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QUOTE(trexer @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:25 PM)
Well, this certainly contradicts everything that the "spend it and they will come" crowd has been telling us.  The Sox payroll is roughly double what it was in 2000, yet the attendance figures are still horrible.  The simple fact is that the South Side is not a good place to have a baseball team so much so that once Reinsdorf no longer has anything to do with the team, it will  likely wind up somewhere else, such as Indianapolis, where the metropolitan area is smaller than Chicago, but the fans are far more appreciative/supportive than on the South Side.


Also, this sort of thing has been going on for more than a decade before Reinsdorf ever bought the team, so its isn't his fault.


No, Sox attendance was actually higher than Cubs attendance before Jerry and Eddie decided to move the telecasts to their proprietary cable channel and, subsequently, forced Harry Caray out the door. Then Harry went up to the North Side, the Cubs went on WGN, and the rest is history. Sox attendance recovered in the early '90s, the season ticket holder base was cut in half after The Strike and the White Flag Trade, and attendance has been slowly climbing upwards since.


Reinsdorf and Einhorn selling off their majority ownership of the Sox probably won't do much good now, as the damage has already been done (although it may be a good pre-emptive measure to preclude further front office stupidity). And, as SSider pointed out, the Sox re-signed their lease at UCSF, so they're not going anywhere. The Sox will be able to survive on the South Side and draw 2 million/year as long as they don't do anything stupid in the near future. The last few years' worth of rennovations have significantly changed the park from the "ballmall" to, IMO, one of the nicer stadiums in the league and will help as well.


I'll take a couple minutes here to debunk the Indianapolis theory: I live right outsie the city and can tell you first-hand that it's NOT a good sports market. The city is relatively large (780k), but the suburban area is VERY small (maybe 500k). In all directions but north, you're in the cornfields almost immediately after you leave the city limits. In comparison, Chicago is 2.9 million and the metro area is 8 million combined. So, the populations difference is enormous. The Pacers have survived because Indiana is a basketball-crazy state and, the fact that they've been in the playoffs since the mid-'90s, guys like Reggie Miller and Jermaine O'Neal, and the return of Larry Bird (who walks on water out here). The Colts, on the other hand, are a different story. They were a complete joke during their first 10 years here. Even in the late '90s, when they actually started drafting great players and winning, there was constant talk of them moving to LA. It took five playoff appearances, three division titles, two AFC Championship games, and the greatest season-long QB performance in NFL history to get the city to agree to partially finance new stadium (this isn't Chicago, where the city and state pay for everything). And it wasn't until earlier this week that the Senate approved funding. Given what a difficult time the Colts have had, I don't see a baseball team surviving here. Given all of the taxpayer money that has gone/will go into new stadiums for the Pacers and Colts, it'll be at least another 15 years before the taxpayers will even want to fund a ballpark for the Indianapolis Sox.

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 10:51 AM)
Reinsdorf and Einhorn selling off their majority ownership of the Sox





Jerry and Eddie are not even close to being the majority holders... and when I say not even close.... I mean not even close. :nono

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Jerry and Eddie are not even close to being the majority holders...  and when I say not even close.... I mean not even close.  :nono


"Guess who", under alias, is now saying Reinsdorf and Einhorn are equal partners and own over 80% of the team. :bang


And says it's public record. :bringit



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QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:03 AM)
"Guess who", under alias, is now saying Reinsdorf and Einhorn are equal partners and own over 80% of the team. :bang


And says it's public record. :bringit






LMAO.. "public record"... I wonder if other PRIVATE CORPORATIONS do that also.. :rolly

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QUOTE(HSC's Biggest Fan @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:12 AM)
Mine should've been a color for sarcastic, man has this been covered to death here.  Which means I should not have replied but what the hell.




LOL... what's one more cover.. :lolhitting

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 10:04 AM)
They never were..


I just assumed that they were, at least at one point, majority owners since they purchased the team. Can somebody tell me who is now? I realize that they have a board of directors, but some have to have more financial stake than others.

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I just assumed that they were, at least at one point, majority owners since they purchased the team.  Can somebody tell me who is now?  I realize that they have a board of directors, but some have to have more financial stake than others.


Steff, I believe it's your serve.


BH35, great sig line! :lol:

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QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:20 AM)
Steff, I believe it's your serve.


BH35, great sig line! :lol:




Don't you have this saved somewhere on your hard drive...????



Real short version...


Jerry and Eddie gathered up a bunch of folks with a lot more money than them.. got them to give it to them... bought the Sox with it.. and for whatever reason they (the richer guys) named Jerry Chairman which affords him all the headaches and blame for the Sox not doing squat for the past 20 years.. :D

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 10:26 AM)
Don't you have this saved somewhere on your hard drive...????

Real short version... 


Jerry and Eddie gathered up a bunch of folks with a lot more money than them.. got them to give it to them... bought the Sox with it.. and for whatever reason they (the richer guys) named Jerry Chairman which affords him all the headaches and blame for the Sox not doing squat for the past 20 years..  :D


So, do we know this for a fact or is it just speculation? I'm not challenging the validity of this, but am just curious, as it seems like nobody really knows. Is there any documentation of the purchase from Veeck that corroborates this story?

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I used to work with Jay Pinsky's son, Scott.

He took me to a game and we ate in the Bards Room.


Just thought I'd throw something positive in, since being a Sox fan means you are born cynical, skeptical, crabby, jealous, and basically the only team you hate more than the Cubs or any other team, is the Sox themselves.

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:34 AM)
So, do we know this for a fact or is it just speculation?  I'm not challenging the validity of this, but am just curious, as it seems like nobody really knows.  Is there any documentation of the purchase from Veeck that corroborates this story?



Lots of people know.. just have to ask the right people. ;)

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:44 AM)
I used to work with Jay Pinsky's son, Scott.

He took me to a game and we ate in the Bards Room.


Just thought I'd throw something positive in, since being a Sox fan means you are born cynical, skeptical, crabby, jealous, and basically the only team you hate more than the Cubs or any other team, is the Sox themselves.



Mmmm.. good eatin' up there.. ;)

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 10:46 AM)
Lots of people know.. just have to ask the right people.  ;)


Like this guy?


QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 10:44 AM)
Just thought I'd throw something positive in, since being a Sox fan means you are born cynical, skeptical, crabby, jealous, and basically the only team you hate more than the Cubs or any other team, is the Sox themselves.



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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:54 AM)
Grrr... is anyone else having trouble posting..? It took like 4 minutes for my last post to show up...  :huh  :angry:


Not at all. Actually I was just talking to Kap, and Soxtalk has put up its two biggest single day hit counts in the last two days (560k, 600k), along with almost 4500 posts, and everything is running awesome on the server end.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 10:44 AM)
Just thought I'd throw something positive in, since being a Sox fan means you are born cynical, skeptical, crabby, jealous, and basically the only team you hate more than the Cubs or any other team, is the Sox themselves.

I don't think this is too far off, actually. I think "hate" is a bit too strong a term, but there is a sense of angry disappointment in many Sox fans that I don't find in the Cub fans I know. I have found my Sox fan friends to be more cynical and crabby for sure. Most of my Cub fan friends are not the dopey "bleachers, beers and babes" variety, but they do seem to be more optimistic than Sox fans, even if that optimism is not warranted.

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