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The only sick one is the one who hates


cwsox , mathew and SI1020, I am sorry I am late to reply but in response to your articulate and human posts I say...don't


Don't...bother-- ignorant, classless and cocky clowns like BMR will not be persuaded and won't accept anything that lies outside of his little circle of "empirical" beliefs. Don't waste your time on that sad sociopath, it's not worth it. Reasoning with him is futile, he doesn't play by the rules and IMO isn't much interested in "truth", "justice" and other lofty concepts.


(I, on the other hand, don't have much class so it's easy for me to deal with BMer. I don't recommend it though, it's hilarious at first but gets boring very quickly as he doesn't even have a discernable personality you can sink your teeth into and satirize--just a garden-variety delusional asshole/bigot)

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Django Rheinhardt CD which featured Stephane Grapelly. Both were jazz virtuosos of the guitar and violin respectively. The music doesn't get any better IMO. Grapelly was gay or at least that's what I learned from NPR who did a feature on him when he died. The guy was a musical genius is all I know, along with Django two of my five favorite musicians of all time. I already mentioned Cole Porter previously in this thread, probably to the yawns of everyone who read it. Porter was IMO the most gifted American songwriter of all time. "Anything Goes" and "I've got you under my skin" are two of my favorites. Cole Porter also gay, as were and are countless of the most artistically gifted people in the history of man


Many current (don't get me started on Great Gay British Actors of days of yore, lol) big-time movie stars and actors are gay or bi (practicing ones as far Sen. Santorum is concerned, lol) Joh Travolta, Kevin Spacey, Tom Cruise, Sir Ian McKellen, David Hyde Piece, John Mahoney, Marlon Brando, Madonna, Rupert Everett, Jodie Foster, Vin Diesel, Richard Gere, Brando Fraiser to name a few off the top of my head. Doesn't even scratch the surface come to think of it.

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The only sick one is the one who hates


cwsox , mathew and SI1020, I am sorry I am late to reply but in response to your articulate and human posts I say...don't


Don't...bother-- ignorant, classless and cocky clowns like BMR will not be persuaded and won't accept anything that lies outside of his little circle of "empirical" beliefs. Don't waste your time on that sad sociopath, it's not worth it. Reasoning with him is futile, he doesn't play by the rules and IMO isn't much interested in "truth", "justice" and other lofty concepts.


(I, on the other hand, don't have much class so it's easy for me to deal with BMer. I don't recommend it though, it's hilarious at first but gets boring very quickly as he doesn't even have a discernable personality you can sink your teeth into and satirize--just a garden-variety delusional asshole/bigot)

LOL!!! Some people just dont want to hear the truth. Being a homosexual is NOT okay, and i guarantee you, more people agree with that than disagree. Keep it coming voodoo. :lol:

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People dont choose to be a certain race.


No s***, genius.


BTW "it's not their fault [that they are the way they are]" = arrogant patronizing, if not altogether racist in the "whites are superior to color'ds, but we'll tolerate them because they have no choice in being inferior" subtle kinda way...which most people see through.


People choose to be gay and that is sick.


Could you please elaborate on the first part. I know it's hard and not your style, but just this once...please.


If that pisses you off, TOO BAD


Hehe, I tell you, the more you open your mouth...Ok, between presumptiously accusing those who try to rise above conduct of others and those whose life doesn't--*GASP*--revolve exclusively around making/spending money of being liars as well as posting numerous other hateful and/or ridiculously self-aggrandizing "facts" (read most posts)...don't you get tired of your own infantile BS? Surely you must realize how much entertainment your assholish one-liners provide around here, nobody can be this clueless. It's not like you have anything to contribute baseball-wise...


And could you tell us losers more about your personal "feats"...Let me know how that acceptance/insecurity thing goes.

My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).

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Being a homosexual is NOT okay, and i guarantee you, more people agree with that than disagree


Even if true (I guess the arguement could be made that for every latently homosexual homophobe there is a secretly homophobic "tolerant person"), like I said, there was time in the very recent past when Blacks were considered inferior animals and the majority of whites did not want to "accept" them as being free, etc...But the thing is, fortunately the country is not run by a bunch of predictable bigots of hypocrititical (as in man butt-f***ing a woman is cool but man butt-f***ing a man is not because it's...um...well...icky!) or religious (as in I am so scared of not making it into the most exclusive club, Heaven, and instead going into the pits of hell that I will do everything that some book of fiction tells me to do even it means eliminating freedoms of others...and since it says God already showed his displeasure for homos in Sodom and Gemorrah, I will hedge my bets so to speak) sort...and the forces of progress and acceptance shall not be stopped no matter how many small-minds are in the way. Look around you, bro, with all social, legislative and cultural reforms that have taken place in the last 150 years, it's only the matter of time before Bible Belt and it's abhorent ideology/legacy crumbles.


My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


You seem to be confusing "real" with "gigantic tool". Common mistake. Accomplishment? Yeah, along with winning Nobel Prize, Stanley Cup and inventing the wheel...Keep 'em coming, bro, great stuff.


Considering the sheer "doth protesting" and self-aggrandizing that color nearly all your posts, we can safely conclude that you are one sad, paranoid clown who will try to show off on the boards to alleviate some of your misery and who is LAWAYS looking for re-assurence and acceptance. Sorry, everything you say points to that fact.


As far as your political savvy goes (liberals trying to make everyone happy was it), save your incoherent babbling for your fellow circle-jerking Limbaugh worshipers.

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Being a homosexual is NOT okay, and i guarantee you, more people agree with that than disagree


Even if true (I guess the arguement could be made that for every latently homosexual homophobe there is a secretly homophobic "tolerant person"), like I said, there was time in the very recent past when Blacks were considered inferior animals and the majority of whites did not want to "accept" them as being free, etc...But the thing is, fortunately the country is not run by a bunch of predictable bigots of hypocrititical (as in man butt-f***ing a woman is cool but man butt-f***ing a man is not because it's...um...well...icky!) or religious ( as in I am so scared of not making it into the most exclusive club, Heaven, and instead going into the pits of hell that I will do everything that some book of fiction tells me to do even it means eliminating freedoms of others...and since it says God already showed his displeasure for homos in Sodom and Gemorrah, I will hedge my bets so to speak) sort...and the forces of progress and acceptance shall not be stopped no matter how many small-minds are in the way. Look around you, bro, with all social, legislative and cultural reforms that have taken place in the last 150 years, it's only the matter of time before Bible Belt and it's abhorent ideology/legacy crumbles.


My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


You seem to be confusing "real" with "gigantic tool". Common mistake. Accomplishment? Yeah, along with winning Nobel Prize, Stanley Cup and inventing the wheel...Keep 'em coming, bro, great stuff.


Considering the sheer "doth protesting" and self-aggrandizing that color nearly all your posts, we can safely conclude that you are one sad, paranoid clown who will try to show off on the boards to alleviate some of your misery and who is LAWAYS looking for re-assurence and acceptance. Sorry, everything you say points to that fact.


As far as your political savvy goes (liberals trying to make everyone happy was it), save your incoherent babbling for your fellow circle-jerking Limbaugh worshipers.

lol funny stuff voodoo, funny stuff. I hope you enjoyed wasting your time writing all that crap, lol. ;) Every human has their weaknesses and insecurities, i just have less. If it makes you feel better to think otherwise, go ahead. :headbang :cheers

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Every human has their weaknesses and insecurities, i just have less.


If I had a nickel for everytime some delusional/insecure momo uttered the above...But then again, with all the "jealous haters" (not to mention Voodoo's, lol) in the world, if you don't toot your own horn, noone will, right?


lol funny stuff voodoo, funny stuff


It's funny cause it's true?

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Every human has their weaknesses and insecurities, i just have less.


If I had a nickel for everytime some delusional/insecure momo uttered the above...But then again, with all the "jealous haters" (not to mention Voodoo's, lol) in the world, if you don't toot your own horn, noone will, right?

Oh more than me, toots my horn, trust me lol.

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Oh more than me, toots my horn, trust me lol.


Or so you claim...over and over and over again. Time to change the vinyl.



Let the "doth protesting" part deux commence...now.

Protesting? If you re-read these posts, you will see that youre the only one protesting. :D :rolleyes: :huh:

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

Thanks!! I hear that alot!! :headbang

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

Thanks!! I hear that alot!! :headbang

Same people who are complimenting you on your good looks, razor-sharp smarts and charming personality, no doubt.


Irony much?

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

Thanks!! I hear that alot!! :headbang

Same people who are complementing you on your good looks, razor-sharp smarts and charming personality, no doubt.

I am one of a kind. I will leave it at that. :P :D :cheers :headbang

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

Thanks!! I hear that alot!! :headbang

Same people who are complementing you on your good looks, razor-sharp smarts and charming personality, no doubt.

I am one of a kind. I will leave it at that. :P :D :cheers :headbang

Irony, meet BMR. BMR- irony.

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

Thanks!! I hear that alot!! :headbang

Same people who are complementing you on your good looks, razor-sharp smarts and charming personality, no doubt.

I am one of a kind. I will leave it at that. :P :D :cheers :headbang

Irony, meet BMR. BMR- irony.

Hello IRONY!!! How ya doing? I am BMR!!!! :headbang

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

Thanks!! I hear that alot!! :headbang

Same people who are complementing you on your good looks, razor-sharp smarts and charming personality, no doubt.

I am one of a kind. I will leave it at that. :P :D :cheers :headbang

Irony, meet BMR. BMR- irony.

Hello IRONY!!! How ya doing? I am BMR!!!! :headbang

[irony]: Get yo hands off me, you fugly motherf***a!!!

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My greatest accomplishment of all is that I am real. I do not follow politically correct "rules". I dont care what most people think. Yes, I do care about what SOME people think, but thats because I love them. Most of all, unlike your ignorant opinion, I have absolutely no interest in acceptance from others. Im not sheep, like most people. The fact remains, many if not most people agree with most of my opinions, but are afraid to express that. FEAR. People like you who try to "get to me", are most pathetic. Voodoo, as you eluded, you have viewed many of my posts. You couldnt possibly think i care what people think, need acceptance, or follow. I accept truth. Dare you do the same? Uh, no way. Youre too scared and i give a big LOL to that. You liberal weaklings, who try to make everyone happy, make me laugh. No wonder you never accomplish anything in this world.(no i dont mean ALL liberals).


Like I said, the more you talk......now I know why you normally only reply with one-liners, goddamn this manifesto is priceless!

Thanks!! I hear that alot!! :headbang

Same people who are complementing you on your good looks, razor-sharp smarts and charming personality, no doubt.

I am one of a kind. I will leave it at that. :P :D :cheers :headbang

Irony, meet BMR. BMR- irony.

Hello IRONY!!! How ya doing? I am BMR!!!! :headbang

[irony]: Get yo hands off me, you fugly mothaf***er!!!

Irony, you know you want me sweetie.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

omg..... didnt i put you guys to bed an hour ago..........its getting late now either kiss and make up or go to bed and pick it up in the morning..........lol .lol.lol.lol.........sorry guys i just wanted to put a break in here.............carry on.......... :D

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