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Florida's New Law


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MIAMI (AFP) - Florida's legislature has approved a bill that would give residents the right to open fire against anyone they perceive as a threat in public, instead of having to try to avoid a conflict as under prevailing law.


Outraged opponents say the law will encourage Floridians to open fire first and ask questions later, fostering a sort of statewide Wild West shootout mentality. Supporters argue that criminals will think twice if they believe they are likely to be promptly shot when they assault someone.


Republican Governor Jeb Bush, who has said he plans to sign the bill, says it is "a good, commonsense, anti-crime issue."


Current state law allows residents to "shoot to kill if their property, such as their home or car, is invaded by an unknown assailant."


But it also states that if a resident is confronted or threatened in a public place, he or she must first try to avoid the confrontation or flee before taking any violent step in self defense against an assailant.


The bill, supported by the influential National Rifle Association, was approved by both houses of the Republican-run legislature on Tuesday.


Every state needs this law, and every citizen should be armed. Imagine if all neighborhood watch groups and other crime fighting volunteers could shoot first when they see a criminal. That'll stop crime in it's tracks.


Yee Haw! FlaSoxxJim I envy you.

Edited by Texsox
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QUOTE(Nokona @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 05:29 PM)
...Says the Texan.

I'm just trying to be more agreeable to all the GOPers here.


By pass the whole stupid court system and do it yourself. A little wild west justice. It's about time that law abiding citizens took back our country and if a little blood has to spill, so be it. Like Governor Jeb Bush of the Bush Family Dynasty or BFD as I like to call them said. "It's just a common sense anti-crime law'"


Don't stop at reporting crime, do something about it. It's nice to see the GOP making giant strides without liberal Dems around to water down the laws.


How could anyone be against this law? The only people getting shot are criminals.


Think about this, a few years back when Liege ran on the field. 10,000 Sox fans pull guns and shoot! No one else would ever run on the field again.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 05:36 PM)
Think about this, a few years back when Liege ran on the field. 10,000 Sox fans pull guns and shoot! No one else would ever run on the field again.


Then he would be dead....as well as many more people caught in the crossfire probably including that coach he attacked :bang

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 09:17 PM)
I think he's pulling a little "Modest Proposal"  ;)


At least in Texas, you have to take a class and pass a test to get a concealed handgun permit. Presumably, they could all take safe shots. The sight of 10,000 handguns at a Sox game would be awesome. Although, since alcohol is served, it may be an off limits area.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 08:50 PM)
At least in Texas, you have to take a class and pass a test to get a concealed handgun permit. Presumably, they could all take safe shots. The sight of 10,000 handguns at a Sox game would be awesome. Although, since alcohol is served, it may be an off limits area.



The maximum effective range of a beretta 9mm pistol is 50 meters or so. Tack on 25-50 meters for more powerful handguns. At distances greater than that even a trained pistol marksman is going to have trouble hitting a stationary target let alone a moving one. After that you're really not going to get much in the way of accuracy. Most of the people in your scenario would be wasting bullets or worse.........hitting the wrong people.


That all being said, I agree with this new law. I dont want just any Tom, Dick or Harry packing heat and running around but people who recieve proper training and prove they are good citizens through a background check can be a force multiplier to the local police and I think that's the whole point of this law.

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Here's another story on this that goes a bit farther in presenting both sides of the issue.


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The Florida House approved a proposed law Tuesday that critics say could turn the state into the "wild west."


The House approved the proposed law that expands people's rights to use deadly force when they are attacked any place they have a right to be. The Senate already approved the bill that allows people to meet force with force. The bill would allow people in the street or someplace like a baseball game or bar to legally kill someone in cases of self-defense.


Currently, Florida law requires people to walk away from fights and other dangerous situations, but the new legislation that is being pushed by the National Rifle Association, would change that.


If Gov. Jeb Bush agrees, state law will no longer require people confronted on the street and in fear for their safety too back off. They'll be able to defend themselves, even with guns.


"It legalizes dueling," Rep. Dan Gelber, of Miami, said.


The bill sparked some of the most heated debate of the legislative session, with opponents saying it will open Pandora's box.


"Inside the box will be death for some person," Rep. Artheina Joyner, of Tampa, said.


Rep. Irv. Slosberg, who is against the bill, said, "So all it's going to do is sell more guns."


But supporters are firing back.


Marion Hammer, president of the National Rifle Association, said, "Right now the law favors criminals. It tells law-abiding people you have to run away from criminals. It tells law abiding people that you can be sued by criminals if you hurt them when they attack you."


Rep. Dennis Baxley, of Ocala, said, "Some violent rape will not occur because somebody felt empowered by this bill."


Baxley, who is the bill's sponsor, says the law will also prevent some child from being abducted and some murder from happening.


Two weeks ago, the legislation passed the Senate unanimously with this vote.


Gov. Bush said Tuesday he intends to sign the bill.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 10:30 PM)
The maximum effective range of a beretta 9mm pistol is 50 meters or so.  Tack on 25-50 meters for more powerful handguns.  At distances greater than that even a trained pistol marksman is going to have trouble hitting a stationary target let alone a moving one.  After that you're really not going to get much in the way of accuracy.  Most of the people in your scenario would be wasting bullets or worse.........hitting the wrong people.


That all being said,  I agree with this new law.  I dont want just any Tom, Dick or Harry packing heat and running around but people who recieve proper training and prove they are good citizens through a background check can be a force multiplier to the local police and I think that's the whole point of this law.


It appears that the law changes the way the shooter is treated. Currently in Florida, the shooter would be guilty until he can prove his innocence. Like any other shooting. Here's the person with the gun, here's the person shot, the person who shot him is the criminal. Now if the shooter feels threatened, it would be up to the person shot to prove they were innocent.


What is unclear to me, and using a Chicago example (substitute Florida landmarks to be accurate). You leave the United Center after a game and are cutting through the industrial area to the north and appear threatening to a local street gang member who then shoots you. Is he protected by this same law if he says it looked like you were going to run him over with your car and he felt threatened?


Americans have the right to bear arms. I'm surprised Nuke that you would agree with the government picking and choosing who gets that right and who doesn't. It doesn't say just the people the government approves of. Turn in your NRA card. :lol:


Armed Americans can help our already overworked police departments. When honest citizens are free to shoot these violent criminals, we'll have safer streets. Rapists, robbers, murderers will think twice before committing violent crimes in Florida. If I was a state near Florida, I would inact that same law and fast before you are over run by violent criminals fleeing Florida.

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When I first read of this, before this thread was started, the AP article said the Florida law would be in line with most other states if enacted. I spent 30 minutes looking for that article last night, with no luck.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:06 AM)
When I first read of this, before this thread was started, the AP article said the Florida law would be in line with most other states if enacted.  I spent 30 minutes looking for that article last night, with no luck.


I know some states have taken away the right for someone who breaks into your home to sue if they get injured either by accident or by the owners use of force to defend his property. Which seems like a Doh to me. I wonder of Florida is trying to enact something like that and it just appears to apply to more circumstances?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 10:36 PM)
Think about this, a few years back when Liege ran on the field. 10,000 Sox fans pull guns and shoot! No one else would ever run on the field again.

Even better, imagine disco demolition -- those of you who don't like Dahl may have had a more peaceful 25 years.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:14 AM)
I know some states have taken away the right for someone who breaks into your home to sue if they get injured either by accident or by the owners use of force to defend his property. Which seems like a Doh to me. I wonder of Florida is trying to enact something like that and it just appears to apply to more circumstances?


It's more a case of the liberal media twisting things because the Governor's last name is Bush.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:25 AM)
It's more a case of the liberal media twisting things because the Governor's last name is Bush.


Just like they are going after Delay. Shameful. Wait until the media circus when an innocent homeowner blows away some punk who walks on his property. They'll be all in a tizzy. :lolhitting


The only place that will have the guts to print the honest to God truth on this is the http://nra.org/

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:33 AM)
Just like they are going after Delay. Shameful. Wait until the media circus when an innocent homeowner blows away some punk who walks on his property. They'll be all in a tizzy.  :lolhitting


The only place that will have the guts to print the honest to God truth on this is the http://nra.org/


You can use your sarcasm to twist and spin all you want. Doesn't bother me in the least. I know what I've seen from the media over the last 30 years.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:39 AM)
You can use your sarcasm to twist and spin all you want.  Doesn't bother me in the least.  I know what I've seen from the media over the last 30 years.


No sarcasm. Delay single handedly engineered mid decade redistricting resulting in 6 additional GOP seats in Texas, and all of a sudden everyone is out to get him. Doh!


And I have always been a strong pro-gun guy. And a big supporter of law enforcement. I'm backing the Border Patrol and our President in the sitruation in Arizona, while some people seek to undermine the President and our law enforcement.


Weak people seek to coddle violent criminals. I think Americans should be on equal footing with the criminals. They come in our homes through a window, they leave in a body bag. Break into my house and threaten my kids and it will be f***ing lead, not sarcasm, that comes your way.


Funny how liberal bias doesn't extend to Texans. When it's a Texan of course it's right. :headshake

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 09:17 PM)
I think he's pulling a little "Modest Proposal"  ;)


I agree Tex is sounding a little Swift today. :-)


As for the new law, it should without a doubt prove to the rest of the country that Jeb's cowboy hat is every bit as big as his Big Brother's. YeeeHaaaw!


As a new Florida homeowner, my hardest choice today will be which of the three gun shops on the way home I should stop into to get my new piece. Or I can wait until Saturday and go to the Gun and Knife Show downtown at the auditorium. There is a waiting period for a background check in Florida (%^*$@*! liberal gun-haters), but that will be just give me more time to seethe over the teenage neighbor who keeps riding his bike on my grass every day. MY grass. MY f***ING GRASS IN MY f***ING FRONT YARD ON MY f***ING PROPERTY. I hear he is a seedy, threatening-looking kid, and I think he even smokes. I haven't actually met him so he is a person still unknown to me, which I guess is an important part of it. I stupidly made the mistake of introducing myself to some of the other neighbors, because now if they turn out to be assholes who need shooting the new law won't help me much.


And it's unlikely Tallahassee is going to pass a "Shoot Them If They're Stupid" law, because that would very quickly drop tax revenues by about 90%.

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Don't be coming after my guns. I have three pretty good shots around the casa and my daughter ain't half bad and getting better. The biggest worry is the way my house is designed, any intruder in my dining room, living room, or sun room would be between my kid's bedrooms and mine. We potentially would be shooting towards each other. We've worked out some signals and strategies for that situation. But we all agree protecting our home and lives is worth the risk.


I also have a security system so I would hope the sirens would chase them away. If they stay, they die.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 11:15 AM)
You're scaring me Tex. :-)


So did the Texas bring out the gun-toter in you, or were you born for life in the Lone Star State?


How do you score on this checklist?




LOL at the link. Violent criminals get no mercy from me. Anyone that would break into someone's home deserves everything they get. I have a great deal of respect for law enforcement and the men and women who risk their lives to protect ours. I give them credit for being able to tell the difference between what helps and what hurts their efforts. My biggest concern with the Florida law, as it appears, is some trigger happy person decides to use it as an excuse to shoot someone, or worse, some gang banger tries to hide behind it. We may think of a retiree stopping a thug, but if a rival gang breaks into your home to steal your stash, conceivably the homeowner could shoot without fear of prosecution. That would be protecting the wrong people.


Get that kid off your grass and make him buy his own. Damn kids.

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