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Mariotti's bash job


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QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:52 AM)
No, Its looking at both sides of the coin.. Yeah I am a sox fan, but I don't close my eyes to see what the truth is.. Most do, they let their Loyaity cloud the truth.



I don't think after a winner most say.. "wow.. they could have lost that one".



The fact is they won, and the Indians lost. Only 1 side to that coin. IMO, of course..

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I read it. It's the same stuff he always says. "Reinsdorf never has won anything in 25 years" "Sox have one AL Central title in 5 years" Get some new material buddy. He just cut-and-pastes it.

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QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:58 AM)
I read it.  It's the same stuff he always says.  "Reinsdorf never has won anything in 25 years"  "Sox have one AL Central title in 5 years" Get some new material buddy. He just cut-and-pastes it.



I wish he'd just simply cut it.

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QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 10:01 AM)
No I look at it as we Lucked out to win that one.. WE should have lost that one. as far as yesterdays game.



And if the situation had been reversed, You would have said we choked and blew it. As someone said .. it's always f***ing negative with you.

Edited by YASNY
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No I look at it as we Lucked out to win that one.. WE should have lost that one. as far as yesterdays game.


They executed, that's why they won.


Everett's base hit was a shot. Konerko's and Dye's HR's were no doubters. At that point they'd already tied the game. Willie's bunt was the only fortuitous part of the rally, but the throw was going to first anyway had Wickman fielded it cleanly.

That would've made it 2nd and 3rd with one out and I like any teams chances in that situation.


Yeterday's win had little to do with luck and a lot to do with good execution. And that's why they play 9 innings, or more.

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Spring Training is to get in game shape. No pitcher throws everything he has, unless it's on the side. The Indians play in FL, Sox in AZ. Millwood is brand new to the Sox and you know how they do with that.


Mariotti is doing what he's paid to do...as pathetic as it is...illicit a response. And I agree with Yas and Steff...a win's a win. I don't care if it's a fluke or luck or divine intervention or a good ol' fashioned ass-whoopin'. We are 2-0 and the Indians are 0-2.


Period. End of story.

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There is some criticism of the change in style and how well that style change was carried out that would be interesting and informative. Dropping someone like Jose for a higher average would fit a get on base, move runners, approach. But Lee has a higher average than Pods and Maggs had a higher average than Dye. Dropping average and power doesn't seem to fit.


If he wants to criticism why the team changed focus, it seems kind of a non issue. Money, chances of winning, etc. doesn't make a difference to most of his readers. If he wants to debate if they did a good job of changing to a small ball team, more people will be interested.


Unfortunately, by now, when he does hit a home run with his analysis, it isn't taken seriously. This is probably his weakest effort to date. Reads as very petty and childish. And this is coming from someone who actually enjoys some of his columns.

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QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 10:01 AM)
No I look at it as we Lucked out to win that one.. WE should have lost that one. as far as yesterdays game.



Always a way to say something negative..


That's a s***ty coin you got there.. IMO.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 10:12 AM)
There is some criticism of the change in style and how well that style change was carried out that would be interesting and informative. Dropping someone like Jose for a higher average would fit a get on base, move runners, approach. But Lee has a higher average than Pods and Maggs had a higher average than Dye. Dropping average and power doesn't seem to fit.


If he wants to criticism why the team changed focus, it seems kind of a non issue. Money, chances of winning, etc. doesn't make a difference to most of his readers. If he wants to debate if they did a good job of changing to a small ball team, more people will be interested.


Unfortunately, by now, when he does hit a home run with his analysis, it isn't taken seriously. This is probably his weakest effort to date. Reads as very petty and childish. And this is coming from someone who actually enjoys some of his columns.



What you are leaving out of the equation here is pitching. Comparing Maggs to Dye and Lee to Pods does not go far enough.

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Read these lyrics to the Toby Keith song called "The Critic":


It's Jay Marriotti!


He gets up real early on his mornin' drive

Down to the office for his 9 to 5

He drives a 94' two tone economy car

Loves to tell the local bands down at the bar

That he's the critic, yeah I can hook you up

I know everybody in the business


He flunked junior high band he couldn't march in time

He tried to write a song once, but he couldn't make it rhyme

He learned 2 or 3 chords on a pawn shop guitar

He just never quite had what it took to be a star

So he's a critic I work for the gazette man

I got a real job


He did a 5 star column on a band you never heard

He did a bluegrass review without an unkind word

He thought it was time to ask his boss for a raise

His boss said I can't even tell if anybody's even readin' your page



So he thought and he thought a little more

He caught a young hot star headed into town

Then he hid behind his typewriter and gunned the boy down

Here come the letters, the emails, the he faxes

They raised him to 20 thousand dollars after taxes

He's a happy critic yeah

He's rollin' in the dough

Man I could do this forever

This is easy

They're all readin' my column

Please don't tell my mama

That I write the music column for the gazette

She still thinks, that I play piano down at the cathouse


Let's get funky with this now boys

Play it on

Come on Shannon

There's ol' Bill jumpin' in

Glenn's layin' it down

Come on Shannon

Aah My man Steve

Man my fingers are gettin' tired Ya'll gonna have to hurry

This snappin' thing wearin' me out

Theres ol Shannon guess he was on a coffee break

They're gonna love you cause they already love me

Yeah It's the critic

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:12 AM)
There is some criticism of the change in style and how well that style change was carried out that would be interesting and informative. Dropping someone like Jose for a higher average would fit a get on base, move runners, approach. But Lee has a higher average than Pods and Maggs had a higher average than Dye. Dropping average and power doesn't seem to fit.


Good analysis. I feel that they will score less runs this year and that is a legitimate concern. Then again, Moronotti completely ignores the fact that the Sox offset those offensive losses with better pitching and a guy that stole 70 bases last season.


QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 08:43 AM)
Read Marriotti's column about Illinois' amazing comeback against Arizona, how they didn't panic, how much heart they had. Then read how the Sox amazing comeback is just luck. His personal vendetta against JR and now Hawk is making his columns even sillier than they were before. Could you imagine the negative spin he would put on it if the Sox ever won anything? The Sun-Times, if they had any credibility, would remove this joke immediately.


Couldn't have sait it better myself. Jay is on the verge of becoming a pariah in this town.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 03:12 PM)
If he wants to criticism why the team changed focus, it seems kind of a non issue. Money, chances of winning, etc. doesn't make a difference to most of his readers. If he wants to debate if they did a good job of changing to a small ball team, more people will be interested.


Unfortunately, by now, when he does hit a home run with his analysis, it isn't taken seriously. This is probably his weakest effort to date. Reads as very petty and childish. And this is coming from someone who actually enjoys some of his columns.


The problem is that the whole town knows JM and JR capital H hate each other. Any article short of his mid summer "Sox suck barely better than Cubs collapse" backhanded compliments should be read as a tabloid writer trying to rock the boat. If he actually has a valid point about the Sox simply "re-naming" their "cost-cutting" (I dont agree with, but could be argued) it falls on deaf ears because 99% of the time hes usually trying to find new ways to soil JR's morning coffee.


He's a firestarter, plain and simple. If you read between the lines occasionally, you get a nice handle on one man's opinion, but thats rare and usually not much to write home about.


When he trashes the tower on the other hand, thats just fun to watch.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 01:12 AM)
There is some criticism of the change in style and how well that style change was carried out that would be interesting and informative. Dropping someone like Jose for a higher average would fit a get on base, move runners, approach. But Lee has a higher average than Pods and Maggs had a higher average than Dye. Dropping average and power doesn't seem to fit.


If he wants to criticism why the team changed focus, it seems kind of a non issue. Money, chances of winning, etc. doesn't make a difference to most of his readers. If he wants to debate if they did a good job of changing to a small ball team, more people will be interested.


Unfortunately, by now, when he does hit a home run with his analysis, it isn't taken seriously. This is probably his weakest effort to date. Reads as very petty and childish. And this is coming from someone who actually enjoys some of his columns.

Maggs may have had a higher average than Dye, but Dye was hitting in Oakland at a pitchers park, while now let's see how Maggs will handle hitting and fielding in the spacious confines of Comerica.


Like I've said before, I'm happy with the makeover of this team. I'd rather have a lineup of 9 guys who are extremely hard to get out (right now Crede would be the weak link), than 3 to 4 guys in the middle of your lineup, who go cold on the road, while you have others like Valentin who posted sub .300 OBP's. I know that isn't fair on Maggs, Valentin etc. because they produced, but the Sox found some better options, and some cheaper ones, meaning we were able to fill more important holes, such as starting pitching and our bullpen pitching.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:13 AM)
Always a way to say something negative..


That's a s***ty coin you got there.. IMO.


Your right, I dont get why he cant see this..


There is no special column for Almost Wins in the standings.. It doesnt matter, a win is a win.. your not getting anything for almost winning a game

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I am so sick of hearing about the loss of power. I am still kind of pissed that we traded Lee, but it was clear that Magglio was not going to be back, and we played most of last year without him anyways. Our leader in homers(Konerko) is still hear, Rowand hit 24 when he wasn't even a full time player the whole year, we added Dye who has always been good for 20-30 in medicore to poor hitting parks, and between Everett and Thomas we should get at least solid 30. That doesn't even count Uribe or Crede who both hit over 20 last year. It pisses me off especially when I don't see him talking about the drop in power on the northside. Lee and Aramis are good for 30 apiece and Patterson and Garciaparra should be somewhere in the 20's, but the rest of the team isn't exactly power-ladden. And yet there is nothing from Jay. I'm so sick of this guy it's ridiculous.

Edited by ZoomSlowik
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QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 11:12 AM)
I am so sick of hearing about the loss of power. I am still kind of pissed that we traded Lee, but it was clear that Magglio was not going to be back, and we played most of last year without him anyways. Our leader in homers(Konerko) is still hear, Rowand hit 24 when he wasn't even a full time player the whole year, we added Dye who has always been good for 20-30 in medicore to poor hitting parks, and between Everett and Thomas we should get at least solid 30. That doesn't even count Uribe or Crede who both hit over 20 last year. It pisses me off especially when I don't see him talking about the drop in power on the northside. Lee and Aramis are good for 30 apiece and Patterson and Garciaparra should be somewhere in the 20's, but the rest of the team isn't exactly power-ladden. And yet there is nothing from Jay. I'm so sick of this guy it's ridiculous.


If he mentioned the Cubs drop in power, he'd have to at least imply a positive thought about Sosa. That's off limits for Cubby nation these days.

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This is one of his worse articles ever, and this is from someone that hates just about everything he writes.


The quick jab at hawk in the beginning set the tone for this article. He's doing nothing but trying to spread his hate for everything black and white. When will the sun-times let 'em go?

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QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 11:29 AM)
This is one of his worse articles ever, and this is from someone that hates just about everything he writes.


The quick jab at hawk in the beginning set the tone for this article.  He's doing nothing but trying to spread his hate for everything black and white.  When will the sun-times let 'em go?


We are all sitting here discussing a Sun-Times columnist on a message board. So we are telling them that we read and discuss his columns. Why on earth would they let him go?

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 11:38 AM)
We are all sitting here discussing a Sun-Times columnist on a message board.  So we are telling them that we read and discuss his columns.  Why on earth would they let him go?


CORRECT and X gets the square for the WINNER!

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 10:18 AM)
What you are leaving out of the equation here is pitching.  Comparing Maggs to Dye and  Lee to Pods does not go far enough.


I was comparing offenses. We did not go from a A+ power team to a A+ speed, small ball offense. We went to a B or C+ small ball offense, because we needed to spend that money on pitching. I should have been clearer. Of course that also supports one of Mariotti's complaints, that of the role of money in all this.

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