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Jackson guard testifies seeeing oral sex


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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 02:41 PM)
Bulls***.  Anyone who pays out millions of dollars in hush money to kids families over abuse charges is guilty as hell.



QUOTE(winodj @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 02:42 PM)
I think he's bat s*** crazy. I don't think he should be near children.

But I don't think he molests them.


I sided with Bush on Schiavo

I sided with Bush on the Minutement

I defended Delay

I'm agreeing with Nuke here


:crying :crying :crying this place is destroying me

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 12:11 PM)
The prison system dos have a legal, and I would add, a moral responsibility to their "guests". With that in mind, he could, and should, receive treatment and incarceration in a facility where he would be safe. That is the right thing to do.


Perhaps a woman's prison


At least he has his music. There is some good going to prison advice here for the King of Pop!


Tex, if he would have listened to his song lyrics like you quoted then he wouldn't have had any of these problems to begin with. :D :P

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 07:41 PM)
Bulls***.  Anyone who pays out millions of dollars in hush money to kids families over abuse charges is guilty as hell.


Do you remember why he paid one of those kid's families that loot? I think they alleged he had certain markings or birthmarks on his genitals that the kid claimed he saw. Now, if I'm Jackson, even if I'm innocent, do you think I'm gonna drop my pants in court, or allow my genitals to be photographed? I'd fork up the loot too. It's just too easy to extort him, it's his own fault, but still, it's not difficult.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:11 PM)
Tex, if he would have listened to his song lyrics like you quoted then he wouldn't have had any of these problems to begin with.  :D  :P


Yes he should have just left, scrammed, took off, you know, beat it . . . :unsure: that is what the song is about :lol:

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:32 PM)
Do you remember why he paid one of those kid's families that loot? I think they alleged he had certain markings or birthmarks on his genitals that the kid claimed he saw.  Now, if I'm Jackson, even if I'm innocent, do you think I'm gonna drop my pants in court, or allow my genitals to be photographed? I'd fork up the loot too.  It's just too easy to extort him, it's his own fault, but still, it's not difficult.



Jackson DID have to drop his pants and was photographed by Law Enforcement... the markings matched.. that's why he paid them off to get lost. Sadly.. the parents sold their kid out.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:36 PM)
Then there is no need to assume he 'swallowed 9 year old sausage' either.


Right not everyone swallows So many times public opinion has been wrong. OJ, Robert Blake, Bush, Clinton, Gotti several times, etc.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:36 PM)
Then there is no need to assume he 'swallowed 9 year old sausage' either.



Sure there is... the kid said he did, the guard said he saw him.. and it's my opinion to believe him.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 08:40 PM)
Jackson DID have to drop his pants and was photographed by Law Enforcement...  the markings matched.. that's why he paid them off to get lost. Sadly.. the parents sold their kid out.


So, did we know FOR SURE that it happened and they matched, or do we assume since they took the loot that they must have matched? Who leaked those details?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 08:41 PM)
Sure there is... the kid said he did, the guard said he saw him.. and it's my opinion to believe him.

oh, c'mon, not the old 'my opinon' game again huh Steff? It was my 'opinion' that we should say allegedly, but that didn't fly did it? If it works for you, it works for me....and that's my opinion. :P

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:45 PM)
So, did we know FOR SURE that it happened and they matched, or do we assume since they took the loot that they must have matched?  Who leaked those details?




The investigator who took the pictures was all over the TV after the Bashier interview. I'd say he's a pretty credible source. The grand jury transcripts are on smoking gun also. It's all in there..


Maybe you should read up on the case a bit... :huh

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:49 PM)
oh, c'mon, not the old 'my opinon' game again huh Steff? It was my 'opinion' that we should say allegedly, but that didn't fly did it?  If it works for you, it works for me....and that's my opinion. :P



I don't know what the hell you are talking about.. but you are free to say allegedly all you want.. I didn't say you couldn't.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 08:50 PM)
The investigator who took the pictures was all over the TV after the Bashier interview. I'd say he's a pretty credible source. The grand jury transcripts are on smoking gun also. It's all in there..


Maybe you should read up on the case a bit...  :huh


You're right, that's why I asked questions, not make assumptions.

Well, that's even more reason to be able to extort the guy this time and next time around. Ultimately, he shouldn't put himself in those sitautions.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:55 PM)
You're right, that's why I asked questions, not make assumptions.

Well, that's even more reason to be able to extort the guy this time and next time around. Ultimately, he shouldn't put himself in those sitautions.



Which is why I think he is guilty as sin.. The guy just aint right in the head. He sees nothing wrong with this. Classic pedophile signs.... befriend the kids... feed the kids.. lure the kids.. tell lies to the kids.. invite the kids over... for whatever demented reason, become a martyr to the kids... etc, etc, etc...



Bla.. makes me want to :puke just thinking about it.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 08:58 PM)
Which is why I think he is guilty as sin.. The guy just aint right in the head. He sees nothing wrong with this. Classic pedophile signs.... befriend the kids... feed the kids.. lure the kids.. tell lies to the kids.. invite the kids over... for whatever demented reason, become a martyr to the kids... etc, etc, etc...

Bla.. makes me want to  :puke just thinking about it.

I agree, the guy is off, no doubt, but my point is they have to look at one case at a time and be objective about it. Do we have enough evidence to say he committed THIS crime, for every alleged crime? The legal system has to work for everyone, that's whats' great about it, IMO. :D

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 04:02 PM)
I agree, the guy is off, no doubt, but my point is they have to look at one case at a time and be objective about it. Do we have enough evidence to say he committed THIS crime, for every alleged crime? The legal system has to work for everyone, that's whats' great about it, IMO. :D




I can't agree with that... I believe he abused the boy in '93... and I believe that pedophiles don't stop unless caught and put away... I believe he was about to get caught in '97 (which is why he paid off another kid) and in '02 (and paid off that one also...). They allowed the 1108 testimony in - which allows for past behavior to be admitted into court.. in molestation cases this is crutial in proving that he is a child molestor.


I posted about my girlfriend a few weeks ago.. one day - bam - had a memory of her uncle molesting her, which was confirmed by 2 family members... she is dealing with all kinds of legal stuff right now and there is a chance that he has molested since... thanks to her.. and her evidence.. there is a good chance that mofo will end up behind bars. Without her.. no way do they catch him now and stop him.


The past has everything to do with molestation cases, IMO.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 03:02 PM)
I agree, the guy is off, no doubt, but my point is they have to look at one case at a time and be objective about it.   Do we have enough evidence to say he committed THIS crime, for every alleged crime?   The legal system has to work for everyone, that's whats' great about it, IMO.   :D


Agreed that the evidence to convict Jackson isn't exactly overwhelming at this point. Keep in mind, though, that "the system" failed horribly in the OJ case, where the DNA evidence alone was more than enough to send him to the chair.


EDIT: Forgot that California does not support the death penalty

Edited by TheBigHurt35
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QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 04:14 PM)
Agreed that the evidence to convict Jackson isn't exactly overwhelming at this point.  Keep in mind, though, that "the system" failed horribly in the OJ case, where the DNA evidence alone was more than enough to send him to the chair.


EDIT: Forgot that California does not support the death penalty



Yea they do...


Or do you mean they have it, but don't use it..??

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QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 09:14 PM)
Agreed that the evidence to convict Jackson isn't exactly overwhelming at this point.  Keep in mind, though, that "the system" failed horribly in the OJ case, where the DNA evidence alone was more than enough to send him to the chair.


EDIT: Forgot that California does not support the death penalty


Good point.

IMO, whenever someone has their day in court and is judged by a jury of his peers, the system hasn't failed. :huh Keep in mind that the way the public is given and process information is different than actually being in the court room and jury deliberations.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 04:39 PM)
Good point.

IMO, whenever someone has their day in court and is judged by a jury of his peers, the system hasn't failed.    :huh  Keep in mind that the way the public is given and process information is different than actually being in the court room and jury deliberations.




Is there such thing as a jury of MJ's "peers"... :unsure:

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