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Cause Ribbons and Colors


Has the whole cause ribbons gotten out of hand?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Has the whole cause ribbons gotten out of hand?

    • Magenta Ribbon Means No
    • Burgundy Ribbon Means Yes
    • Clear Ribbon Means I Don't Care

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This came out of the Arkansas B-Ball team stopping the practice of wearing pink jerseys when they are loafing.



I need a frickin' chart to keep all these straight. Can we blame this "movement" on Tony Orlando and his stupid tie a yellow ribbon song. Which BTW, was about a guy getting out of prison!





Breast Cancer




Prostate Cancer




Ovarian Cancer




Child Cancer





Brain Cancer






Substance Abuse





Organ & Tissue Donor













Child Abuse

Colon Cancer

Crime Victim's Rights





Military Support

Missing Children




Children with Disabilities

Domestic Violence

Religious Tolerance

Pancreatic Cancer

Animal Abuse

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Yes, but not because of the pink jersey thing--but because there's really no meaning to them anymore because they're so common...


I do, though, have a child abuse one and sexual assault one on my bookbag....

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 12:42 PM)
Yes, but not because of the pink jersey thing--but because there's really no meaning to them anymore because they're so common...


I do, though, have a child abuse one and sexual assault one on my bookbag....


Actually don't you have dark blue forChild Abuse, Colon Cancer, and Crime Victim's Rights and what color is sexual assault? I'ts not on the list.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 12:01 PM)
Actually don't you have dark blue forChild Abuse, Colon Cancer, and Crime Victim's Rights and what color is sexual assault? I'ts not on the list.

Teal (although I have seen green)....

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 09:15 PM)
Put a ribbon on your car -- its literally the least you can do.


That is awesome. :notworthy :notworthy


I literally hate those things. Very little or no money goes to the cause, and it is just another commerical opportunity for American's to show off where modesty should be the rule. You support American troops... no s***, don't we all?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 08:27 PM)
That is awesome. :notworthy  :notworthy


I literally hate those things.  Very little or no money goes to the cause, and it is just another commerical opportunity for American's to show off where modesty should be the rule.  You support American troops... no s***, don't we all?


I was reading the local indy media paper here on campus and they had this political cartoon -- the back of this guy's car is covered with ribbons and two men are standing next to the car.


One guy is asking what the ribbons are for (pointing to different ones), to which the 2nd guy responds "support the troops, breast cancer research..." and so on. The first guy says "Well what about that one?" The response from the 2nd guy: "I have no idea but it keeps my hatchback from falling apart." :lol:

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I might get a bit torched for it, but man I'm tired of seeing 5 ribbons on someones car window. Great, you wan't everyone to think you are passionate about a cause...there are better, MUCH better ways to show it than putting f***ing gargantuan ribbons all over your back window.


Go do something that might actually help teh cause...

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This is the beauty of America. We take a nice sentiment or even a good idea, and cram it down everyone's throat until it stops. In this case, it was screwed up from the earliest I can remember the whole ribbon thing. During the Iran Hostage someone with an IQ hovering around room temperature heard that Tony Orlando and Dawn song about tying a yellow ribbon and did it for the hostages. Next thing you know, K-Marts everywhere are out of yellow ribbons and if you don't display a yellow ribbon, you must be for the Iranians, you un-American not displaying a ribbon commie.

I'm comin' home, I've done my time


Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine


If you received my letter telling you I'd soon be free


Then you'll know just what to do


If you still want me


If you still want me



Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree


It's been three long years


Do ya still want me? (still want me)


If I don't see a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree


I'll stay on the bus


Forget about us


Put the blame on me


If I don't see a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree



Bus driver, please look for me


'cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see


I'm really still in prison


And my love, she holds the key


A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free


I wrote and told her please



Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree


It's been three long years


Do ya still want me? (still want me)


If I don't see a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree


I'll stay on the bus


Forget about us


Put the blame on me


If I don't see a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree



Now the whole darn bus is cheerin'


And I can't believe I see


A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the ole oak tree



I'm comin' home, mmm, mmm



(Tie a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree)


(Tie a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree)


(Tie a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree)


(Tie a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree)


(Tie a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree)


(Tie a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree)...

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QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 08:01 AM)
When Limbaugh had his TV show he would sometimes wear all these different colored ribbons. He even had one made out of a dollar bill that he said was for the economy of.  :lol:


I went to a college that established the first Peace Studies program in the nation, so as you can imagine, Rush was not very cool. So of course we all had to have the dollar ribbons for fun :)

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 08:05 AM)
I went to a college that established the first Peace Studies program in the nation, so as you can imagine, Rush was not very cool.  So of course we all had to have the dollar ribbons for fun :)


Some other facts from Southsider's University



The Top 8 Most Popular Courses at Monkey University


8> Advanced Flea Picking.


7> Psychology 215: Why Does the Man Never Take Off His Big Yellow



6> Ape Ethics 300: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil.


5> Chemistry 212: Why Does Our Pee Taste So Good?


4> Literature 251: Exploring English Literature Using Infinite

Monkeys and Infinite Typewriters.


3> Chinese Philsophy: Not Who Flung Poo, but Why?


2> Linguistics 100: Me Tarzan, You Jane.


and the Number 1 Most Popular Course

at Monkey University...


1> Banana Addiction 214: How to Get On With Life.


[ Copyright 2005 by Chris White ]

[ http://www.topfive.com ]


I was waiting for Seinfeld to appear. That was a Top 5 episode.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 07:05 AM)
What color ribbon supports poor labor conditions and exploitation of workers in Chinese factories?


Oh, thats right, all of them.



We bought some for the Knights of Columbus. They're only for Knights and are actually made in the US.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 07:13 AM)
Some other facts from Southsider's University

    The Top 8 Most Popular Courses at Monkey University


8> Advanced Flea Picking.


7> Psychology 215: Why Does the Man Never Take Off His Big Yellow



6> Ape Ethics 300: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil.


5> Chemistry 212: Why Does Our Pee Taste So Good?


4> Literature 251: Exploring English Literature Using Infinite

Monkeys and Infinite Typewriters.


3> Chinese Philsophy: Not Who Flung Poo, but Why?


2> Linguistics 100: Me Tarzan, You Jane.


              and the Number 1 Most Popular Course

                    at Monkey University...


1> Banana Addiction 214: How to Get On With Life.


          [ Copyright 2005 by Chris White    ]

          [    http://www.topfive.com    ]


I was waiting for Seinfeld to appear. That was a Top 5 episode.

Why do you continue to visit that site? It's just not funny! :banghead :P

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 08:13 AM)
Some other facts from Southsider's University

    The Top 8 Most Popular Courses at Monkey University


8> Advanced Flea Picking.


7> Psychology 215: Why Does the Man Never Take Off His Big Yellow



6> Ape Ethics 300: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil.


5> Chemistry 212: Why Does Our Pee Taste So Good?


4> Literature 251: Exploring English Literature Using Infinite

Monkeys and Infinite Typewriters.


3> Chinese Philsophy: Not Who Flung Poo, but Why?


2> Linguistics 100: Me Tarzan, You Jane.


              and the Number 1 Most Popular Course

                    at Monkey University...


1> Banana Addiction 214: How to Get On With Life.


          [ Copyright 2005 by Chris White    ]

          [    http://www.topfive.com    ]


I was waiting for Seinfeld to appear. That was a Top 5 episode.


Hmmm no a Top 8 from Manchester would be much different....


Top 8 exciting things to do at MC


8. Tornado Watch

7. Drink excessively and often

6. Slamming doors in backround

5. Rotating the crops from the back 40 to the front 40

4. Make snow penis's

3. Quantititave Analysis of Economics and Business

2. Nintendo Techmo Super Bowl

1. Driving 36 in a 30 mph zone


No one but Kap will get any of them, but that's OK :)

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