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Sox vs Tribe 4-7-2005 game thread.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 03:48 PM)
"Bottom 8TH B:2 S:1 O:3

Joe Crede grounds into a force out, third baseman Aaron Boone to second baseman Ronnie Belliard.    Aaron Rowand out at 2nd."


Warm up the Ozuna for 3rd baseman bandwagon. :headshake


Geez.....Crede's BA is higher than Rowand's BA if you're going to hop on Crede's nuts already. Maybe Ozuna should go to CF. It's the 3rd game. Simmer down nah.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 02:50 PM)
They have us as the main story at MLB.com.


"White Sox offense looks ready to sweep Tribe"


"A.J. Pierzynski hit his first homer for the White Sox, a solo shot in the second."

Thats only because so many knuckleheads picked the Injuns to win the division and they are shocked!!! :bang

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QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 02:48 PM)


Anyone wanna fill me in on Contreras' day?


Why yes, and I'm glad you asked. :lol: :lol:


Contreras looked excellent today. He established his fastball early, worked very well with AJ, and didn't fall in love with his forkball.


Personally, I've never seen him looked more relaxed on the mound. (Sorry for those of you hearing this for the second, third, fourth, time lol) It is going to be extremely important to keep him composed the rest of the season like we did today. When he is clam on the mound, he just makes his pitches. It was really refreshing to see. I also tend to think some of that composure can be attributed to the presence of Pierzynski.


If we have this Count all year long...we are in goooooooooood shape.

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QUOTE(Butter Parque @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 08:51 PM)
Rowand's avg at .100, whats your point?


That just because guys are doing bad in these first three innings, doesn't mean s***.


And, Ozuna wouldn't do any better than Crede -- but Jabroni, I think you were saying that half jokingly...?



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