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"It's a full moon tonight"


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I'm not sure what's so funny.


It's s*** like this that prevents the Sox from drawing fans, this isn't cool at all. Especially with the All-Star game being here.


Same here. There was nothing amusing about any of that last night.

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It's not the beer's fault. Or the Sox. Nor is it their responsibility. It's the dumbass who's drinking the beer.

Amen. When did people in this country quit taking responsibility for their own actions? :huh:

If some drunk gets leaves a bar and gets into a car and runs over your child, trust me, you will sue the bar and the bartender and collect a handsome settlement under the dram act for their serving an obviously drunk person. You will not hold the seller of alcohol harmless.


Now that this has happened several times, the Sox could never claim "unforseen" circumstances again. The next incident where someone gets hurt the Sox will be sued. And that could happen even for a claim of "excssive use" or "I was blitzed and you still sold to me" which would be liabilities under the law.


All the fokelore about one's own responsibility is really nice but there is a public responsibility that also has to be tended to.


You may get your chocie of excessive overbearing security at the Cell or some controls set on alcohol. Which would you prefer?

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OK, if Clayton ever come's back to The Cell he get's his ass whooped, but that IT!!!!!!!


I hate to say it, but maybe the Sox's should cut down on the beer, or get the fans so drunk they can't even find the field, either way it's cool with me...

Or maybe the asshole fans that can't tolerate 2 games in 1 day should stay home???


It's not the beer's fault. Or the Sox. Nor is it their responsibility. It's the dumbass who's drinking the beer.

Amen. When did people in this country quit taking responsibility for their own actions? :huh:

When lawyers told them that they could make them millionaires with a lawsuit :lol:

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I wonder how U.S. Cellular feels about all the publicity the park is getting.  Bad press is still press after all, but they sponsor hooligan field.

They love it. You can't imagine how much free publicity US Cellular has been getting on not only the local news, but ESPN, CNN, MSNBC, Fox Sports, FNC, etc. Not to mention all the talk about the incidents on the radio. And why does US Cellular love it? Because every time their name is mentioned, they don't have to pay one dime to said TV or radio outlet.


People won't equate US Cellular with beating up coaches, umpires, or streaking :headbang

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