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The other thing that pisses me off


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When did the idiots start to get the idea to throw back opposing teams HR balls? People this is not Wrigley Field. Do you know how lucky you are to get that ball? Both KC HR balls got thrown back after the morons started the "throw it back" chants. It makes me madder than hell when they do that. Have some class. Then again if there were as many Cub fans as it sounds like there was, I guess it all makes sense.

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The guy that threw Randa's home run back was 4 seats from me. To make it more disgusting, he snatched it away from few a kids that were going for it. What an asshole. Last night was one of the worst I have had at a game. The entire bleacher section was mostly drunks. There was one asshole that was being egged on by the others to jump on the field after the umpire incident and when a woman security person stopped him he threw a punch at her. You could see in his eyes that he was loaded.

Sorry, but they should really think about limiting the number of beers that each person could have during half price nights. Last night was worse that the rowdiest nights I spent in the left field general admission of the old park. I felt bad for the people that had families there.

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The guy that threw Randa's home run back was 4 seats from me. To make it more disgusting, he snatched it away from few a kids that were going for it. What an asshole. Last night was one of the worst I have had at a game. The entire bleacher section was mostly drunks. There was one asshole that was being egged on by the others to jump on the field after the umpire incident and when a woman security person stopped him he threw a punch at her. You could see in his eyes that he was loaded.

Sorry, but they should really think about limiting the number of beers that each person could have during half price nights. Last night was worse that the rowdiest nights I spent in the left field general admission of the old park. I felt bad for the people that had families there.

Limit the beer, limit the beer.. bla, bla, bla...


How about just prosecute the assholes that can't handle themselves?


How about they take responsibility for themselves?


The Sox and the beer vendors, are not babysitters. The should NOT be held responsible. They should NOT be punished. JMO, of course.

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The guy that threw Randa's home run back was 4 seats from me. To make it more disgusting, he snatched it away from few a kids that were going for it. What an asshole. Last night was one of the worst I have had at a game. The entire bleacher section was mostly drunks. There was one asshole that was being egged on by the others to jump on the field after the umpire incident and when a woman security person stopped him he threw a punch at her. You could see in his eyes that he was loaded.

Sorry, but they should really think about limiting the number of beers that each person could have during half price nights. Last night was worse that the rowdiest nights I spent in the left field general admission of the old park. I felt bad for the people that had families there.

was all beer half off too?

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The guy that threw Randa's home run back was 4 seats from me. To make it more disgusting, he snatched it away from few a kids that were going for it. What an asshole. Last night was one of the worst I have had at a game. The entire bleacher section was mostly drunks. There was one asshole that was being egged on by the others to jump on the field after the umpire incident and when a woman security person stopped him he threw a punch at her. You could see in his eyes that he was loaded.

Sorry, but they should really think about limiting the number of beers that each person could have during half price nights. Last night was worse that the rowdiest nights I spent in the left field general admission of the old park. I felt bad for the people that had families there.

was all beer half off too?

It wasn't half off, but you have to figure they have more money for beer when it is only half price to get in.



Steff, why not cut someone off before they have 20+ beers and act like an asshole? Is there a point to going to a game just to see how wasted you can get? :huh: Isn't this what we accuse cub fans of doing?

Yeah, I know ....bla bla bla. I like to drink a bit too, but it's ridiculous having all these people out there loaded. If you want that, go to a bar.

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The guy that threw Randa's home run back was 4 seats from me. To make it more disgusting, he snatched it away from few a kids that were going for it. What an asshole. Last night was one of the worst I have had at a game. The entire bleacher section was mostly drunks. There was one asshole that was being egged on by the others to jump on the field after the umpire incident and when a woman security person stopped him he threw a punch at her. You could see in his eyes that he was loaded.

Sorry, but they should really think about limiting the number of beers that each person could have during half price nights. Last night was worse that the rowdiest nights I spent in the left field general admission of the old park. I felt bad for the people that had families there.

Zach out of curiousity, were you sitting in the front row of 159 with a crutch, in the 1917 jersey? If so I was sitting across the aisle from you guys!

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The guy that threw Randa's home run back was 4 seats from me. To make it more disgusting, he snatched it away from few a kids that were going for it. What an asshole. Last night was one of the worst I have had at a game. The entire bleacher section was mostly drunks. There was one asshole that was being egged on by the others to jump on the field after the umpire incident and when a woman security person stopped him he threw a punch at her. You could see in his eyes that he was loaded.

Sorry, but they should really think about limiting the number of beers that each person could have during half price nights. Last night was worse that the rowdiest nights I spent in the left field general admission of the old park. I felt bad for the people that had families there.

Zach out of curiousity, were you sitting in the front row of 159 with a crutch, in the 1917 jersey? If so I was sitting across the aisle from you guys!

Front row of 162 with a home white jersey.

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I'd cut off the beer too.


The hit taken would be by the drunks and by the club who would lose a lot in profits and maybe someone would get the point.


Steff, if Zach is saying things were bad and cut off the beer, i have to go with him becuase he is a pretty laid back guy so if he is saying it is bad, it was.


If anyone can't go without beer for a few innings or for a game, then the problem is obvious.


Maybe half-price Pepsi day should be beer free. Make it an entire family evening.


Under most states dram acts, a bar or bartender that serves beer to an obviosuly introxicated person who later causes a civil or criminal liability is civily liable. How much longer do we go before the Sox get sued under the dram act?


I'd much rather have beer get cut off early and/or eliminated some nights than have incredible gestapo tactics at the park and something has to happen soon. Public drunkenness may be cute to those who are drunk, but it is disgusting. And dangerous.

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The guy that threw Randa's home run back was 4 seats from me. To make it more disgusting, he snatched it away from few a kids that were going for it. What an asshole. Last night was one of the worst I have had at a game. The entire bleacher section was mostly drunks. There was one asshole that was being egged on by the others to jump on the field after the umpire incident and when a woman security person stopped him he threw a punch at her. You could see in his eyes that he was loaded.

Sorry, but they should really think about limiting the number of beers that each person could have during half price nights. Last night was worse that the rowdiest nights I spent in the left field general admission of the old park. I felt bad for the people that had families there.

was all beer half off too?

It wasn't half off, but you have to figure they have more money for beer when it is only half price to get in.



Steff, why not cut someone off before they have 20+ beers and act like an asshole? Is there a point to going to a game just to see how wasted you can get? :huh: Isn't this what we accuse cub fans of doing?

Yeah, I know ....bla bla bla. I like to drink a bit too, but it's ridiculous having all these people out there loaded. If you want that, go to a bar.

How do you control it? The only way is to have designated areas for the vendors and make them responsible. That isn't going to happen. Never.


What needs to happen is 2 things..


One, a better security presence. . Security in the bullpens should be up and being seen and not sitting on their fat asses downing hot dogs. And it never fails when I walk up to use the bathroom there are 4 or 5 cops guarding the funnel cake vendor. :huh: And it's not a girl or even a cute guy. These guys are just plain lazy. Walk around and eat that funnel cake. Lord knows they could use the exercise.




And 2 no matter how many fans are there (or not) there NEEDS to be ticket checkers, ushers that walk the aisles. Yes.. they are not security, but people think twice when someone of any authority is there.

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I agree with you on all these things Steff. Security needs to do a way better job than they are.


What about jacking up the price of beer so that it is way too expensive for these idiots to over consume. Hell, it is $7 a beer at the World music theatre, make it the same at ball games. I know this sucks for the casual drinker, but something has to be done. I know people could get half drunk before going in, so tighten security to deny these drunks access.

Another solution might be issuing those over 21 a wrist band with 3 drink tabs on it when they enter the park. Once the tabs are gone, no more beer. If the wrist band has been broken it is no longer any good. This would stop someone who isn't using theirs for drinks from passing it to someone else to get more than the 3 they are allowed. The time it takes to take the tabs would be the same time it takes now to check ID. You know they are 21 because they have the rist band.


Yeah, this would all suck and be an inconvienence, but it is better than watching more scenes like last night, the brawls in the bleachers I have seen on other half price nights, and the incidents like the one involving the two girls flashing the crowd last year.

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That's a pretty nice idea actually, and while people will say that will deter fans from the park and less tickets sold, so be it. I'd rather have way less people there and have it be a nice crowd rather than have a nice half price night crowd and that stuff going on. I can say that because i'm a fan, of course the organization cares about the bottom line. But after a 2nd incident, you would think they will put that aside for right now and start to try to prevent this.


People have said well oh this stuff could happen anywhere. The thing is, it hasn't....it's happened twice here, and like my one friend likes to say, once is an accident, twice is a trend...something needs to be done

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Steff, if Zach is saying things were bad and cut off the beer, i have to go with him becuase he is a pretty laid back guy so if he is saying it is bad, it was. 

cw.. I never said it was bad. I know how bad it can be. Hell... I saw several of the guys here lit up on opening day ;) .


As for the Sox being sued.. I've asked my lawyer friends about this and they say no. They gave me a bunch of reasons but I don't remember any of them :rolleyes:

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That's a pretty nice idea actually, and while people will say that will deter fans from the park and less tickets sold, so be it. I'd rather have way less people there and have it be a nice crowd rather than have a nice half price night crowd and that stuff going on. I can say that because i'm a fan, of course the organization cares about the bottom line. But after a 2nd incident, you would think they will put that aside for right now and start to try to prevent this.


People have said well oh this stuff could happen anywhere. The thing is, it hasn't....it's happened twice here, and like my one friend likes to say, once is an accident, twice is a trend...something needs to be done

Koch.. it happens more than you think. Ya just don't hear about it. Happened twice in Detroit last week. Happened at San Frans home opener. Happened during the blizzard at OP@CY on their opening day. Did you hear about any of those..??

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Steff, if Zach is saying things were bad and cut off the beer, i have to go with him becuase he is a pretty laid back guy so if he is saying it is bad, it was. 

cw.. I never said it was bad. I know how bad it can be. Hell... I saw several of the guys here lit up on opening day ;) .


As for the Sox being sued.. I've asked my lawyer friends about this and they say no. They gave me a bunch of reasons but I don't remember any of them :rolleyes:

I work in a law office and I could spin this into a suit more ways than anyone could imagine.


The Sox operate a concessions service that sells beer at the park during games. It is against the law to sell to a visibly intoxicated person. Thus - if injury happens, or anything for which liability could be claimed, a civil suit could and would follow.

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Steff, why not cut someone off before they have 20+ beers and act like an asshole?

I think this would be pretty difficult to do. You'd have to have some sort of punch card that the beer vendors would punch when they serve you or something, and even that would be hard to do if you're passing beers down an aisle. And if you're buying a round, would 4 punches come off your card, or 1 off of four people's cards? There are a lot of logistics to be considered.


I agree with the idea of personal responsibility. There are plenty of people who can drink a bunch of beer and NOT want to tackle an umpire or a coach, and who do NOT want to streak or run around the outfield like a moron. The people who can behave like human beings should in a public setting should NOT be punished for the idiotic, dangerous actions of a few mentally deficient f***wipes who cannot suppress their crude urges.


Still, I thought it was a bit melodramatic for the Royals to suggest that they wouldn't play the game tonight without tighter security. Not that they don't have a valid point, but it can be argued that nobody last night went after any of the Royals.

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That's a pretty nice idea actually, and while people will say that will deter fans from the park and less tickets sold, so be it. I'd rather have way less people there and have it be a nice crowd rather than have a nice half price night crowd and that stuff going on. I can say that because i'm a fan, of course the organization cares about the bottom line. But after a 2nd incident, you would think they will put that aside for right now and start to try to prevent this.


People have said well oh this stuff could happen anywhere. The thing is, it hasn't....it's happened twice here, and like my one friend likes to say, once is an accident, twice is a trend...something needs to be done

Koch.. it happens more than you think. Ya just don't hear about it. Happened twice in Detroit last week. Happened at San Frans home opener. Happened during the blizzard at OP@CY on their opening day. Did you hear about any of those..??

Uh, they didn't attack coaches and or umps did they? Getting on the field in general is bad, but there's a difference between just wanting to run on the field and between attacking someone. We've made headlines with these two incidents, those other ones were swept under the rug obviously.

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That's a pretty nice idea actually, and while people will say that will deter fans from the park and less tickets sold, so be it. I'd rather have way less people there and have it be a nice crowd rather than have a nice half price night crowd and that stuff going on. I can say that because i'm a fan, of course the organization cares about the bottom line. But after a 2nd incident, you would think they will put that aside for right now and start to try to prevent this.


People have said well oh this stuff could happen anywhere. The thing is, it hasn't....it's happened twice here, and like my one friend likes to say, once is an accident, twice is a trend...something needs to be done

Koch.. it happens more than you think. Ya just don't hear about it. Happened twice in Detroit last week. Happened at San Frans home opener. Happened during the blizzard at OP@CY on their opening day. Did you hear about any of those..??

Uh, they didn't attack coaches and or umps did they? Getting on the field in general is bad, but there's a difference between just wanting to run on the field and between attacking someone. We've made headlines with these two incidents, those other ones were swept under the rug obviously.

Alright, first of all.. they guy last night did NOT attack anyone. He ran up to the ump and BEFORE he did anything the ump took him down. His own words are in the Sun-Times if you don't believe me.


And second.. yes, those incidents were swept under the rug. Get my point..?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

okay here.... my two cents for what its worth......i know the whole object of lowering the sidelines was to make the park more "fan friendly" but there has to be better ways to accomplish this..........i dont want my beer limit controled by anyone but me.. i know when i had enough......so to do that as someone suggested isnt quite fair to those of us who can control ourselves......how about putting more ushers/security guards at the lower fence parts of the park.. i sit by home plate.. we have three guys who sit by the dugouts alone... how about spreading those guys around a bit........not to mention that we have a few guards who walk up and down the asiles by my section.. granted that players families sit there but you woudnt know who they were unless you knew them personally.......take a few of those guards and spread them out a bit..........or bring the damn fences back up .............prosecution to the fullest extent of the law is another avenue they can persue for these "field walkers".....make examples of them and get a reputation that you cant do this here and they wont come anymore.........as i type this the other two guys who were on the field last nite are on the news talking... they did it because they just had to.... one is a bank loan officer...geez us.. and they arent even sox fans they are in fact scrubbie fans ..(words out of their own mouths)............maybe if we kept cub fans out?????? thats just another suggestion............i dont know.. but these people need to grow the hell up and stop messing it up for the rest of us.............

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Hey HSC where did you see the interview on???

nbc just had it on their 11 news. and abc just ran the same sound bite a few minutes ago.. im sure if you catch the news at noon on wgn they will have the same thing..........

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