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Wait, can't we get more of the Brando-Cw ongoing debate? Enough of the Carlos Lee enigma, the "I am obviously intellectually superior to all of you, and need to reflect that in every single post" of Brandofan vs. the "I like what I want, and I don't care that every sentence of every rap song wasn't crafted using AMA style, or 4th-grade grammar rules" of CWSox was some damn fine entertainment. I could have read 80 pages of that. Could we get it going again?

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How come everyone else is so concerned about the count when Lee hits a GS but not whenever any other White Sox player hits a HR?


Cut it out with the maudlin (not to mention the non-sequitor-ishness of the question), it doesn't suit you. I don't know about "everyone" else, but nobody was higher on Lee in 1999-2001 than moi, and despite basically a full year of suckitude (second half 2001/first half 2002 when more Sox fans than ever turned on him, deservedly so) I continued to hype Lee for his new-found patience (60 walks in last 3+ months of the season) and defend him all.the.damn.time. even at the start of this season when he was like 2-15. Just ask Baggs and HSC , LOL


Here's the list of players I have personally criticised (and, to be fair, prased at other junctures) more than Lee: Konerko, Rowand, Parque, Corey Patterson, Paul. Hell, I even commented on Frank's slow bat even though his overall production is so much better than Lee's has been for 3 weeks now. Would it really make you feel better if I and others had ripped Konerko as well even if his homer was much "cleaner"? Common, it would give you more fodder to accuse me of being overly negative (I guess 99 wins prediction was low-balling, lol)...How sweet would that be?


You can also take your totally misguided "ridiculing" and stick it where the sun don't shine, mmkay? Just because you have nothing to contribute other than "he hit a Grandie, yay!" and haven't even f***ing seen the at bat in question doesn't mean you have some higher moral vantage-point to spew your passive-aggressive BS from. It's totally conceivable to--grasp!!!--truthfully acknowledge the ugliness/luckiness of Lee's homer, his approach and lack of accomplishments thus far...and still be overjoyed at the win and remain very positive on the future of the team/individual players.


So for the record, I hope one Carlos Juan Ferreiro Penedo Guarron Lee will have the best 2003 EVAH!!!!!!

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Enough of the Carlos Lee enigma, the "I am obviously intellectually superior to all of you, and need to reflect that in every single post" of Brandofan vs. the "I like what I want, and I don't care that every sentence of every rap song wasn't crafted using AMA style, or 4th-grade grammar rules" of CWSox was some damn fine entertainment


Dude, that's not entirely fair. Don' get me wrong, your stereotyping maybe fun and all...but it's just that. I never denied anyone (cssox included, though he did say I had a "s***ty music taste", no? He also basically accused me of being a jealous hater, lol) right to like anything they want and never considered myself to be all that smart. Heck, I am not college-educated, my IQ is probably about average, English not my first (or second) language and I am passionate about baseball. If anything I am Joe Average, but with a foreign twist :)


(Having said that, I think Eminem is woefully overrated (at least with Britney and Co. you know exactly what are getting- a pre-packeged prima pop tart doubling as a

whore-virgin eye-candy, I have no probs with that) for some of the reasons listed in other posts. I don't mind the non-adherence to 4th gade grammer rules or whatever...as much as the sheer lack of thematic, musical, lyrical and performative innovations or talent that's prevalent in rap and not only. Em was supposed to be like the Messiah of the art form, but frankly I am not seeing anything special, just a whiny, predictably "controversial", self-absorbed 30yo kid with 'ok' beats and unimaginative writing, not to mention his s***ty treatment of women and gays which only adds to the dislike. I could be very much in the wrong, it goes without saying. )

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Enough of the Carlos Lee enigma, the "I am obviously intellectually superior to all of you, and need to reflect that in every single post" of Brandofan vs. the "I like what I want, and I don't care that every sentence of every rap song wasn't crafted using AMA style, or 4th-grade grammar rules" of CWSox was some damn fine entertainment


Dude, that's not entirely fair. Don' get me wrong, your stereotyping maybe fun and all...but it's just that. I never denied anyone (cssox indluded) right to like anything they want and never considered myself to be all that smart. Heck, I am not college-educated, my IQ is probably about average, English not my first (or second) language and I am passionate about baseball. If anything I am Joe Average, but with a foreign twist :)


(Having said that, I think Eminem is woefully overrated (at least with Britney and Co. you know exactly what are getting- a pre-packeged prima pop tart, I have no probs with that) for some of the reasons listed in other posts. I could be very much in the wrong, it goes without saying. )

I agree, it was absolutely unfair. I was just trying to rile the both of you up, because I honestly did enjoy reading both CW's and your posts. A little hostile debate gets me through many a drab workday.

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After finally seeing a replay of Carlos Lee's Grand Slam, I have another slant on him. That pitch he hit out was inhuman. 99% of players, even if they would have know it was coming, could NOT of have hit that pitch our of the ballpark. That presise AB is why people get so caught up in Carlos Lee. ANy human would have either popped that pitch STRAIGHT up, or pounded it straight into the ground right in front of the catcher. The fact that Carlos hit that pitch almost 400 feet says SO much about his hands. To be able to be strong enough and agile enough to hit that ball out is astounding.


I hate to say it, but Carlos probably will never realize his potential with the Sox. For whatever reason he just doesn't respond here. Maybe it is he is too comfortable, maybe it is JM, I don't know. But mark my words. IF he ever leaves the Sox, he is going to go nuts with whoever he ends up with next.

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I hate to say it, but Carlos probably will never realize his potential with the Sox. For whatever reason he just doesn't respond here. Maybe it is he is too comfortable, maybe it is JM, I don't know. But mark my words. IF he ever leaves the Sox, he is going to go nuts with whoever he ends up with next.


I too think he is very complacent and generally unintelligent/stubborn which can't be good any way you look at...I used to compare him to Manny Ramirez, but I was obviously wrong- Manny was a much more polished hitter at Carlos's age,. No, I think the apt comparison is Sammy Sosa pre-steroids. I am not saying that Carlos is quite as freeswinging as Sammy was but I thnk he won't mature until he is with another team and is close to being 30. And at least Sosa had an excuse of being a heck of a RF and a good base-stealer...Carlos needs to get on base and slug to the tune of 500+ to be of value to this team, plain and simpe


The tools are definately there, only a blind man can;t see them. The problem lies in a typical CLee at bat: first pitch down the middle, no swing. Strike. Second pitch way low and out of the zone and big swing. Miss. Strike. Count 0-2 which means that now even medicore pitchers own you without having to come in and make a mistake...I think Carlos (along with many, many, many other non-All-Star players) can't read pitchers well, can't recognize the release point/rotation early, has poor knowledge of the strike zone and poor discpline in addition to flatout refusing to shorten his swing. As a result, no amount of batspeed, strenght or agility will bail you out if you don't have the former components. Carlos still needs work.

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Carlos still needs work.

we can all agree on that.


But if you one shot, one opportunity, to say everything that you ever wanted... wouldn't we say:


We can also all agree that Marshall B. Mathers, III is God's own troubadour, a divine angel sent to speak to us all in the most blessed wordplay in brilliant lyrics since Shakespere and Christopher Marlowe's time with some of the most inspired music since Mozart's "Le Nozze di Figaro.". :bringit (but maybe in the non baseball forum...)


And as 50¢ says, "Em, you know you're my favorite white boy." And mine, too!


Ghost of Wayne Tolleson, that one is for you! :lol: :cheers

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Not to sound like a Valley girl, but...everyone knows Mozart's greatest achievement is Requiem, especially, like, Lacrymossa. Duh!


I am white and I think Em is a whiny poseur. An angelic trubadour, Shakespeare incarnate couldn't dream of having a line such as "This oppo'tunity comes once in a lifetime, yo" as his career highlight. It's simply too cool for school.

And as 50¢ says, "Em, you know you're my favorite white boy."


Em to 50cent: "You're my favorite n*gger, too"

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I like Mozart operas more but the Mozart Requiem is a valid choice as his best work although I prefer Verdi's Requiem.


I could go on and quote some brilliant lyrics - anyone could pick a line. Wagner wrote "Ho yo to" in Valkyries and repeats it 1,000 times - you gonna rap (get it, rap? ;) ) on him next? :lol:


I know 50¢ said what I quoted him as saying because I have the c.d.


Not sure about your quote.

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I could go on and quote some brilliant lyrics


Not the "boots have roots" one! Oh no!



Plus I think The Rings has a bit more thematic depth and musical complexity and scope than Slim Shady. I think Wagner will be ok. YMMV.


To bad Puffy already *cough*remixed*cough* Kashmire. Eminem was licking himself just thinking what he could do with it if he had a chance. I bet another tirade at Everlast is in order. Or his mommy.

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Plus I think The Rings has a bit more thematic depth and musical complexity and scope than Slim Shady.  I think Wagner will be ok. YMMV.


To bad Puffy "remixed" Kashmire.  Eminem was licking himself just thinking what he could do with it if he had a chance.

I think if you take the Marshall mathers and Slim Shady's LPs (in reverse order) and view them as a whole, the theme is indeed operatic, which was my first attraction to it, opera buff that I am. And by the time Em reaches the age of Wagner - Wagner, who wrote about really disgusting things in the Ring, all that incest and bestiality and filth [and that can't be denied] - I think Em will have achieved that level of musical complexity and scope. And none the less, ho yo to indeed. That line is laughable making every allowance for 19th century Germanic operatic tastes. The combination of the brilliant music and absolutely dismal lyric is what makes that scene in Apocalypse Now work so wonderfully - the contrast of the banal and the deep on the one hand with the fine arts and death on the other.


50¢ does a great Puffy imitation on the 3rd track (I think) of his newest.


I am not a fan of Em's remixes although his Dream On thing he did last year in concert (off Eminem cd) was hysterical - "let's all pretend it's the 80s, get your lighters out, wave them high." :lol:


And Puffy wishes he could have done Sweet Home Alabama before Em did. Not that Detroit rap takes a stand between the Puffy-BIG vs west coast thing.


And Em is a huge Tigers fan - bringing this back to baseball. On that I disagree with him. But then he stole a riff from the UM Marching band for White America so I forgave him the Tigers s***.

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What's your throughts on Tupac? I think he had high potential as an actor (if he had lived past 25 and had some formal training)...but his music I know supringly little about other than listening to all his released albums back-to-back 20 hours straight once just to 'get' what the hype was all about. He was a bit before my time, though.



And none the less, ho yo to indeed. That line is laughable making every allowance for 19th century Germanic operatic tastes


I thought Hiyawatha was by William Cullen Wadsworth-Longfellow. He was Canadian, too, no?


Wagner, who wrote about really disgusting things in the Ring, all that incest and bestiality and filth [and that can't be denied]


I see nothing wrong with a little beastiality and incest...as long as both parties are legal consenting adults and aren't related. Now filth I take a strong exception to.

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Unless El Caballo has an interest in 19th century American poety and German opera that we are unaware of!


Sure, if by "19th century American poety" you mean picking flowers on the wall and by "German opera" you are referring to little chocolate bunny Fufu's.


Uncle Jerry takes him to the candy store on Thursdays.

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What's your throughts on Tupac?  I think he had high potential as an actor (if he had lived past 25 and had some formal training)...but his music I know supringly little about other than listening to all his released albums back-to-back 20 hours straight once just to 'get' what the hype was all about.  He was a bit before my time, though.

I'm a big fan of Tupac....so I can give you my opinion.


I saw him as an actor in Gang Related....which was a pretty good movie, and he was pretty good in it as well. I saw most of the movie Above the Rim.....which was also a pretty good movie, and he was pretty good in it too.


I've really liked his music....and his newest release Thugz Mansion is a really good song. There are two tracks for it, one of just Tupac as a solo and someone else singing the chorus....and another one, where Nas(one of his enemies before he 'died'(which I'll get to a little later)....I find that a little weird, personally). There are also a few other songs on that album that I like....Never Be Peace, Mama's Just a Little Girl, and Street Fame(I think it was it's called). They're all pretty good songs. I personally don't own one of his albums....like the thing....but I've downloaded his songs on KaZaa....and I really like them.


Anyways....I've read up a little on Tupac's death....and there are some thigns that kind of point to being alive. I'm probably wrong....but there are just so many conincidental things about his death that make it look like he faked his death, that you really have to take it all in. He came out with an album called the 7 Day Theory under a different name, Makaveli(he changed it for the one album after coming out of prison....in prison, I believe he read one of Machiavelli's books...and in it it talked about some deep s***....I can't think of it now, off the top of my head....but if I did a little research, I could find it). Anyways....the night he was shot was September 7....and he was alive for 7 days until he died on September 13(Sept 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13....7 days). He died at the age of 25....when added up, equals 7. I believe 12 shots were fired at him....with 5 striking him. 12 - 5 = 7. I believe he died 7 months after his last album under the name Tupac came out....which was All Eyez on Me(and the song named after the album is a good song as well). He died at 4:03 in the morning...4 + 3 equals 7. There are also a lot of other things that have to do with the number 7....but I found them unimportant(like things that have to do with the #7 in songs and such....inconsequental). He has also come out with 2 or 3 albums after his death....with Thugz Mansion(the album) being 2 discs long. Why would someone record like 50 or so songs before they died? IMO....there are too many unanswered questions like this to be totally convinced one way or the other.


I'm probably wrong...as I said....but if he were to come back....it would probably be in early September of this year....probably in the week of September 7th-13th. We'll find out in September.

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Wow. I thought he was dead for sure.  Weird how he f***ed with our minds like that, but I am happy he is alive above all.  I'm actually looking forward to his next project.

As I said...I can't be sure one way or the other. I'll find out this up and coming September.


And for what it matters....Tupac died on Friday the 13th. And one more thing....on the night of his shooting....he had attended the Tyson fight in Vegas...and he didn't wear his bulletproof vest, which he always wore to big events like this. Kind of weird how he didn't wear it on a night where Mike Tyson fights in Las Vegas.


Clujer....I'm not so sure about that. He atleast had a softer side....you have to have a softer side to write a poetry book.

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I understand and appreciate Tupac much more now than I did when he died - and I do think he is dead. And I also think we should have a separate Rappers Paradise forum because it is is so great to see rap fans posting but the metal head stoners will always be bashing! :lol:


witesoxfan, impressive work on Tupac numerology and what happens in September for you to find out anything other than the 7th anniversary of his death?


The real villian in it all was and is Shug Knight and I think a lot of LA cops were in on the murder of Notorious B.I.G.

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I understand and appreciate Tupac much more now than I did when he died - and I do think he is dead.  And I also think we should have a separate Rappers Paradise forum because it is is so great to see  rap fans posting but the metal head stoners will always be bashing!    :lol:


witesoxfan, impressive work on Tupac numerology and what happens in September for you to find out anything other than the 7th anniversary of his death? 


The real villian in it all was and is Shug Knight and I think a lot of LA cops were in on the murder of Notorious B.I.G.

What happens in September? I'll see if Tupac is alive or not....and hopefully, the Sox clinch the AL Central, and homefield advantage throughout! :headbang


And I do also believe that the LAPD has something to do with BIG's death. It would be solved by now.

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He at least had a softer side....you have to have a softer side to write a poetry book.

Did he write this poetry while in prison?


Any degenerate who ends up in prison has made some drastically poor decisions in life, and when a person like that ends up getting wasted, I feel not one iota of sympathy for them. Everyone chooses the lifestyle they live, and when you choose one that puts you in a coffin in your early 20's, oh well.

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