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I was 20%: Way to straight for these modern times,


I started getting nervous when that first meter popped up and went to 100% I was relieved when it said that meter was for "are you gayer than your pet".

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Ok, I'm 30% gay!  What the f*** is wrong with this motherf***er?!

Actually, that's pretty good for a chick. In my experience all girls want to "experiment" with another girl at least once.. You know you want to, admit it :headbang


That No is her saying she doesn't want to experiment because she already has :D

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Ok, I'm 30% gay!  What the f*** is wrong with this motherf***er?!

Actually, that's pretty good for a chick. In my experience all girls want to "experiment" with another girl at least once.. You know you want to, admit it :headbang


That No is her saying she doesn't want to experiment because she already has :D

Don't listen to what Jason has to say...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
0%. I'M ALL MAN BABY!!!!

Mmmmmmm, I'll have to check that out sometime!!! ;)

lol dont waste your time heather... just look at who he hangs with and that should tell ya all you need to know............ :D ;) :lol: :headbang

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0%. I'M ALL MAN BABY!!!!

Mmmmmmm, I'll have to check that out sometime!!! ;)

lol dont waste your time heather... just look at who he hangs with and that should tell ya all you need to know............ :D ;) :lol: :headbang

OMG, HSC!!! Some funny s*** there, which, hopefully, RPS saw! :P


But no! I think I might take my chances. :)

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Is that too straight?  I personally don't think so.  How the hell can you be "too straight" or "too gay?"  I know it was just a dumb survey....but those kinds of things bug me, for some unknown reason.


Does that make me gay? :lol:

lol, like you said this isn't some kinda of scientific survey, its retarded..and yeah..I don't know how someone can be to gay or to straight..I guess is testing how "feminine" you are, or if you're a girl how butch you are..that's my guess :cheers

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Is that too straight?  I personally don't think so.  How the hell can you be "too straight" or "too gay?"  I know it was just a dumb survey....but those kinds of things bug me, for some unknown reason.


Does that make me gay? :lol:

oh yeah, i'm also 26% :headbang

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Is that too straight?  I personally don't think so.  How the hell can you be "too straight" or "too gay?"  I know it was just a dumb survey....but those kinds of things bug me, for some unknown reason.


Does that make me gay? :lol:

lol, like you said this isn't some kinda of scientific survey, its retarded..and yeah..I don't know how someone can be to gay or to straight..I guess is testing how "feminine" you are, or if you're a girl how butch you are..that's my guess :cheers

I like this explination. Means that my high % means that I'm not a sissy girl :headbang ;) :D

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26% gay. (ETA: I named myself 'Homo' and had the "modern women need a few soft edges to hold on to in a man" advise...hold on to this, castrating dyke! loll)


Really simpleminded--no, silly!-- test. I should have gotten at least 40. I think Mark Grace is cute and find Babs to be semi-tolerable once in a blue moon for crying out loud!!!!!


Oh, Fraiser used to be WAY funnier than Friends. Bwa!

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Batman is way cooler than Spiderman


Batman: TAS had some real drama and interesting character arcs and consistently fresh score not to mention inspired minimalistic graphics...Spider-man bland ripoff was for 6yo kiddies, Power-rangers crowd.


Superman is just a copout- ooh, look at me, no need to bother with imagination and reality because I CAN f***ING FLY WITHOUT WINGS AND MAKE AN OMELETTE WITH MY DEAD, ALIEN EYES...ALL THAT WITH HARDLY A BAD HAIR DAY, EVER! WHOOPTI-FREAKIN-DO!!!!!)

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