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Now, i dare you to come on here and say you still aren't worried. Only twice in the history of the NHL has a team overcome a 3-0 deficit. But that's getting beyond the situation at hand. I'm just wondering if you think the Wings will even win a game, or will they just get swept away by the "mighty" ducks and JS Giguere.....


Gotta love Cujo misplaying the puck for the game winning goal. 2 softies in game 2 also. I told you he'd be your downfall, and here it is. I'm loving this cwsox, i only hope you are loving it as much, or more, than i am.


Have a nice day

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I'm loving this cwsox, i only hope you are loving it as much, or more, than i am.

Well, if cwsox isn't enjoying this at least as much as you are, know that I am probably enjoying it even more!!!


Oh, and the Blackhawks helped put Detroit in this predicament by beating them in the final game of the season!!! If the Wings won the game, they would've been playing Edmonton, a team they match up with much better. But, since they lost to the Blackhawks, they had to play Anaheim in the first round. Hurts so good!!!


f*** the Dead Things

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I haven't any stake in it either way but, Detroit is a team that could come all the way back once they get their s*** together. Last year against Vancouver those 4 straight looked pretty easy. I wouldn't talk s*** 'till the final nail gets pounded in.

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Dudes and Dudettes,


Michigan lost in the Frozen Four last weekend and that was too bad. At least we were there, again.


Detroit Red Wings are down 3-0 to Anaheim. Since only two teams have ever come back from a 3-0 deficit, I am not optimistic. But we still have 3 out of the last 6 Cups and we are in the playoffs, again.


If you all get off on the Red Wings losing, then good for you! Glad you have that joy in your lives! Hugs and kisses to all!


I am sure that your lives will be enhanced and that your blessings will overflow and I am so, so happy for each of you! Consider this a cyber hug to everyone <<< hug >>>!

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I'm loving this cwsox, i only hope you are loving it as much, or more, than i am.

Well, if cwsox isn't enjoying this at least as much as you are, know that I am probably enjoying it even more!!!


Oh, and the Blackhawks helped put Detroit in this predicament by beating them in the final game of the season!!! If the Wings won the game, they would've been playing Edmonton, a team they match up with much better. But, since they lost to the Blackhawks, they had to play Anaheim in the first round. Hurts so good!!!


f*** the Dead Things

As least the Blackhawks did SOMETHING right this year.

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Dudes and Dudettes,


Michigan lost in the Frozen Four last weekend and that was to bad.  At least we were there, again.


Detroit Red Wings are down 3-0 to Anaheim.  Since only two teams have ever come back from a 3-0 deficit, I am not optimistic.  But we still have 3 out of the last 6 Cups and we are in the playoffs, again.


If you all get off on the Red Wings losing, then good for you! Glad you have that joy in your lives!  Hugs and kisses to all!


I am sure that your lives will be enhanced and that your blessings will overflow and I am so, so happy for each of you!  Consider this a cyber hug to everyone >>!

When either the cubs or the Dead Things lose there is some happiness in my day. I am hoping for a trifecta today, a Sox thrashing of the Royals, a cubs loss, and the Dead Things getting finished off and sent home. As Heather said, it will be all the more sweeter knowing the Hawks beat those geezer bastards on the last game of the season and made them have to face the Ducks in the first round. Ha-f***ing-ha.

At least that pasty faced sissy Fedorov will have more time to find underage girls to date this spring and summer.


:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang

:finger :finger :finger :finger

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Ah, cwsox, you gotta love that guy. Thanks for the hug buddy, but don't hide how distressed you are about your almighty wings being down 3-0 to the ducks. You know it's killing you; don't just blow it off as no big deal. And yes, i take a lot of joy out of the wings losing, as do all hawks fans. And i will claim we started this ride out of the playoffs by beating you in OT on the final sunday and making you play anaheim instead of edmonton. But that's not a huge deal. I can only wonder if cwsox was actually crying while posting, or if he slept at all last night. It's gotta be tough losing to the hapless ducks 3 straight games and watching your goalie misplay pucks that lead to game winning goals. At least he finally admits he's worried. It's alright man, there's always next year...maybe....that team is really friggin old, and Cujo sucks. Speaking of which, you think Legace starts game 4 and every game from here on out? Should he?

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Dudes and Dudettes,


Michigan lost in the Frozen Four last weekend and that was too bad.  At least we were there, again.


Detroit Red Wings are down 3-0 to Anaheim.  Since only two teams have ever come back from a 3-0 deficit, I am not optimistic.  But we still have 3 out of the last 6 Cups and we are in the playoffs, again.


If you all get off on the Red Wings losing, then good for you! Glad you have that joy in your lives!  Hugs and kisses to all!


I am sure that your lives will be enhanced and that your blessings will overflow and I am so, so happy for each of you!  Consider this a cyber hug to everyone >>!

Do you have any French in your blood cw????? Cause this sure sounds like surrender to me :lol:

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Is Emlio Estevez still the head coach? Oh ya, Goldberg the goalie, aka Giguere kicks ass.




I'm still waiting for all the bandwagoners to show up. I stick to my theory that hockey sucks, although I was pumped when the Ducks put it away last night. They still have one more.


CUJO is the biggest overpaid bum in hockey. Didn't they pay him like 8 mill?

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Cujo plays for too, good a team. He thrives in situations like Gigure has now. When he played in Edmonton and Toronto they kept Curtis busy as hell and relied on him to steal game, that wasn't the case in Detroit and he never figured it out. Minnesota is the State of hockey, very true, the only team to retire a jersey # for their fans. Mass. has good hockey to it seems, but in 30 years you'll see much more ethnic diversity in the league, those kids in California playing roller hockey are only the beginning of the game spreading. While the pro game is eating s***, all other level are thriving.

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I stick to my theory that hockey sucks

I used to feel the same way chisox until moving from Chicago to Minneapolis. I never had any exposure to NHL hockey when I was a kid since I didn't have cable and once I did I still couldn't see home games. During the first season of the Wild I thought I'd watch a game or two and since then I've been hooked. They even show home games on FREE TV up here...imagine that.


Hockey is still below football and baseball on my sports radar but it has moved way up past the pathetic NBA.

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Cujo plays for too, good a team.  He thrives in situations like Gigure has now.  When he played in Edmonton and Toronto they kept Curtis busy as hell and relied on him to steal game, that wasn't the case in Detroit and he never figured it out.  Minnesota is the State of hockey, very true, the only team to retire a jersey # for their fans.  Mass. has good hockey to it seems, but in 30 years you'll see much more ethnic diversity in the league, those kids in California playing roller hockey are only the beginning of the game spreading.  While the pro game is eating s***, all other level are thriving.

Ya, tons of people in Cali are starting to play roller hockey. Our highschools still don't have it as a sport though, or at least it wasn't when I graduated, it was just a club.


I have played it a bit, its a fun sport, but never been huge on it. Thats probably because I always played Soccer, Basketball and Baseball as a kid and Hockey never was a big sport until I started playing it at an older age.

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For those who wonder where the real center of American hockey is, it is Michigan. Proof is the 6 October 2001 game with 74,554 fans showing up at MSU to watch UM vs MSU on ice at the MSU football field. (game ended in a tie, which probably was a good thing).


We are the real Hockeytown out here despite what my good friend zach says. I have a feeling (although I haven't done the math) that we have more minor league hockey teams than any other state. We also have a lot more universities playing Div I hockey than anyone else. I am amazed that we have Western Michigan and Ferris State and Lake Superior State with top level hockey programs and U of Illinois plays only club level and the only Div I team that I know of from Illinois is UIC. Whatever fandom there is for hockey in Illinois is a pittance compared to what we have here. As far as Minnesota - as a state I think only they can begin to compare to us in terms of hockey appeal, but we have them beat on minor league and Div 1 teams easily.


I guess Minnesota won the NCAA hockey title, and congratulations!!


We have been there 3 years in a row in the frozen four and won it a few years ago ourselves.


Cannot expect people fromm California to appreciate hockey when the only ice they see comes from a dispenser inb little cubes.


(And Michigan claims #1 in football too. If UM and MSU are both playing at home, that is 111,000 fans at UM and 80,000 at MSU and who else can touch that? Answer: no one.)

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While you make some valid points cwsox, a few things:


Detroit is only "hockeytown" basically because every other team in that city sucks, plain and simple. The pistons, lions and tigers are all the laughingstocks of their respective leagues, so the city turned to the Wings (as did the rest of the country, damn fairweather fans). I would say that the interest in the team now, detroit that is, was equalled if not beat by the interest in the hawks in the early 90's. I wish i could see what it would be like if the hawks were of detroit's caliber right now. The hockey fans are out there, they just don't care right now. And the hawks fans in this city are the most passionate and knowledgeable of any of the sports teams in this city, there's no arguing that. There's no fairweather hawks fans...that's pretty obvious. So they don't "pollute" the intensity and knowledge of the average fan. I think if the hawks are good in a few years, this city will be crazy about them. It will never be a hockey city, we are behind the bears and TWO baseball teams, but the interest is there when they win. But basically the wings have nothing to compete with. I want to see what the interest in detroit is like when the wings suck in 3 years and (maybe) the lions or somebody else is good.


I don't see how you call Michigan the best hockey state, it's clearly minnesota hands down. There isn't 10,000 lakes for nothing. Hockey lives in minnesota, i'd say u of minnesota is bigger than hockey at u of m, but that's just an opinion. I think if you have a game outside somewhere in minnesota they draw almost that many people regardless of who they are playing. Of course an instate rivalry will draw a ton of people. But i think that could be the case anywhere. And about the football example....I'm an ND fan...and you could have ND playing absolutely nobody and could draw probly draw 200,000 people if a stadium would hold it. How many consecutive sellouts have they had (yes, i know michigan has a lot too). But there is so much demand for ND tickets and ND fans are everywhere.



And about illinois hockey...it's really not big down here i know, but they are a pretty damn good team, only lost 2 games this year, ended up 3rd, and won it last year, so they are nothing to laugh at. I know michigan would whoop on em, but they certainly aren't a laughingstock. They are pretty solid. But i don't think you eliminate illinois from the "hockey state" contest by talking about u of illinois hockey...obviously it makes no difference. It's basically all Hawks. I mean, would you have eliminated Minnesota 4 years ago because they didn't have an NHL team? Certainly certainly not.


And about cal hockey...i play for the roller hockey team here, we went to nationals, and Cal Poly was in the championship game...and their league is pretty solid from what i hear, so hockey interest is definitely on the rise there, but who knows how high that ceiling is. I sure miss those good old 2 pt goals in pro beach hockey... :headbang

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Sorry, hockeytown has been that way for a long time. As far as the Pistons - check the standings in the NBA.


I made my case for Michigan NCAA collegiate hockey aas well as minor league hockey - far more in both cases than Minnesota. How can you claim some make believe thing when the numbers are there? We as a state have the programs because they are popular and well supported.


And as for football - Notre Dame cannot touch Michigan's attendance, might challenge MSU some years, and talk about all the ND fans you want. We expanded our stadioum to 111,000-112,000 and still have sell outs and more demand than seats. ND just expanded their stadium - which by the way was modeled directly after Michigan, and you can look that up, its fact - to hold what, 70,000? Sure you could probably sell more, but so can we, and we are selling 41-42,000 more before you start about who can sell more.


Your knowedge of Michigan (the state of) sports leaves something to be desired. The Tigers are down and may we keep beating them. Lions football is not having glory days to say the least and I'd still say they outdraw the Bears, even last year in the Silverdome vs Soldier Field. As far as what is "polluted" or who are the most knowledgable fans, your opinion, but I suspect I know slightly more about who the Detroit and Michigan papers cover sports wise and what the attendance has been at the various sports venues through the years. The Black hawks ran ads all season in my home town paper, the Chicago Trib, to sell tickets because they had unsold seats. The Red Wings in their worst years never had to advertise.


It helps to stick to reality and not operate out of bias. There is no doubt that the state of or the U of Michigan cannot compete as we once did in NCAA baseball. It is impossible - the California and Texas and Florida schools will always be better given the longer baseball seasons and winter conditions up north. The state of Iowa has wrestling down pretty much. And I will argue that Detroit baseball fans are among the dumbest in the country (at least as far as I have encountered).


But your bias for or against something cannot dispute the cold hard reality of numbers and programs that exist. Maybe because I have lived in more than one state I have gotten past the fact that I need to defend my own just because. Hell, between where I live now and where I spent the first half of my life, I am very comfortable in saying that most Illinois high school basketball teams would wipe up most Michigan hs teams, and the same for football at the hs level. But I'd take Michigan high school kids in hockey and sight unseen I'd take a California high school baseball team over any from Illinois or Michigan. Duke has a better basketball cheering section than the rest of us. Stanford has a more fun band than the rest of us. Indiana basketball coaches can throw chairs farther than other coaches. You don't have to blindly defend your own. The claim the Blawk Hawk fans are the most knowledgable is a first for me. Is that reflected in their not showing up?


And by the way - not only is Notre Dame's football stadium a direct copy of Michigan's, intentionally, since they were so taken by it (but smaller because the fan base isn't there) but the United State was modeled extensively after the Palace. And do check the NBA standings before you make any more comments about the Pistons. Try asking yourself: hockey and basketball, which cioty had teams that made the playoffs and whcih didn't? Given that Chicago has two MLB teams and thus has a 5-4 advantage, between Detroit and Chicago, which city has 2 playoff teams current and immediate past seasons and which has 0?


Pistons vs Bulls 2002-03: Pistons in playoffs - Bulls...???

Red Wings vs Black Hawks 2002-03: Red Wings in playoffs - Black hawks????

Lions vs Bears (who cares category) 2002- neither made playoffs

Sox and Cubs vs Tigers 2002 - none made playoffs


Looks like Detroit 2, Chicago 0.


The smack talk slaps you in the face.

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cwsox now you are starting to see how koch this talks s*** for no good reason.


i am not gonna dispute minnesota or michigan as great hockey states, but massachusetts can stake its claim. you have the bruins, with their tradition, you have the beanpot teams; boston college, boston university, northeastern and harvard, plus umass, umass lowell, and merrimack in major college hockey. then you have 3 ahl teams (springfield, lowell, and worcester).


not too shabby.

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cwsox now you are starting to see how koch this talks s*** for no good reason.


i am not gonna dispute minnesota or michigan as great hockey states, but massachusetts can stake its claim. you have the bruins, with their tradition, you have the beanpot teams; boston college, boston university, northeastern and harvard, plus umass, umass lowell, and merrimack in major college hockey. then you have 3 ahl teams (springfield, lowell, and worcester).


not too shabby.

Spiff, I have to grant you that you make a good case for Massachusettes. Knowing some of our (UM) struggles with those university teams through the years - and wasn't a story about Harvard hockey (Love Story) that taught us how to say "f***ing Canuck"? :canada


and minor league wise I think if I count right we have one more but I could be off on that


how the hell did New Hampshire make it to the frozen four? :lol: :lol:



Anyway, we have three M states that excell in hockey, MI, MA, and MN. Must be a theme there!



By the way, I was never a Bruins fan but how could anyone not love Bobby Orr and cheer the Bruins on to the Stanley Cups?

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