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Jerry takes on WMVP again...


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Jerry must've got up on the wrong side of the bed. They seemed like simple questions.





Radio hosts irk Reinsdorf


Jerry Reinsdorf threw the first fit of Opening Day as the chairman of the White Sox and Bulls accused two hosts at WMVP-AM (1000) -- the flagship station for both teams -- of conducting an ambush interview Monday.


The station is negotiating a new contract with Reinsdorf to retain the broadcast rights for both teams, and the interview won't help as Reinsdorf vowed never to go on again with hosts Marc Silverman and Carmen DeFalco.


Silverman and DeFalco are hoping to nail down the 9 a.m.-noon slot, which opened when Jay Mariotti left the station after he said he was instructed by management to take it easy on Reinsdorf's teams.


Reinsdorf took exception to questions ranging from agents to baseball's steroid policy. He answered similar questions recently on Mike North's show on WSCR-AM (670).


After accusing agent Scott Boras of being a liar, Reinsdorf said he won't deal with agents for coaches or managers. He said he did that once, and it was a mistake. Silverman correctly inferred he was talking about Phil Jackson, then asked how that could have been a mistake considering Jackson won six titles with the Bulls.


''I'm not going to get into it,'' Reinsdorf said. ''The fact of the matter is it was a mistake.''


Reinsdorf was asked about picking up the options for next season on Sox manager Ozzie Guillen and Bulls coach Scott Skiles.


''I think you've gone far enough with this line of questioning,'' Reinsdorf said.


Reinsdorf already told North that Skiles' option will be picked up because that's what general manager John Paxson desires. Paxson has said he wants Skiles to remain his coach for many years.


Silverman then threw out a softball question about the resurgent Bulls being the biggest surprise team during Reinsdorf's tenure.


''The biggest surprise I've had is the nature of this interview,'' Reinsdorf said. ''I thought it would be a nice chat about Opening Day, and you guys turn it into '60 Minutes.' These are not questions we were supposed to discuss.''


Reinsdorf later said: ''I hope you enjoyed [the interview] because I won't be on with you guys again. You conducted this interview under false pretenses, and you won't get another bite at the apple.''

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quickman and I heard the interview on the way to the game.


The Boras question didn't piss him off, but the persistence from Silverman especially to re-hash the Phil Jackso departure got on his nerves.


Reinsdorf is not great on interviews, he is not one to take a lot of s***, rightly or wrongly.


He issued a few gentle warnings to both Silverman and DiFalco regarding the tone of the interview ... they did not take heed. DiFalco kept asking about Skiles and Eddy Curry, and Silverman re-hashed the whole Ordonez departure and the Phil Jackson departure.


Our general reaction was, for chrissakes, it's Opening Day. Talk about the White Sox 2005 version, ask questions in that vein.


Reinsdorf could've handled the end a lot better, and I think "false pretenses" or "ambush" is a bit strong. But Silverman is a younger guy who is too busy trying to be Jay Mariotti Jr. to understand how to steer an interview with a CEO so you get good info without going off track.


As for DiFalco, he should know better than asking so many questions about the Bulls. Again, it's Opening Day. Afterwards, say "hey Jerry, let's talk about the Bulls some time in the near future". There was little to no discussion of the 2005 White Sox ... and maybe that's why Reinsdorf felt a little ambushed.


The funniest part for us was ... after Reinsdorf basically terminated the interview, Silverman was puffing out his chest in a manner of speaking, saying "we're going to break now so my rant is over for now but we'll go into this after the break." Well, I guess not. The producers must've told them to not talk about it, no way and no how. They didn't address it again for two hours, and then they touched upon it at 1:50, which was 10 minutes before they finished their show.


Reinsdorf could and should have handled it better, but Silverman and DiFalco were off their rocker by handling it the way they did. If the argument is, hey, this guy never gives interviews ... wouldn't the smart thing to do be to establish a friendly relationship so you can get him on your show more often? Worked for Mike North.


Lastly ... no doubt Reinsdorf is using every bit of leverage he can, in view of the radio deal expiring after this year. He is a brilliant businessman so it wouldn't surprise me he had a certain alterior motive by lowering the boom on Silverman and DiFalco.

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JimH has this right. Interview with someone as "important" as JR are always done with a list of pre-agreed upon questions. Yesterday, it sounded like they went far away from there. Right or wrong, it wasn't very smart on their part when they're trying to lock down this time slot.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 02:00 PM)
JimH has this right. Interview with someone as "important" as JR are always done with a list of pre-agreed upon questions. Yesterday, it sounded like they went far away from there. Right or wrong, it wasn't very smart on their part when they're trying to lock down this time slot.


Well, I'm glad to hear that JR hasn't completely lost his mind. What could've possibly motivated Silvie and DeFalco to do that?

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 02:07 PM)
Well, I'm glad to hear that JR hasn't completely lost his mind.  What could've possibly motivated Silvie and DeFalco to do that?




Carmen getting the Pre/Post gig taken away.. :ph34r:

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 02:07 PM)
Well, I'm glad to hear that JR hasn't completely lost his mind.  What could've possibly motivated Silvie and DeFalco to do that?

Ignorance of "how things work." ??

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QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 03:00 PM)
JimH has this right. Interview with someone as "important" as JR are always done with a list of pre-agreed upon questions. Yesterday, it sounded like they went far away from there. Right or wrong, it wasn't very smart on their part when they're trying to lock down this time slot.


Not always. It depends on how much the interviewer needs the interview or intervee needs the interview. If JR was being interviewed because he wants to sell White Sox tickets, a very good idea, the questions might not have been pre arranged.


This might have been the WS calling up the station and offering JR for a 10 minute interview about the Sox. It may not have come with any strings attached. In other words, the Sox probably wanted the interview more than the station. Or at the minimum it was mutually beneficial.


Regardless, JR by now should have enough PR skills to turn that interview. Hey. it's opening day, let's talk baseball. By the third time, even these guys would have taken the hint. The Sox need to reclaim the city and every interview, every public statement, is another battle to be won.



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Carmen getting the Pre/Post gig taken away..  :ph34r:


If this happens, it wouldn't surprise me.


I agree with Tex that at this point, JR should have the ability to gently but firmly steer the interview toward Opening Day, White Sox 2005, etc.


In my estimation, Silverman did most of the pissing off. He would not let go of the Phil Jackson line of questioning and anyone with half a brain should have known to get on a better topic. And Ordonez? My God, if Silverman didn't think that whole issue hasn't been beaten to death, c'mon.


As for DiFalco, I thought he had more media smarts. His question about using agents for coaches and managers was confusing, and dumb. JR responded by saying "I don't know what your question means" and DiFalco got himself in deeper by asking about the job status of Scott Skiles and Ozzie Guillen and whether or not JR would deal with agents of Skiles and Guillen. Reinsdorf's succint no-nonsense reply gave me the distinct impression that now was time to change the subject to the 2005 White Sox. DiFalco, for some odd reason, kept it on the Bulls. When he did that, quickman and I just rolled our eyes in the car and said "how can this guy not recognize that this is the CEO of the Chicago White Sox, it's Opening Day, stick to baseball??"


As for Reinsdorf, absolutely he should have more PR skills and he may feel that at age 70, screw it, I'll deal with the media on my own terms. IMO he definitely could have handled it better, but he did give 3 pretty obvious warnings that he wasn't happy with the insistent line of questioning.


I also agree with Mr Eye that if Reinsdorf gets an interview request, he'll more than likely ask, "what's the topic?" and if a producer says White Sox Opening Day, then it should - in general - stick to that. We will never know if there were pre arranged questions, or a strict topic list. But it wouldn't surprise me if there were, and JR got pissed when the interview strayed.


I do not believe for a second he was pissed about the Boras question, or obvious follow up. He willingly shared a story (the Alex Fernandez negotiations). Silverman didn't have the brains to change subjects after that. The tone of the interview changed AFTER the Boras questions.


But from WMVP's perspective, even bad publicity might be good publicity. As for Carmen DiFalco's opportunities within White Sox broadcasting, it's no surprise to me if that were "bye bye".

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My two cents...it was opening day and they didn't want to talk about the Sox. Reinsdorf could have handled this better, but keep in mind what position he is in...if I corner the CEO of my company (or the CEO of a company my company does business with) and start asking questions he doesn't like me asking, I'm sure he can "handle it better", but odds are he won't...because frankly, he doesn't have too.


Reinsdorf was there to talk about the Sox, and being opening day, they either knew that, or were being ignorant. They knew it was opening day, and being who they had on their show, they need not wonder what he wanted to talk about. It's common sense, don't defend two people who were trying to make a quick name for themselves (and that IS exactly what they were trying to do), beacuse they had someone in "power" on their show and figured they would make an "impact".

Edited by Y2HH
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QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 03:03 PM)
If this happens, it wouldn't surprise me.



I think it already did.. he was telling people he was going to be in the BPB yesterday... strangely... that Brian person (from the Jackhammers outfit) all of a sudden says he's leaving the JH's and is named the Sox Pre/Post host... :huh

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I think it already did.. he was telling people he was going to be in the BPB yesterday... strangely... that Brian person (from the Jackhammers outfit) all of a sudden says he's leaving the JH's and is named the Sox Pre/Post host...  :huh


I may be confused Steff ... but I thought Brian Dolgin was already announced to be the pre/post guy on the radio (Wills old spot), and DiFalco would be one of the guys on the Comcast TV side for pre and post. Not that DiFalco would be doing the Comcast stuff full time, i.e. for every game pre and post ... but he'd at the least have a presence.


So your take is Carmen will be excused from any broadcast duty involving the White Sox?


By the way, thanks again for the hospitality Friday nite. We especially appreciated you dropping off the passes at Kelly's Bleachers, in the rain. We owe you some drinks. Also, sorry we couldn't hook up later on Friday ... TQ and I were in the midst of quaffing Blatz and PBR at a great place on Water Street called Fitzgibbons and when TQ can get Blatz ... he tends to stay put. Unbelieveable, you know what I'm sayin'.

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Per Dave.. Carmen was getting his gig. And that was what Carmen was telling people anyway. Brian's announcement to the JH's was a shock to many in management there. I'm running with this.. and speculating heavily.. but fitting 2 and 2 together apparently they (the Sox) didn't like Carmen's performance in Arizona - I didn't listen to him so I have no idea.


Glad you guys had a good time Friday. We really cleaned them out. $700 worth of booze alone FWIU. No problem on not meeting us.. we went to some Irish place a few blocks from the Pfister (which, BTW, sucked) and closed it. Moe's I think it was called..


Good time. We're going to be getting at least 7 games there so I'll keep you guys posted if there are openings.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 09:40 PM)
Per Dave.. Carmen was getting his gig. And that was what Carmen was telling people anyway. Brian's announcement to the JH's was a shock to many in management there. I'm running with this.. and speculating heavily.. but fitting 2 and 2 together apparently they (the Sox) didn't like Carmen's performance in Arizona - I didn't listen to him so I have no idea.


I heard that Carmen was set for Sox pre/post but the station decided to make him a full time show host and probably sticking with Midday Show. Doing Midday and Sox would of been tough.

Haven't heard Brian Dogin (sp?) but heard he needs work.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 05:22 PM)
I heard that Carmen was set for Sox pre/post but the station decided to make him a full time show host and probably sticking with Midday Show. Doing Midday and Sox would of been tough.

Haven't heard Brian Dogin (sp?) but heard he needs work.

Dolgin's going to be fine. Like other kids called up from the minors he will take some getting used to and will learn some things the hard way pretty fast. As much as I enjoyed Dave Wills, a new voice is refreshing.


Brian told old pros Rooney & Devine Saturday morning that he wants to be a major league play by play man. They said at least two guys, Rooney and Wills, made it to the bigs from this job.


So I guess if you can handle drunken Sox post game callers, you can handle the majors.


I wish him well -and also Dave Wills.

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I heard that Carmen was set for Sox pre/post but the station decided to make him a full time show host and probably sticking with Midday Show. Doing Midday and Sox would of been tough.

Haven't heard Brian Dogin (sp?) but heard he needs work.

Last week ago or so, Mac, Jurko, and Harry kept on hinting that Carmen was "moving on to bigger and better things" within ESPN 1000. It sounds like Steff is right.

Edited by Jabroni
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I didn't think the questions were that bad. Even the PJ statement he could've laughed off and said he wouldn't get into that. I could've handled those questions. I think he was just hoping they would ask him, "What do you think about the White Sox?" "What do you like about Ozzie?" and "We like what you've done with the stadium"

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I heard the interview and mostly agree with Jim H. The line of questionong was about past problems ie. Mags, Phil Jackson and if Ozzie and Scott Skiles will be back because he hasn't signed them to new deals. Silvy and Carmen commented that these are the things on the minds of the fans. JR could have handled it better but the hosts ended it by saying they didn't even talk about Eddy Curry's health status.


While these are good questions, theey are questions for a GM or a coach not the owner. They should realize an owner does not want to discuss day to day runnig of the team. As JR told them "Those are issues for the GM and I let them run the team."


I like the hosts as a whole but they need to realize what questions are appropriate, especially in light of the Bulls doing well and the MLB starting.

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