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On-Line Petition


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Thanks for the link. We need more people to sign this petition before the REAL beer drinkers suffer  :headbang

Ya what the hell is wrong with some people these days? Life's a struggle even in the best of times. You gotta have a little fun now and then. So many are such "amateurs" these days. I don't want so much security that going to a game will be an ordeal like it is to fly now.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Thanks for the link. We need more people to sign this petition before the REAL beer drinkers suffer  :headbang

Ya what the hell is wrong with some people these days? Life's a struggle even in the best of times. You gotta have a little fun now and then. So many are such "amateurs" these days. I don't want so much security that going to a game will be an ordeal like it is to fly now.

amen to that one SI.... i cant stand going to the park and not being able to have my friends sit around me......if the security gets tighter at the park then rps, baggs, cw and others will not be able to come down by me and heckle the opposition...........that would suck and make for a boring game...........

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Thanks for the link. We need more people to sign this petition before the REAL beer drinkers suffer  :headbang

Ya what the hell is wrong with some people these days? Life's a struggle even in the best of times. You gotta have a little fun now and then. So many are such "amateurs" these days. I don't want so much security that going to a game will be an ordeal like it is to fly now.

amen to that one SI.... i cant stand going to the park and not being able to have my friends sit around me......if the security gets tighter at the park then rps, baggs, cw and others will not be able to come down by me and heckle the opposition...........that would suck and make for a boring game...........

Well, if you season ticket holders would do a better job of keeping the others in check, then we wouldn't be talking about this, would we? ;)

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Thanks for the link. We need more people to sign this petition before the REAL beer drinkers suffer  :headbang

Ya what the hell is wrong with some people these days? Life's a struggle even in the best of times. You gotta have a little fun now and then. So many are such "amateurs" these days. I don't want so much security that going to a game will be an ordeal like it is to fly now.

amen to that one SI.... i cant stand going to the park and not being able to have my friends sit around me......if the security gets tighter at the park then rps, baggs, cw and others will not be able to come down by me and heckle the opposition...........that would suck and make for a boring game...........

Well, if you season ticket holders would do a better job of keeping the others in check, then we wouldn't be talking about this, would we? ;)

Ha, ha, ha, YAS. :P



Truthfully.. we're too busy watching the game to babysit those who can't handle their beer.

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It's an on-line petition calling for stiffer penalties for people who jump the fence. I didn't create it, but I thought you folks would want to get the chance to sign it. So, I pass it along...

it would appear that I cannot sign the petition as I am not a resident of Illinois.


Howver I did talk to my sales rep on Wednesday. My suggestion was a moat filled with aligators ringing the field as well as sending Mayor Daley's bulldozers from meigs Field up to Wrigley to put x's in their field as kind of a pre-emptive attack to warn them to stop sending the weapons of mass destuction to our stadium...


my next step would be some shock and awe on those roof top drinking clubs

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OK.. I just took a look at the petition again (84 sigs ;) )

But what is irritating the hell out of me is some of the comments.


A few examples..


This is garbage - cubs fan suck! Long live the sox and garland's cute butt

Beat the crap out of those scumbags. I do not want my precious sox to get hurt. Hi mom.

Go sox and I love Garland! Keep the cubs trash out of comiskey.

Big ups from Bristol. Beat the heck out of these morons to keep 'em off the field!

Those were cubs fans!!!!! Keep those trashballs out of sox park. I love the sox and hate when this stuff happens

I'm all for the death penalty for any Cubs fan running onto our sacred field. I've got Sox fever, baby!!!!!!!

those fans were cubs fans - they should be beaten. Go Sox!



Real classy.. not. Comments about cute butts, and death penalty to Cub fans..? No wonder people think Sox fans are "south side trailer trash".

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OK.. I just took a look at the petition again (84 sigs  ;) )

But what is irritating the hell out of me is some of the comments.


A few examples..


This is garbage - cubs fan suck! Long live the sox and garland's cute butt

Beat the crap out of those scumbags. I do not want my precious sox to get hurt. Hi mom.

Go sox and I love Garland! Keep the cubs trash out of comiskey.

Big ups from Bristol. Beat the heck out of these morons to keep 'em off the field!

Those were cubs fans!!!!! Keep those trashballs out of sox park. I love the sox and hate when this stuff happens

I'm all for the death penalty for any Cubs fan running onto our sacred field. I've got Sox fever, baby!!!!!!!

those fans were cubs fans - they should be beaten. Go Sox!



Real classy.. not. Comments about cute butts, and death penalty to Cub fans..? No wonder people think Sox fans are "south side trailer trash".

The image of the White Sox, their fans, the south side is really in the tank. When I talk to Pirate fans where I live and mention my time in Chicago, folks usually want to know about Wrigley. It's thought of as some kind of shrine and to go there would be sort of like a religious pilgramage. Hardly anyone wants to go see the Sox. Many are sure they will get hurt inside the park or in the immediate vicinity. You can quote crime statistics until you are blue in the face, ( there is more crime of all kinds in the immediate vicinity of Wrigley than there is at our park ) people have their preconceived notions and you can't shake them out of it. The fact that this is a National League city only partly explains this. The only solution I see is number one there be no more incidents at the Cell and number two we start being consistent winners year in and year out.

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It's an on-line petition calling for stiffer penalties for people who jump the fence. I didn't create it, but I thought you folks would want to get the chance to sign it. So, I pass it along...

I know Jim........... I just know. ;) :D

Oh crap Jim I'm sorry. I thought you had the inside rail on this thing. Ignore the email I sent you. ;)

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