface. Dennis Kucinich and Zell Miller are both Democrats but they are as different as night and day IMO. Similarly Lincoln Chafee and John Ashcroft are both Republicans but they are hardly ideological soul brothers. I love the give and take of real debate but there is so little of it today. Oh well, CW go back to dissing O'Reilly. :D I don't have quite the same take on him as you, even allowing for our obvious political differences. Everybodys spins today, it has been elevated to a high "art" by both sides of the political aisle.

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And here is a brilliant move by Mr. O'Reilly.


Members of the "Best Men," as the sixth-to-eighth-grade boys in the program are called, were delayed getting onstage to perform a lip-synced rendition of the Four Tops standard "Reach Out (I'll Be There)." O'Reilly ad-libbed: "Does anyone know where the Best Men are? I hope they're not in the parking lot stealing our hubcaps."


And there is only two ways you can support the President. 1) You hate democratic values, free speech, etc. or 2) You have been duped and not seen the facts of what he has done.

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And here is a brilliant move by Mr. O'Reilly.


Members of the "Best Men," as the sixth-to-eighth-grade boys in the program are called, were delayed getting onstage to perform a lip-synced rendition of the Four Tops standard "Reach Out (I'll Be There)." O'Reilly ad-libbed: "Does anyone know where the Best Men are? I hope they're not in the parking lot stealing our hubcaps."


And there is only two ways you can support the President.  1) You hate democratic values, free speech, etc. or 2) You have been duped and not seen the facts of what he has done.

so bill orielly is a lousy comic...whoop - t- do


facts???...you cant handle the facts!!!! :usa

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And here is a brilliant move by Mr. O'Reilly.


Members of the "Best Men," as the sixth-to-eighth-grade boys in the program are called, were delayed getting onstage to perform a lip-synced rendition of the Four Tops standard "Reach Out (I'll Be There)." O'Reilly ad-libbed: "Does anyone know where the Best Men are? I hope they're not in the parking lot stealing our hubcaps."


And there is only two ways you can support the President.  1) You hate democratic values, free speech, etc. or 2) You have been duped and not seen the facts of what he has done.

so bill orielly is a lousy comic...whoop - t- do


facts???...you cant handle the facts!!!! :usa

1.) Nobody has silenced your garbage. We let you say it. How's that for democracy among those that disagree with you. And.....


2.) I've seen the facts. Something about Iraq harboring terrorists I recall :huh: ? Don't believe what the Bush Administration was saying? We caught a terrorist living in Baghdad that is considered the mastermind of the Achille Lauro (sp?) Hijacking in 1985 today. So Iraq WAS harboring terrorists. Who's been duped here :huh: ?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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And here is a brilliant move by Mr. O'Reilly.


Members of the "Best Men," as the sixth-to-eighth-grade boys in the program are called, were delayed getting onstage to perform a lip-synced rendition of the Four Tops standard "Reach Out (I'll Be There)." O'Reilly ad-libbed: "Does anyone know where the Best Men are? I hope they're not in the parking lot stealing our hubcaps."


And there is only two ways you can support the President.  1) You hate democratic values, free speech, etc. or 2) You have been duped and not seen the facts of what he has done.

so bill orielly is a lousy comic...whoop - t- do


facts???...you cant handle the facts!!!! :usa

1.) Nobody has silenced your garbage. We let you say it. How's that for democracy among those that disagree with you. And.....


2.) I've seen the facts. Something about Iraq harboring terrorists I recall :huh: ? Don't believe what the Bush Administration was saying? We caught a terrorist living in Baghdad that is considered the mastermind of the Achille Lauro (sp?) Hijacking in 1985 today. So Iraq WAS harboring terrorists. Who's been duped here :huh: ?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

uh ho, dont let facts get in the way of demonizing a president CK :lolhitting

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1.) Nobody has silenced your garbage. We let you say it. How's that for democracy among those that disagree with you. And.....


2.) I've seen the facts. Something about Iraq harboring terrorists I recall :huh: ? Don't believe what the Bush Administration was saying? We caught a terrorist living in Baghdad that is considered the mastermind of the Achille Lauro (sp?) Hijacking in 1985 today. So Iraq WAS harboring terrorists. Who's been duped here :huh: ?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

uh ho, dont let facts get in the way of demonizing a president CK :lolhitting

What happened to the Al Qaeda terrorists that were supposedly there? What happened the weapons of mass destruction that we KNOW are there? If we KNOW where they are, then we should be able to find them.


Finding a guy who did stuff in 1985, while good...the guy's base of operations to set up the terrorist attack was Tunisia. Why don't we invade them?


Here's a tidbit from the Calgary Sun..."The U.S. Justice Department has said it has no grounds to seek Abbas' extradition, as there is no outstanding warrant against him." That's about the terrorist they caught.


Or how about the $0 in the budget for Afghanistan? Or how about the cutting of vets' benefits by the Bush administration? How are them apples for supporting the troops?

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1.) Nobody has silenced your garbage. We let you say it. How's that for democracy among those that disagree with you. And.....


2.) I've seen the facts. Something about Iraq harboring terrorists I recall :huh: ? Don't believe what the Bush Administration was saying? We caught a terrorist living in Baghdad that is considered the mastermind of the Achille Lauro (sp?) Hijacking in 1985 today. So Iraq WAS harboring terrorists. Who's been duped here :huh: ?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

uh ho, dont let facts get in the way of demonizing a president CK :lolhitting

What happened to the Al Qaeda terrorists that were supposedly there? What happened the weapons of mass destruction that we KNOW are there? If we KNOW where they are, then we should be able to find them.


Finding a guy who did stuff in 1985, while good...the guy's base of operations to set up the terrorist attack was Tunisia. Why don't we invade them?


Here's a tidbit from the Calgary Sun..."The U.S. Justice Department has said it has no grounds to seek Abbas' extradition, as there is no outstanding warrant against him." That's about the terrorist they caught.


Or how about the $0 in the budget for Afghanistan? Or how about the cutting of vets' benefits by the Bush administration? How are them apples for supporting the troops?

right now SSA you whole arguement rest on US not finding WOMD....so i wonder what youll turn to next once we do find those weapons which we will???....when you cant use the we havent found WOMD excuse to bash the president what will be next???...just want a sneak preview :D

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right now SSA you whole arguement rest on US not finding WOMD....so i wonder what youll turn to next once we do find those weapons which we will???....when you cant use the we havent found WOMD excuse to bash the president what will be next???...just want a sneak preview :D

What about the only 1000 people that showed up in Baghdad and the evidence that the US was bussing people in to fill the city up when the US tanks took down the stadium.


What about the new war on Syria? You gonna support that even though the CIA has no evidence that they sold nightvision goggles to Iraq and no proof they have WoMD?

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right now SSA you whole arguement rest on US not finding WOMD....so i wonder what youll turn to next once we do find those weapons which we will???....when you cant use the we havent found WOMD excuse to bash the president what will be next???...just want a sneak preview :D

What about the only 1000 people that showed up in Baghdad and the evidence that the US was bussing people in to fill the city up when the US tanks took down the stadium.


What about the new war on Syria? You gonna support that even though the CIA has no evidence that they sold nightvision goggles to Iraq and no proof they have WoMD?

okay thanks...just want to know where we are going next :usa

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Here's a tidbit from the Calgary Sun..."The U.S. Justice Department has said it has no grounds to seek Abbas' extradition, as there is no outstanding warrant against him."  That's about the terrorist they caught.

How the hell did you read the Calgary Sun? You are way too left wing for that paper, my Goodness.

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I took a politicking holiday for a while.


But this flaming liberal is back.


Ariana Huffington had an interesting column in Salon arguing that the ease of the war in Iraq is proof enough that the administration was wrong. That the threat wasn't nearly as real as thought. I dunno if I believe it, but an interesting point.


I don't know about the rest of whats going on in the Mideast, but I did read that the same people who cheered the end of Saddam Hussein's regime in Baghdad are starting to protest the American military for a lack of protection and actual security. We guarded the oil ministry building but let the National Museum and Libraries burn.


It seems to me that although the "shock and awe" is over, the matter gets insanely more difficult now. The US sends out a trial balloon about an invasion of Syria and everyone in the Coalition of the Willing says leave us out of it. Iran threatens to bring soldiers into cities along the border for stability. Kurdish troops are resented, and people seem genuinely pissed about American and Kurdish presence in Mosul and Kirkuk. Shiite muslims are getting hacked to death in Mosques.


Personally, I think if they just hugged more...

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I don't know about the rest of whats going on in the Mideast, but I did read that the same people who cheered the end of Saddam Hussein's regime in Baghdad are starting to protest the American military for a lack of protection and actual security. We guarded the oil ministry building but let the National Museum and Libraries burn.


It seems to me that although the "shock and awe" is over, the matter gets insanely more difficult now. The US sends out a trial balloon about an invasion of Syria and everyone in the Coalition of the Willing says leave us out of it. Iran threatens to bring soldiers into cities along the border for stability. Kurdish troops are resented, and people seem genuinely pissed about American and Kurdish presence in Mosul and Kirkuk. Shiite muslims are getting hacked to death in Mosques.

But we liberated them, right?

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Yes we indeed liberated them. Don't say anything different... They were under a tyrannical regime - thats now gone because of us.


Just because we violated the Geneva Convention by not protecting things like museums and libraries and we let days of violence run loose on the streets doesnt mean this still isnt a liberation.

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