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Newt Gingrich lies about Canada&Mexico on Fox News


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Speaking Tuesday on the Fox News political show Hannity & Colmes, Gingrich said: "Far more of the 9/11 terrorists came across from Canada than from Mexico."




None of the 19 hijackers entered the U.S. from either Canada or Mexico, information confirmed by former U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft and the 9/11 Commission investigating the attacks, wrote McKenna in his letter to Gingrich.


"Please accept my apology to the Canadian people for perpetuating the error; one I am sure that has been very painful to them," said Gingrich in a reply to McKenna.


I guess he just assumed it was okay to say a complete lie if the'yre going to be on Fox. It's too bad he didn't apologize to Americans for spreading this commonly believed error instead. But of course from what I'm seeing no American news outlet picked up this story. God damn liberal media.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 05:38 PM)
Every freaking politician SUCKS.  They're ALL corrupt bastard f***s.  Every single one of them.  So can we stop with the partisan hackery?


/off soapbox


The system is against the independent thinker. You need party support to win dog catcher, President and everything in between. Vote party line or go home.


There are a few politicians I respect as people. They seem to be at the fringes of both parties. I like Kap and my Senator Hutchinson. I also really like my congressman, Ruben Hinojosa. Both seem to have some integrity and work hard to understand the issues that are key to them and important to their constituents. They also happen to be almost polar opposites in ideology.


Tom DeLay :headbang Gotta Love The Hammer.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 02:48 PM)

I guess he just assumed it was okay to say a complete lie if the'yre going to be on Fox.  It's too bad he didn't apologize to Americans for spreading this commonly believed error instead.  But of course from what I'm seeing no American news outlet picked up this story.  God damn liberal  media.


I guess it's okay to assume he lied as opposed to making an error. Which, by the way, once it was pointed out to him, he apologized for making.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 09:27 AM)
I guess it's okay to assume he lied as opposed to making an error.  Which, by the way, once it was pointed out to him, he apologized for making.


Again, read Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.


You would think an insider like Gingrich would either a) talk to someone in the know before he shot his mouth off or B) already know the facts. He didn't know either. Sorry, Yas...that's not a mistake a public figure like Newt should make.

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QUOTE(TheDybber @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 10:12 AM)
Again, read Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.


You would think an insider like Gingrich would either a) talk to someone in the know before he shot his mouth off or B) already know the facts.  He didn't know either.  Sorry, Yas...that's not a mistake a public figure like Newt should make.


So what makes Al Franken somekind of expert?

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QUOTE(TheDybber @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 10:12 AM)
Again, read Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.


You would think an insider like Gingrich would either a) talk to someone in the know before he shot his mouth off or B) already know the facts.  He didn't know either.  Sorry, Yas...that's not a mistake a public figure like Newt should make.


You are right. But people do make mistakes, even those that are public figures.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 03:14 PM)
I think its suffice to say that Youppi! is offended.


Just look at him in the Avatar. What you don't see are the brass knuckles he has on. He's going to go ass-wild next time he sees the Newter.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 03:20 PM)
By that logic, Rush is an expert.  He saids all kinds of funny things... the problem is he means most of them seriously...


The thing I like about Franken is that he can rip stupid Dems too. Not as much, of course, but he can and does do it. Rush is a blowhard that likes to hear himself talk.


I mean, c'mon, dittoheads? I don't care who it is, but anyone that has people call into a talk show and say, "Ditto" is the most asinine thing ever. s***, it could be someone on Air America and I would laugh in their face.


So, I do what every American has the right to do...not listen.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 03:27 AM)
I guess it's okay to assume he lied as opposed to making an error.  Which, by the way, once it was pointed out to him, he apologized for making.


Call me cynical about the whole thing then. It just upsets me because the damage to Canada and Mexico has already been done. Anyone watching that who wasn't completely informed about 9/11 would have no choice but to eat that up. I also believe Gingirich recently called for tougher border controls, who is he to make that call when he might really have no clue about the borders? Or was he just lieing to further his call's importance?


Gingrich plans to personally reply to McKenna, said Tyler, and will do what he can to debunk the claim.


While I'd consider that a start, that's probably the last we'll hear about this story.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 07:33 PM)
Call me cynical about the whole thing then.  It just upsets me because the damage to Canada and Mexico has already been done.  Anyone watching that who wasn't completely informed about 9/11 would have no choice but to eat that up.  I also believe Gingirich recently called for tougher border controls, who is he to make that call when he might really have no clue about the borders?  Or was he just lieing to further his call's importance?


While I'd consider that a start, that's probably the last we'll hear about this story.


So its a bad thing if an American makes a mistake that makes Canada look bad (Newt and the border), but NOT a bad thing when a Canadian lies about something to make the US look bad (remember your unsubstantiated Mad Cow disease post?)? Can't have it both ways. At least Newt said he was wrong and is trying to fix his mistake.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 03:59 AM)
We DO need tougher border controls.  Drastically tougher.


I assume you are talking about Kentucky and I agree 100% a well armed militia, tanks rumbling down the streets, helicopters flying over head 24/7/365, armed checkpoints when leaving, fingerprint checks, national IDs, brave patriotic volunteers, searches and detainment without probable cause, guilty until proven innocent, make it right cozy to live there :headbang


If you are talking about the US, we have close to 20,000 miles of border to patrol, both land and sea. How much money are you willing to spend on the people and equipment necessary to accomplish that? Should we stop vacationers? Foreign workers? If we are trying to stop terrorists from getting in, how can we allow tourism and work visas?


Interesting that every President has either looked the other way or made it easier for foreign workers from our bordering countries to be here. From the great Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, they all have embraced these workers. Are they idiots, or maybe have a bigger picture of what is a risk and what is not?

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