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Sox vs Tribe 4-7-2005 game thread.

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Hmmmm, 3 home runs and a walk and they send the pitching coach? Something tells me Ozzie had better be getting ready to run out there.


Hey cool, nobody else in the pen? Is Ozzie pulling a Dusty?


Oh heck...I'm going to listen in the car.

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QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:04 PM)
I wish we would have left Hermanson in there. :crying


Agreed, Ozzie's first mistake of the season....Hermanson should have stayed out there for the 9th and kept Shingo fresh for the Twins' series :banghead

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QUOTE(qwerty @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 03:04 PM)
Vizcaino and that is all.

Did Ozzie paint himself into a corner this time? I'm just asking. 1/3 of an inning here, 1/3 of an inning there, now all he has left is Vizcaino. What if the game goes 13 or 14 innings?
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We are in a BAD spot right now.


I think Shingo is a little soft too. Hopefully this kind of collapse doesn't shatter his confidence. Yikes.


We are down to our last bullet. Literally.


C'mon Luis, time to show us what you can do.

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All through spring, i said that keeping 7 pitchers in the pen was a necessity, but no one listened. Evern if it's only for a situation like this that occurs maybe 3 times a year, now we're f***ed. Plus, we have no bullpen for tomorrow.

Edited by Butter Parque
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