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Neither Em nor I gave a s*** about your lack of musical taste opinions!


How eloquent and intelligent.


Next thing you know you'l be pushing the Academy Award as some kind of proof..."Eminem" and "music" shouldn't be mentioned within the same rhetorical mile. Just because he is better than lowest of lowest of common denominator (Ja Rule, Maya, DMX, Britney, etc) doesn't mean he is a "can do". What a Suburban Angst Merchant indeed, with trite, predictably "controversial" lyrics and patheticly simplistic "beats" and melodic layout. At least

(overrated) Marvin Gaye had a good voice and some semblance of "social" critique...but then again he didn't market himself as a "rapper-rebel, sent by God to piss people off" and had danceable and melodic tunes, operating in a different, less lyrics-oriented genre...whereas Em is just a whiny, hateful punk with a grudge against everybody with little to no writing/composing/performing skills. An insecure wannabe, a wife-beater, a cultural clown...He has his niche and he will make a lot of money just purely on on the novelty/shock value and because he has no real competition. The marketing machiner will do the rest. Kinda like KISS.

Though I agree something to that effect could be said about 98% of bands that anyone's heard of these days. To each his own praise the Sox!

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5. Someone near and dear to me, who happens to be a die hard scrubs fan called me today to heckle me about the "fan" who went after umpire Laz Diaz. I had to be the one to break the news to him that the jerk is a scrubs fan.

I had to do the same thing today to a "diehard" Cub and self-proclaimed "baseball" fan that I work with. The dumb look on their face when you break this news to them, and the fact that they (knowing you're a Sox fan) don't dare disagree with you (because as a Sox fan you know your baseball stuff), is usually pretty priceless to say the least.

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Though I agree something to that effect could be said about 98% of bands that anyone's heard of these days.


So what? 99.999 % of baseball players (college and minors included) either suck completely or are medicore and unexciting to watch...no one raises an eye brow because it's an accepted fact.


Why must art/music be much different? I am not saying it should be all about merit because one 1) no one knows what "merit" should be in the first place, especially in the abstract form of music where a simplest danceable groove is often enough to enjoy the song and 2) the profit industry has too much influence/control and nothing can be done about it. Totally unrealistic.


BUT why in hell should I like it? Why should I pretend like Em is some kind of genius-poet and a inspired, ground-breaking musician whereas he is woefully illiterate in both respects? Because there isn't much choice nowdays? I dont care, I'll listen to Elison Krause or Aimme Mann if I have to and I am not even a big fan. Anything to escape boring-ass, focus-group, over-produced and shrill crap that passes for music today. If I have to listen to another pointless, infantile and self-aggrandizing line from eM....



ETA: I don't mean to sound as completely dimissing all rap/hip-hop just because Puffy and Co. butcher it with their remixes and people like J Rule don't have a single ounce of talent, any kind of talent...No, I think there is an infinite uncharted territory in that musical form. I truly do. Unfortunately Em ain't the person to break things wide open.

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4. I'm a big Brando fan, Marlin not Sal ( that was a good one CW  :lolhitting  :lolhitting )

Glad someone caught that! :lol: Although as you know it was really Sal Bando - I didn't have much to work with there! :lol:


For those with opinions on rap and 8 Mile and Eminem - what is the point of the obsessive need to keep pointing out (in the baseball forum yet) what you don't like? One of my best friends like Andrea Bocelli, another likes GM cars, and another likes Wendy's, and I have never felt the need to tell any of them that I think their opinions suck. Why go out of your way to criticize what someone else likes? Why the need?


For the record, I think Eminem is genius and I loved the movie, and I also like 50¢, D12, and Ludacris, and rap as a genre, prefer East Coast to West coast and gansta to thug and cried when Lisa Lopes died. And two days before I see the All Star game I am seeing Em in concert with 50¢ and Missy Elliott and if anyone thinks that is a s*** concert, then, f***ing don't go!


I also have seasons tickets to the Lyric Opera and prefer Mozart to Wagner, am still making up my mind on Berlioz, and developing an affection for Handel's baroque operas, and of course I like Verdi and Puccini. Anyone have an opinion on that you are dying to share?


I prefer briefs to boxers, actually lo rise briefs because I exercise and have the body for it, hate neck ties and love oversized shirts. I love chinese fried rice, soy-based chocolate frozen dessert, and strawberries. My favorite Beatle was George, my favorite Who was Roger Daltry and my favorite Rolling Stone was Brian Jones and Ginger Baker is the best drummer I ever saw.


My favorite Mesopotamian folk tale is Gilgamesh and in ancient Greek plays, I prefer Aristophanes to Sophocles for light evening fare but you have to give Euripides his due.


Now, I shall await the opinions on all those things too, and maybe I will return the favor with sarcatsic comments on everyone else's avatars and signatures (gothic is so overdone to death, guys...) and their favorite things.


And anyone who thought 8 Mile sucks, sucks big time, sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks.


And CLee!!!! Way to go!!!! Without looking it up, 6 career grand slams - some of which have made my days very happy - makes him 2nd on the all time Sox list to Ventura's 10 and I think Karkovice is 3rd with 5. Now maybe I am wrong and someone can look that up and we can talk baseball again!

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Without looking it up, 6 career grand slams - some of which have made my days very happy -  makes him 2nd on the all time Sox list to Ventura's 10 and I think Karkovice is 3rd with 5.  Now maybe I am wrong and someone can look that up and we can talk baseball again!

I think Big Frank has 6 also but I'm not sure of that..... like you, I'm not looking it up :headbang

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1) are you IDseer?


2) It's Marlon Brando. As in "Last Tango in Paris"...


3)You may enjoy whatever/whomever you wish to. It goes without saying, especially among adults...not that I haven;t mentioned it half a dozen times to appease your tender ego...Can't anyone be critical of anything ever? Can't anything you like actually suck, ever?


For the record, I think Eminem is genius and I loved the movie


Why and why? Explain yourself...I thought so.


Neither Em nor I gave a s*** about your lack of musical taste opinions!


I just thought I'd quote what you said again. For contrast.

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Why complain if Carlos homerun was out of the zone.  It put the game a way and buried the Royals.  I only wish we would've held on on Tuesday, a sweep would've been great! 



    PK  and Olivo also woke up with Jacks, and Loaiza continues to pitch well.  Very goodd day.

tuesday game...i remember carlos lee up in that game with either a runner on 3rd or runners on 2nd and 3rd with one out..carlos pops up and we end up not scoring...that was a wasted opportunity


this is the whole point of my post..while carlos was successful today..his approach , if he keeps doing what he is doing will have him failing in those situation much more than the league average and definately much more than a winning team should tolerate...


its the approach , not the results of this one at bat that im complaining about..that approach ,whisch is not only being applied by carlos is why we were all complaining about this teams lack of success in nthose situations, looking flat ect..this one at bat wont fix that problem

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Without looking it up, 6 career grand slams - some of which have made my days very happy -  makes him 2nd on the all time Sox list to Ventura's 10 and I think Karkovice is 3rd with 5.  Now maybe I am wrong and someone can look that up and we can talk baseball again!

I think Big Frank has 6 also but I'm not sure of that..... like you, I'm not looking it up :headbang

I was kind of thinking Frank might have 6 too but what the hell, CLee has hit his in less time than anyone else.


And had I really been thinking, I would have known it was CLee's 6th today - I had 5 in my mind because he had two opportunties against Detroit to get off that and he didn't.


Only Sox fans can take a fun win day and find reasons to b**** and make it miserable. "You hit a grand slam Carlos but you didn't hit it right so f*** you!"


Being unhappy is an art form. I am glad CK that you enjoyed the win too! I'd hate to think that I was the only one who loved the punctuation that put the Royals out of the game today and restored some order to the universe. We are 9-6 against division rivals - 9-3 since the opening series - have taken 4 series in a row - it is getting warmer and players are picking up - and our record is better than the As, Seattle, Anaheim, Minnesota, and everybody else in the AL except the Yankees and KC and we just closed some gaps on KC - we have the 3rd best record in the AL and people are f***ing unhappy!

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Being unhappy is an art form.


How New Age-y of you. Any more gems such as this?


And all because someone had the gall to metion that it's too early to celebrate the "break-out year" just yet. Afterall, I was the one who predicted 99 wins for the Sox (and was very high on Carlos for a few years now), so I couldn't possibly be the unhappy party-pooping fun-spoiler....Maybe you should watch more games and at-bats instead of checking out box scores. It goes along way.


When the Sox are second in the majors in total offense, 5th in total pitching and have a 10-game lead on the overrated, over-achieving Twins, the team we should have easily handled for two years now...then maybe I won't find much too criticise. Maybe.



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Maybe you should watch more games and at-bats instead of checking out box scores.  It goes along way.

As you are as pompous as you are, next time I think of where Marlon Brando wanted the butter shoved, I will think of you.

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As you are as pompous as you are, next time I think of where Marlon Brando wanted the butter shoved, I will think of you.


Thanks for obliging in telling me, among other things, just what makes Em so great and true. Much ado about nothing...and if Gothic is "overused", same goes for calling other people "pompous" when in fact they just have your number time in time out regardless of the topic. Bleh.


Go in peace.

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I'm enjoying the win today  Why be a fan and b**** if you can't enjoy it when things go right?


Hey, dude, don't you think it's mighty presumptious of you to assume that "I am not enjoying" today's victory? All I said that Lee's at bat was an ugly sight in response to some people practically orgasming, the same people who will and have called Lee a "bum" and worse just in the previous at bat... Are your expectations of this team that low now that you have to greet each homer with a bubbly?


Does it even matter if I "enjoyed" 90% of the game and players and the outcome...but dared to say something bad about Lee midway through it? Stop b****ing back at you. :)

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I only b**** at people who try to find the bad things in the game. I don't think it was presumptious, because, I could be wrong, but I don't remember you saying that you enjoyed today's game, or that CLee came through in a huge situation.


By the way, I've supported Carlos all along, and have never called him a bad name.

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BUT why in hell should I like it? Why should I pretend like Em is some kind of genius-poet and a inspired, ground-breaking musician whereas he is woefully illiterate in both respects?  Because there isn't much choice nowdays?  I dont care, I'll listen to Elison Krause or Aimme Mann if I have to and I am not even a big fan.  Anything to escape boring-ass, focus-group, over-produced and shrill crap that passes for music today.  If I have to listen to another pointless, infantile and self-aggrandizing line from eM....

When did I tell you you had to like Eminem? I can't stand him myself, but what do I have to gain by repeatedly telling someone who does like him that he sucks, just to start s***? Furthermore, bands make money, for a reason, if 6 million people went out and bought his record he probably didn't suck. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for picking a fight with someone, proclaiming youself the winner, bravo have a hero cookie on me and go in peace.

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4. I'm a big Brando fan, Marlin not Sal ( that was a good one CW  :lolhitting  :lolhitting )

Glad someone caught that! :lol: Although as you know it was really Sal Bando - I didn't have much to work with there! :lol:


For those with opinions on rap and 8 Mile and Eminem - what is the point of the obsessive need to keep pointing out (in the baseball forum yet) what you don't like? One of my best friends like Andrea Bocelli, another likes GM cars, and another likes Wendy's, and I have never felt the need to tell any of them that I think their opinions suck. Why go out of your way to criticize what someone else likes? Why the need?


For the record, I think Eminem is genius and I loved the movie, and I also like 50¢, D12, and Ludacris, and rap as a genre, prefer East Coast to West coast and gansta to thug and cried when Lisa Lopes died. And two days before I see the All Star game I am seeing Em in concert with 50¢ and Missy Elliott and if anyone thinks that is a s*** concert, then, f***ing don't go!


I also have seasons tickets to the Lyric Opera and prefer Mozart to Wagner, am still making up my mind on Berlioz, and developing an affection for Handel's baroque operas, and of course I like Verdi and Puccini. Anyone have an opinion on that you are dying to share?


I prefer briefs to boxers, actually lo rise briefs because I exercise and have the body for it, hate neck ties and love oversized shirts. I love chinese fried rice, soy-based chocolate frozen dessert, and strawberries. My favorite Beatle was George, my favorite Who was Roger Daltry and my favorite Rolling Stone was Brian Jones and Ginger Baker is the best drummer I ever saw.


My favorite Mesopotamian folk tale is Gilgamesh and in ancient Greek plays, I prefer Aristophanes to Sophocles for light evening fare but you have to give Euripides his due.


Now, I shall await the opinions on all those things too, and maybe I will return the favor with sarcatsic comments on everyone else's avatars and signatures (gothic is so overdone to death, guys...) and their favorite things.


And anyone who thought 8 Mile sucks, sucks big time, sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks.


And CLee!!!! Way to go!!!! Without looking it up, 6 career grand slams - some of which have made my days very happy - makes him 2nd on the all time Sox list to Ventura's 10 and I think Karkovice is 3rd with 5. Now maybe I am wrong and someone can look that up and we can talk baseball again!

Didn't know we couldn't joke on this board :huh:

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Guest hotsoxchick1

hey guys.. guess what.... we beat kc two times in a row..........how about them apples..... as for lee ..he will always be a dumbass to me, but today after that lucky granny i just dont have the heart enough to call him one.. so i take the day off and refrain from using dumbass in place of lee.........lol lol lol...... :D ..............he was gonna strike out though. .he had that look in his eyes.. and wtf is he swinging at each an every pitch for lately????? carlos........ patients bud...... :D

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Ok, I bet you are all wondering how Heather Lee didn't pipe in quite yet on this topic. Well, I finally got back to my room after work. All I have to say is DAAAAAAAAAMN!!!!!!! Carlos is getting his groove back! The two of us are going to have some major fun in our Bridgeport house tonight.


Caaaaarrrrrrllllloooooosssss, Yeeeeeesssssss!!!!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

dont get too excited heather......he was swinging at everything still.. he just happened to get lucky with this one...........you better have a talk with your boy about patients.......... :D

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dont get too excited heather......he was swinging at everything still.. he just happened to get lucky with this one...........you better have a talk with your boy about patients.......... :D

We don't have any PATIENTS, because we don't own a practice; however, I will help him learn PATIENCE in order to get better looks at pitches.

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Lee gets 1 f***ing hit and is still under .200 AVG and he is getting praised on a thread this is a joke .......Right.....I hope :huh:

Nobody's praising him..... some of us just can't figure out why others can't give Carlos just a little bit of credit for hitting a GS..... slump or no slump.

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