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Spiff, I have to grant you that you make a good case for Massachusettes.  Knowing some of our (UM) struggles with those university teams through the years -  and wasn't a story about Harvard hockey (Love Story) that taught us how to say "f***ing Canuck"? :canada 


and minor league wise I think if I count right we have one more but I could be off on that


how the hell did New Hampshire make it to the frozen four? :lol:  :lol:



Anyway, we have three M states that excell in hockey, MI, MA, and MN.  Must be a theme there!



By the way, I was never a Bruins fan but you could not love Bobby Orr and cheer the Bruins on to the Stanley Cups?

UNH is a decent team, they beat umass in the semis of the hockey east tournament, which pissed me off.


The bruins are my favorite NHL team (it was the ducks for years but it is hard to keep track of a team on the west coast when they're never on tv), but they are frustrating because the owner is incredibly cheap. Jeremy Jacobs makes Reinsdorf look like Steinbrenner.


Bobby Oah (Orr) is just cool.

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Screwed up my syntax on the last sentence, the Bobby Orr sentence, which has been corrected to be the praise of B Orr that it was intended to be

that's what i figured you meant, i am usually pretty good at guessing what people are trying to say.

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Alright first off, go to hell Spiff, you are a moron


CWsox, i think you misunderstood some of the stuff i said. I get the general feeling that you think i was trying to convince you that chicago is more of a "hockeytown" than detroit...that is clearly not the case, sorry if it looked like that. That's not what i was trying to argue.


Concerning the pistons..ok this year they are good, but the past few years, how good have they been? Good enough to compete for exposure with the wings? I would say no. Hockeytown didn't just come out this year.


As far as all of Michigan's college teams and AAA teams, yes it is very large, but i don't think just plain quantity outright wins you the name hockeytown. In my opinion, Minnesota Gophers hockey is as big as any program there, but that's up for debate obviously. And i've played many michigan and minnesota teams in my travel and hs days, and i'd say the Minnesota programs were a touch above the Michigan ones. Edina Minnesota was really really solid compared to anyone i ever played in michigan.


As for football...just because our stadium doesn't hold 100,000+ doesn't mean there isn't demand for tickets or that ND wouldn't fill the stadium, i believe they clearly would. I don't think just plainly having a bigger stadium is reason to say Michigan has a bigger fanbase or what not compared to ND. The comparison of ND to MSU football was ridiculous. If there stadium is bigger obviously they will have a higher attendance, but surely you are not telling me MSU football is bigger than ND football as a whole.


You admitted that the lions and tigers suck. But yet you compare them to the Bears???? When did i ever mention the bears? I'm not comparing Chicago to detroit at this point, i'm explaining why hockeytown easily developed in detroit because of a lack of competition among other sports.


You talk about the knowledgeable hawks fans and how staying away from the UC doesn't make them knowledgeable. So are you telling me the Cubs fans are the best most knowledgeable fans because they sell out all the time? Please. They are by far the most diluted fans in all of Chicago. And yes, Hawks fans are the most knowledgable and passionate fan for fan because like i said there are no casual or fairweather hawks fans. The people that do go to games are very passionate and knowledgeable, there's no yuppies like at wrigley, and the bears fans are really all just a bunch of drunks. And judging from the 10 games i went to this year, they don't know anything about football compared to college football fans, or football in general, it's ridiculous. There is also no such thing as a Bulls fan, they are just Jordan fans. When you root for Jordan and the Wiz to beat your bulls, that's pretty pathetic. Not to mention you could hear a pin drop at those games.


All i was saying is that i would like to see what Chicago would look like if the Hawks were amazing again like in the early 90's. It wouldn't match detroit; however i think it'd be a pretty cool atmosphere. I don't think you can say hawks fans are bad fans because there is low attendance at games. That is just saying there isn't a lot of fans, and that some fans don't show up. Well each Hawks fan not showing up has a bigger effect than one cubs fan not showing up because there is another cubs fan to take his place. You can't punish the Hawks fans exist just because there aren't a lot of them.


So basically i think you took me wrong, i wasn't arguing so much detroit vs. chicago at all...detroit is a way bigger hockeytown than chicago, i can't argue against that. I was just explaining why detroit became hockeytown and arguing a bit for minnesota.


And as far as roller hockey goes, not that you probly care but your teams are solid as hell, like msu and michigan, because the guys who don't make the ice hockey team play for the premier roller hockey team, so ya they are stacked.

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haha yes, you did come after him and no you are not misunderstood. look at the title of this thread, "CWSOX!!!!!!!!/ Detroit sucks" yeah, really misunderstood, you have a funny way of sharing your views. :lol:

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detroit does suck, they are down 3-0 in a series, that's a fact buddy.


the thread then moved onto a different subject basically


it's good to see you are consistent in your childish ways of holding grudges against people who at all held different views than you did. grow up

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I am not getting into the difference of opinion right now it is late and I am off to bed but i must say:




You have been to edina?


My best bud is from Pillager (Brainard) so we know Edina.


No one knows Edina!


so I am impressed.



good night all - for another day I can continue this...



koch sucked tonight and has ruined my mood and St JosE6 and PK fielded like s*** and that is all I can take

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I told you he'd be your downfall, and here it is. I'm loving this cwsox, i only hope you are loving it as much, or more, than i am.


Have a nice day


You know it's killing you; don't just blow it off as no big deal. And yes, i take a lot of joy out of the wings losing, as do all hawks fans. And i will claim we started this ride out of the playoffs by beating you in OT on the final sunday and making you play anaheim instead of edmonton. But that's not a huge deal. I can only wonder if cwsox was actually crying while posting, or if he slept at all last night. It's gotta be tough losing to the hapless ducks 3 straight games and watching your goalie misplay pucks that lead to game winning goals. At least he finally admits he's worried. It's alright man, there's always next year...maybe....that team is really friggin old, and Cujo sucks.


so you have declared a) that you didn't "come after" cwsox when the title of the thread was "CWSOX!!!!!!!!!!!!/ Detroit sucks"; B) that you are misunderstood, and all you really wanted was to share your views, which i suppose might be understandable, but when your first two posts in the thread consist of mostly "detroit sucks, cujo sucks, wings are old" etc, there is nothing to misunderstand; c) that i am childish, when you said, "I can only wonder if cwsox was actually crying while posting, or if he slept at all last night." which i guess to you isn't a childish statement; and d) that i should get a life, when the first thing you did when the hockey game ended was to run over to your computer and taunt cwsox.


well i must say, your case is rock-solid.

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I told you he'd be your downfall, and here it is. I'm loving this cwsox, i only hope you are loving it as much, or more, than i am.


Have a nice day


You know it's killing you; don't just blow it off as no big deal. And yes, i take a lot of joy out of the wings losing, as do all hawks fans. And i will claim we started this ride out of the playoffs by beating you in OT on the final sunday and making you play anaheim instead of edmonton. But that's not a huge deal. I can only wonder if cwsox was actually crying while posting, or if he slept at all last night. It's gotta be tough losing to the hapless ducks 3 straight games and watching your goalie misplay pucks that lead to game winning goals. At least he finally admits he's worried. It's alright man, there's always next year...maybe....that team is really friggin old, and Cujo sucks.


so you have declared a) that you didn't "come after" cwsox when the title of the thread was "CWSOX!!!!!!!!!!!!/ Detroit sucks"; B) that you are misunderstood, and all you really wanted was to share your views, which i suppose might be understandable, but when your first two posts in the thread consist of mostly "detroit sucks, cujo sucks, wings are old" etc, there is nothing to misunderstand; c) that i am childish, when you said, "I can only wonder if cwsox was actually crying while posting, or if he slept at all last night." which i guess to you isn't a childish statement; and d) that i should get a life, when the first thing you did when the hockey game ended was to run over to your computer and taunt cwsox.


well i must say, your case is rock-solid.

at the start it was some good old razzing.


then the topic went completely elsewhere and was worthy of a new thread...this is where i never "attacked" cwsox...i don't get what in the hell you are trying to say.


and as far as getting a life goes, how bout you stop feeling the need to butt in on anything i say and try to turn it around just because we disagreed on something having to do with basketball once. so we have different views. to hold a grudge is pretty childish. i'm not gonna look at every post u make and just disagree to disagree and say something stupid after it. if you are, have fun with that. grow up.



oh and cwsox, edina rocked us when i was like 14, and we had a pretty good team. i'm talking we had about 5 shots the entire game and lost like 6-0, would have been worse if not for our goalie. i remember how dominant they were, and i guess they are like this every year. hell, wasn't the famous adam banks from mighty ducks from edina minnesota? lol

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I told you he'd be your downfall, and here it is. I'm loving this cwsox, i only hope you are loving it as much, or more, than i am.


Have a nice day


You know it's killing you; don't just blow it off as no big deal. And yes, i take a lot of joy out of the wings losing, as do all hawks fans. And i will claim we started this ride out of the playoffs by beating you in OT on the final sunday and making you play anaheim instead of edmonton. But that's not a huge deal. I can only wonder if cwsox was actually crying while posting, or if he slept at all last night. It's gotta be tough losing to the hapless ducks 3 straight games and watching your goalie misplay pucks that lead to game winning goals. At least he finally admits he's worried. It's alright man, there's always next year...maybe....that team is really friggin old, and Cujo sucks.


so you have declared a) that you didn't "come after" cwsox when the title of the thread was "CWSOX!!!!!!!!!!!!/ Detroit sucks"; B) that you are misunderstood, and all you really wanted was to share your views, which i suppose might be understandable, but when your first two posts in the thread consist of mostly "detroit sucks, cujo sucks, wings are old" etc, there is nothing to misunderstand; c) that i am childish, when you said, "I can only wonder if cwsox was actually crying while posting, or if he slept at all last night." which i guess to you isn't a childish statement; and d) that i should get a life, when the first thing you did when the hockey game ended was to run over to your computer and taunt cwsox.


well i must say, your case is rock-solid.

spiff, you are right that it was a going out after me. Someone was calling me out. I appreciate your words. Truth is that I am not that big of a Red Wing fan - they are my pro hockey team but they are way down on my list of priorites. White Sox first, then Michigan second, and everything else way down on the priority list. I think I got involved in the thread only when the total fandom here was trashed -


one of my closest friends and constant Sox game attender with me is a huge Avs fan. Big time. He lives and dies by the Avs second only to how he lives and dies by the Sox. In our game 7 with the Avs last season, we won 7-0. I have yet to say a word about it to him. I know how badly he felt, and I didn't need to add to my joy by adding to his pain by trash talk to a friend. My grandson is a UM fan like me - his stepfather is a MSU fan - when we beat them 49-0 in football, I instructed my grandson to say nothing to his father - we could rock and roll about it but no need to talk smack. We celebrate our wins, not mock others when their team loses.


When someone throws enough stuff at me I sometimes respond which I shouldn't at all. A few threads ago I tried to change the subject to how unfortunate it was that the Wirtz' owned the Hawks since nothing good will happen while they do. That is one of the key factors - not that the Red Wings are "better" than the Black Hawks, simply the Red Wings owner will spend to do what it takes to win. And these things go in cycles anyway. I have seen the Montreal era, the Edmonton era, the Islanders era. the current Red Wings era in that 3 of 6 constitute an era. It will pass and another team will be at the top for a few years and then it will cycle to someone else. I am enjoying the Red Wings time such as it is such as I follow hockey. We lose tonight, I shall not lose 1 second of sleep.


People have different standards of "ribbing" and what is trash talk and smack. I jumped on Heather last night in the chat with a one-line greeting because she knows I don't really mean it, it was a joke, and she responded with a funny line back and we were done with that. I will take koch at this word that he meant it as humorous. I certainly appreciate what you wrote and I want to thank you, thank you very much.

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I guess Minnesota won the NCAA hockey title, and congratulations!!


We have been there 3 years in a row in the frozen four and won it a few years ago ourselves.


That's two titles in a row cwsox. First time in 31 years that has been done and with only losing one senior from the team it looks like it could be a three peat (Pat, the check is in the mail).


As for having Minnesota beat in Division One, I beg to differ. The WCHA has got to be the toughest division in Div I hockey:


1. Colorado College (30-7-5)

2. Minnesota (26-8-9)

3. North Dakota (26-12-5)

4. Minnesota State (20-11-10)

5. Minnesota-Duluth (22-15-5)


Just check this seasons final regular season rankings:


1 Cornell

2 Colorado College (WCHA)

3 New Hampshire

4 Minnesota (WCHA)

5 Ferris State

6 Boston University

7 Michigan

8 Boston College

9 Maine

10 Harvard

11 MSU-Mankato (WCHA)

12 North Dakota (WCHA)

13 Ohio State

14 Minnesota-Duluth (WCHA)

15 St. Cloud State (WCHA)

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to clarify - Minnesota winning the NCAA is certainly something to celebrate and if it is a repeat, they get their due!


When I spoke of Minnesota as a state versus Michigan as a state - what is the number of Div I programs? I really don't know what the state of Minnesota has - we have UM, MSU, Western, Central, Ferris, Lake Superior State, and Northern all playing at the level. Looks like Minnesota has at least four?


The argument between WCHA and CCHA goes on every year - they certainly can arguably claim being the toughest two! We respect WCHA teams in CCHA territory!


In minor league we have teams in Detroit (Vipers), Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, and it seems to me somewhere else -


I suppose what this is all about is that we shouldn't be saying who is better than who as that is arguable but not definitive but be proud that as Spiff has included Massachusetts, that our three states have the most extensive programs at the college level and fanatical fans at all levels.


Detrot remains hockeytown - they have that trademarked :lol: - and the state of Michigan holds the single game attendance record for a college hockey game, and until someone tops that, that record stays!

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ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY won the D II CRHL National Championship in 2002 over Ball State!!! :headbang




Did you go?


It is a thrill to see your school win an NCAA title -


my college alma mater won 5 in Div III basketball and it is a treat -


why didn't you tell us sooner?

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ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY won the D II CRHL National Championship in 2002 over Ball State!!! :headbang

Well, congrats, but we beat up on your team this year except for the first game. We ended up 24th in division I, we went 0-3-1 at nationals, got knocked out by delaware in a tight game.


Heather do you have any idea if construction on the new rink has started in bloomington? It's supposed to be ready by fall so tournaments can be played here and both ISU and U of I don't have to travel to mich and ohio for every damn tournament.

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ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY won the D II CRHL National Championship in 2002 over Ball State!!! :headbang




Did you go?


It is a thrill to see your school win an NCAA title -


my college alma mater won 5 in Div III basketball and it is a treat -


why didn't you tell us sooner?

Unfortunately, the games were near Cincinnati, so there was no way I could make it to the games. They DID, however, broadcast the game on TV 10 (the ISU campus channel, which is broadcasted in the dorms, as well as the student apartments). It was nice to hear the announcer yell "And your D II CRHL National Champions are the Redbirds from Illinois State University! Unbelievable!" They even made the main story of the Daily Vidette sports page.

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Well, congrats, but we beat up on your team this year except for the first game. We ended up 24th in division I, we went 0-3-1 at nationals, got knocked out by delaware in a tight game. 


Heather do you have any idea if construction on the new rink has started in bloomington? It's supposed to be ready by fall so tournaments can be played here and both ISU and U of I don't have to travel to mich and ohio for every damn tournament.

ISU's still better than the U of I! :headbang


As for the rink, I'm not quite sure about that. I'll check with one of my coworkers, as her boyfriend is on the team.

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Well, congrats, but we beat up on your team this year except for the first game. We ended up 24th in division I, we went 0-3-1 at nationals, got knocked out by delaware in a tight game. 


Heather do you have any idea if construction on the new rink has started in bloomington? It's supposed to be ready by fall so tournaments can be played here and both ISU and U of I don't have to travel to mich and ohio for every damn tournament.

ISU's still better than the U of I! :headbang


As for the rink, I'm not quite sure about that. I'll check with one of my coworkers, as her boyfriend is on the team.

Your team is very very dirty too...there are a few good kids on the team, and we were talkign to their girlfriends during one of the games they played in, and they hate half the kids on your team. They got in a nice 4 on 4 brawl vs Western Michigan in the last tournament, it was pretty ridiculous.

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Well, congrats, but we beat up on your team this year except for the first game. We ended up 24th in division I, we went 0-3-1 at nationals, got knocked out by delaware in a tight game. 


Heather do you have any idea if construction on the new rink has started in bloomington? It's supposed to be ready by fall so tournaments can be played here and both ISU and U of I don't have to travel to mich and ohio for every damn tournament.

ISU's still better than the U of I! :headbang


As for the rink, I'm not quite sure about that. I'll check with one of my coworkers, as her boyfriend is on the team.

Ya, they are building a full size rink...i don't know if you've ever seen the thing, but the dimensions are something like 125 x 60. You can't play games on that thing, we only practice there. It's a joke.

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