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"It's a full moon tonight"


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It's s*** like this that prevents the Sox from drawing fans, this isn't cool at all


Bulls***, Sox fans are either working class momos who can't spend on games or live in Far Suburbia. Sox weren't drawing in the last 7-8 years. Part of the reason why this is a sorry franchise that teases with success and then underachives is low payroll...Sox need to start drawing 2.8M fans a year on regular basis. I am tired of this s***.


Hell yeah it was funny. I saw something was happening before WCIU went into commercials and my mind started to conjure all sorts of outlandish scenarios...lol


BTW I found out that Koch gave up a homer while switching to Baseball Tonight to see if they would run something...like literally a second later. At first I thought "6-5 KC" was a mistake.

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Bulls***, Sox fans are either working class momos who can't spend on games or live in Far Suburbia.  Sox weren't drawing in the last 7-8 years.  Part of the reason why this is a sorry franchise that teases with success and then underachives is low payroll...Sox need to start drawing 2.8M fans a year on regular basis.  I am tired of this s***.


Hell yeah it was funny. I saw something was happening before WCIU went into commercials and my mind started to conjure all sorts of outlandish scenarios...lol

I was talking more about casual people but whatever I don't care.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ill have to say though... for a tuesday nite and a school nite to top it off there were alot of people out at the park..... normally we probably wouldnt have drawn more than 15 k or so.... (remember its a school nite not a typical summer nite)......and we ended up with something like 21k or so.......not to shabby for this early in the year.............the lower bowl was pretty full for the most part.......and the center part of the upper deck was a tad crowded.........of course the ends remain empty up there..... :)

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Guest hotsoxchick1
The assholes tonight that ran onto the field need to be made an example of. If they're arrested and found guilty, they should receive the MAX jail time and the media and Sox Organization should make sure it is reported.

oh i dont disagree with that one killa.. i just hate how the media is already saying the fan "attacked" the ump.. when he simply touched his arm to get his attention......we have a bad rap already for this kind of thing, dont make it worse by speculation.........right............ :huh:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I hate to say it, but maybe the Sox's should cut down on the beer, or get the fans so drunk they can't even find the field, either way it's cool with me...

:nono not cut down the beer...... :nono not with the way we have been playing lately...... :nono

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Raising the walls isn't the answer, unless you are talking 10 foot high see through walls. It's not possible, they'll get on if they want to


It has to do mainly with alcohol, it'd be nice to limit that.


However the punishments have to be huge, i agree with valentine, mandatory jail sentence and 15,000+ fine. Maybe they'll think twice about doing it, if they can think at all after the amount of beer they've consumed.

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this is getting out of hand...the only time we make the lead story on the national sportsnews now is when our fans act like morons

And THAT is why this s*** ain't funny. Like it or not, perception becomes reality, and if the perception is that US Cellular Field is full of drunken dopes who run on the field and attack coaches or "touch umpires' arms" - I call it an attack, anyway: if you run on the field and make unwanted contact with someone, it's an attack - then SOME people will think twice about going to "a place like that". It's bad for business, it's bad public relations, and it gives people who are looking for something negative to write or report a VERY easy target.


As Jimmy Piersall said during Disco Demolition, "These aren't baseball fans, these are fans of far-out". Logical people realize that this imbeciles are not representative of the majority of white Sox fans, but too many people in the world don't think logically. They just react like lemmings to whatever the TV God puts on the screen.


By the way, looks like security got their shots in on that moron last night, huh?

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I think the whole is hysterical.  Not shameful at all. 


Too bad Magglio wasn't in the drop-kicking mood. He is due.

You gotta be f***in kidding me?!?! None of this s*** is hysterical, and plenty shameful for us.

You're probably one of those jackoffs who if had the chance would run on to the field. The Critic said it well "perception becomes reality"

It puts the perception that US Cell isn't safe, that all Sox fans are drunken idiots which we have been accusing all Cub fans of being.

Having that perception already imbedded in people's minds even before this incident, this is only gonna hurt our orginazation, but the character of all Sox fans..True or not

This incident has already put a bad light with players around the league if you read the qoutes and stuff.

Even that motherf***er Doug M(not even gonna attempt to spell his last name) from the Twinkies is saying they should take the All-Star Game away from us. I know he's being a f***ing retard saying something stupid like that, but it still making us look like the damn "BAD GUYS" of baseball.

This whole incident is just really unfortunate. :angry:

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The assholes tonight that ran onto the field need to be made an example of. If they're arrested and found guilty, they should receive the MAX jail time and the media and Sox Organization should make sure it is reported.

I know the last guy to jump out onto the field and just run around got his ass kicked good by the security because he tried to struggle with them. I watched one of the biggest security guards put a kneedrop onto his head at one point to subdue him.

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OK, if Clayton ever come's back to The Cell he get's his ass whooped, but that IT!!!!!!!


I hate to say it, but maybe the Sox's should cut down on the beer, or get the fans so drunk they can't even find the field, either way it's cool with me...

Or maybe the asshole fans that can't tolerate 2 games in 1 day should stay home???


It's not the beer's fault. Or the Sox. Nor is it their responsibility. It's the dumbass who's drinking the beer.

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OK, if Clayton ever come's back to The Cell he get's his ass whooped, but that IT!!!!!!!


I hate to say it, but maybe the Sox's should cut down on the beer, or get the fans so drunk they can't even find the field, either way it's cool with me...

Or maybe the asshole fans that can't tolerate 2 games in 1 day should stay home???


It's not the beer's fault. Or the Sox. Nor is it their responsibility. It's the dumbass who's drinking the beer.

Amen. When did people in this country quit taking responsibility for their own actions? :huh:

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The assholes tonight that ran onto the field need to be made an example of. If they're arrested and found guilty, they should receive the MAX jail time and the media and Sox Organization should make sure it is reported.

I know the last guy to jump out onto the field and just run around got his ass kicked good by the security because he tried to struggle with them. I watched one of the biggest security guards put a kneedrop onto his head at one point to subdue him.

Actually he got quite a nice cut on his head, above the eye it looked like. He was full of blood when he left the park.

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this is getting out of hand...the only time we make the lead story on the national sportsnews now is when our fans act like morons

And THAT is why this s*** ain't funny. Like it or not, perception becomes reality, and if the perception is that US Cellular Field is full of drunken dopes who run on the field and attack coaches or "touch umpires' arms" - I call it an attack, anyway: if you run on the field and make unwanted contact with someone, it's an attack - then SOME people will think twice about going to "a place like that". It's bad for business, it's bad public relations, and it gives people who are looking for something negative to write or report a VERY easy target.


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