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omg..... didnt i put you guys to bed an hour ago..........its getting late now either kiss and make up or go to bed and pick it up in the morning..........lol .lol.lol.lol.........sorry guys i just wanted to put a break in here.............carry on.......... :D

No way im taking voodoo to bed, sorry. LOL :rolleyes:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
For any of you gay members, I am really not a gay hater.  I dont really believe that lifestyle is right, but im just having fun on the internet.

now see you could have just said that in the first place and been done with it.........geez........ always gotta do things the hard way huh....lol....... :rolleyes:

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For any of you gay members, I am really not a gay hater.  I dont really believe that lifestyle is right, but im just having fun on the internet.

now see you could have just said that in the first place and been done with it.........geez........ always gotta do things the hard way huh....lol....... :rolleyes:

And miss all the fun? :D

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well i was thinking more of the hurt feelings you may have caused some.......i dont know.....maybe its just me but i may have taken a different approach in expressing my feelings....but thats ok.. your, you..... and we accept you for who you are.........

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well i was thinking more of the hurt feelings you may have caused some.......i dont know.....maybe its just me but i may have taken a different approach in expressing my feelings....but thats ok.. your, you..... and we accept you for who you are.........

If they had hurt feelings, that is their fault. They need to have better control of their emotions. I still think its wrong, but i really dont care what people do on their own time.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well im not going to get into a pissing contest with you on this one.. its late and i need to get to bed.......and you obviously (from reading your other post) are not up for a pissing contest either so lets just drop this one for the nite ok.......have a good one and nitey nite...........

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I find it very funny that all of a sudden voodoo is a regular over here lol.  I think he has a crush on me or something. :o  :huh:

Bmr.. It's not Voodoo. At least I hope it's not Voodoo. But if it is... the s*** is going to hit the fan Friday night.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ok, so i gotta ask.. whats friday nite? and whys the s*** gonna hit the fan???? just curious... wanna see if i can make it out for the festivities lol........ ;)

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ok, so i gotta ask.. whats friday nite? and whys the s*** gonna hit the fan???? just curious... wanna see if i can make it out for the festivities lol........ ;)

Several of us are meeting at the game, and he'll be there. If it's him and he's been giving me s***, I'm going to rip him a new one. Are you going to have the kids..? (by the way, did you get my last email?). If you will we'll meet on the concourse, if not the bar? Also, I might go Sunday to meet up with RPS and the gang. Jim has golf so he can't go.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
ok, so i gotta ask.. whats friday nite? and whys the s*** gonna hit the fan???? just curious... wanna see if i can make it out for the festivities lol........ ;)

Several of us are meeting at the game, and he'll be there. If it's him and he's been giving me s***, I'm going to rip him a new one. Are you going to have the kids..? (by the way, did you get my last email?). If you will we'll meet on the concourse, if not the bar? Also, I might go Sunday to meet up with RPS and the gang. Jim has golf so he can't go.

yeah friday ill have the boys with me........they have their opening day for little league saturday so ill be with them then....and of course i think im going on sunday......i think thats the day i have to take mr. showtime out to the park to hook up with rps and the boys, or was it tuesday.. either way ill be around the park......i havent checked my email yet (im bad at that sorry) but ill look it over and give you a shout back........i can hang on the concourse with you all if you want.......even help ya kick voodoos butt a bit if need be.....lol lol lol lol lol ........... ;)

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Bmr.. It's not Voodoo. At least I hope it's not Voodoo. But if it is... the s*** is going to hit the fan Friday night


If bmr wishes to think I am Voodoo who's out to chase him across message boards and "get him"......let him. There is no harm in it, his theory just further reduces whatever little cred he had left in him. Frankly, I am sorta enjoying this comedy of errors.


As for Voodoo giving you s***, what happened? So many people over here carry such a strong grudge against him (not WSI, not FWC, Daver or PaleHoseGeorge who are directly responsible for the Big Brother Site, but Voodoo specifically) that I am starting to think that we are talking about two different people here, I remember him as a very good poster/person from ESPN days. Granted I have never met the dude (ala SS2K3)...fill me in, would you Steff?


(BTW me, g/f and couple of friends, all nice kids I vouch, were supposed to go this Friday, too. Any chance you wanna meet up at some point, we'll probaby get bleacher seats though. You could buy us a bear or two, we're a bit under age, lol. If not, it's cool too.)


Who else is going to be there besides Vood/Jim, Steff, RPS and HSC?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i never minded voodoo.. it was george and lip who were assholes to me and hence the reason i quit going over to the wsi boards.... if you know more than they do on the inside info they get all pissy with you for reporting it first and not clearing it through them........f*** them....... :fyou .....but as for voodoo i never had any problems with..... as matter fact voo was one to stick up for me during the foulke/ koch fiasco i started over there posting the news days before it was news........lol...........

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i never minded voodoo.. it was george and lip who were assholes to me and hence the reason i quit going over to the wsi boards....


I am not in the habit of calling others "pompous gasbags", but those two come very close. The latter one has such a healthy, positive outlook on things...


if you know more than they do on the inside info they get all pissy with you for reporting it first and not clearing it through them........f*** them.......  .....but as for voodoo i never had any problems with..... as matter fact voo was one to stick up for me during the foulke/ koch fiasco i started over there posting the news days before it was news........lol...........


The world makes sense again, lol.

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Nothing to fill in.. but if you were Voodoo.. I would be VERY pissed at some of the bantering back and forth. I have spent time out with Voodoo (soxfest, games, etc..) and I do consider him a "friend". We haven't exactly been umm... "sensitive" in our postings to eachother. I would be disappointed in Voodoo would talk to me the way you have at times. And lets not get into anything - the past is the past - but you and I being "strangers" I would expect that. Does that make sense..?


Tomorrow night we are in section 107 row 9 (which is actually row 1 behind the bullpen bar. Those are our season seats and you are more than welcome to stop by and say hi. If you can't get down to the seats (security) just scream and we'll come up.


HSC, I'll call you when we come up from the bar and come over. I want to walk in the gift shop anyway.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ill come down by you guys.. ill probably have an easier time getting down there than you guys would have getting over by me in 130......security is highly tight there these days...... :angry: which pisses me off royaly...its such a great view and i love to have visitors come by and say hey....give me a jingle.......

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ill come down by you guys.. ill probably have an easier time getting down there than you guys would have getting over by me in 130......security is highly tight there these days...... :angry: which pisses me off royaly...its such a great view and i love to have visitors come by and say hey....give me a jingle.......

Will do.



Is Rob still "securing" your area over there..??

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Guest hotsoxchick1

why yes hes one of them.. and hes starting to be a pain in my ass........lol.......dang i wish that they would just let me do my thing and have visitors ....lol..they know me by now its only been over 30 years i have been sitting there.......geez us............ :D .

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why yes hes one of them.. and hes starting to be a pain in my ass........lol.......dang i wish that they would just let me do my thing and have visitors ....lol..they know me by now its only been over 30 years i have been sitting there.......geez us............ :D .

He cracks me up. He's such a nice guy though. Demetrious (sp?) is the other one. He was/is a hoot! He used to sneak us down to the visitors on deck circle so we could give them s*** before their at bat. Oh those were the days. I'm surprised they didn't refuse me season tickets after the '98 season.. LOL

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I would be disappointed in Voodoo would talk to me the way you have at times.


Ok, so you have a problem with moi, not Wouldoo...It makes even more sense now, lol.


Well, I guess my posting style can get overbearing at times (I am an ESPN-style slinger who hasn;t posted in a year and a half for crying out loud! Its a posting version of blue balls, lol), and considering how much I was flamed by many different peeps since coming to this board, I may have unintenionally offended you. If I did, I hope I apologized. I've said before, you're a cool gal and I have no beef with you...though I bet there'll be times I will disagree with you in the future. Get use to it as it were :)


I know I certainly didn't treat you any different than if you were a guy. Should I have?


(Per Sox games: I'll be a tall guy with in a Valentin jersey and either a British or Russian accent, depending on my mood. I won't be alone, would that be a problem?)

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Guest hotsoxchick1

"d" man is still there too but he mostly does the weekends only now.... hes ok if we tailgate and i bring him in food then he pretty much lets me do what i want.. i like to have social gatherings every once in a while when i run into a few of the boardies at the game........hell half the time no one is sitting around there anyhow unless its an important game or series or day ..........so wtf is the difference right... i would rather have people i know and like around me as opposed to s*** heads who i cant stand..........right..........lol...........yeah i wish that the moron squad woudlnt have jumped on the field.. would make for a better season for me instead of all this secure s***.......i hate that........

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I would be disappointed in Voodoo would talk to me the way you have at times.


Ok, so you have a problem with moi, not Wouldoo...It makes even more sense now, lol.


Well, I guess my posting style can get overbearing at times (I am an ESPN-style slinger who hasn;t posted in a year in a half for crying out loud! Its a posting version of blue balls, lol), and considering how much I was flamed by many different peeps since coming to this board, I may have unintenionally offended you. If I did, I hope I apologized. I've said before, you're a cool gal and I have no beef with you...though I bet there'll be times I will disagree with you in the future. Get use to it as it were :)


I know I certainly didn't treat you any different than if you were a guy. Should I have?


(Per Sox games: I'll be a tall guy with in a Valentin jersey and either a British or Russian accent, depending on my mood. I won't be alone, would that be a problem?)

lol you crack me up.. accent dependin on your mood.............you not being alone is only a problem depending on who your with .......lol lol lol lol.........j/k ;)

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I would be disappointed in Voodoo would talk to me the way you have at times.


Ok, so you have a problem with moi, not Wouldoo...It makes even more sense now, lol.


Well, I guess my posting style can get overbearing at times (I am an ESPN-style slinger who hasn;t posted in a year in a hafl for crying out loud! Its a posting version of blue balls, lol), and considering how much I was flamed by many different peeps since coming to this board, I may have unintenionally offended you. If I did, I hope I apologized. I've said before, you're a cool gal and I have no beef with you...though I bet I will disagree with you in the future. Get use to it as it were :)


I know I certainly didn't treat you any different than if you were a guy. Should I have?


(Per Sox games: I'll be a tall guy with in a Valentin jersey and either a British or Russian accent, depending on my mood. I won't be alone, would that be a problem?)

Best time to get us will be right at 7pm at the entrance to 107, which is right across from the ramp. The entrance closets to the foul pole is usually where we go in at. If you want to be there at 6:55 you'll definitely catch us. I'll post what I'm wearing tomorrow.. and as always I'll have on my Sox jacket and be carrying my Sox blankie ;) I'll have my All Star seat cushions too in the event someone else has a Sox jacket and blankie, too. No one in our area was at the AS game last year so I know we'll be the only ones with those :P

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"d" man is still there too but he mostly does the weekends only now.... hes ok if we tailgate and i bring him in food then he pretty much lets me do what i want.. i like to have social gatherings every once in a while when i run into a few of the boardies at the game........hell half the time no  one is sitting around there anyhow unless its an important game or series or day ..........so wtf is the difference right... i would rather have people i know and like around me as opposed to s*** heads who i cant stand..........right..........lol...........yeah i wish that the moron squad woudlnt have jumped on the field.. would make for a better season for me instead of all this secure s***.......i hate that........

How far are you down..? I swear I bet we've sat right next to eachother a hundred times. My staple seats in '97 and '98 were 131 row 11 and 132 row 14. I sat with Crystal and the kids most of the time. Or with Terry. Or with his parents and aunt if they were in town. We were probably right next to eachother. :-)

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