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Awful Experience at Sox Park (Cellular Field)


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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 04:57 PM)
I agree with you SS2K5, but can't we do something about this? What if we as a board posted some things about ballpark etiquette. Maybe this board can help educate the younger generation. We can't help the casual fan here, but we can help the younger ones and they can teach their friends. I am very shocked at the posts on this board and thought that our fans had more consideration for others. I guess I was wrong.


Unfortunately, I think the answer is: no.


There isn't much you can do. The type of folk incapable of following simple public etiquette are not apt to change.


SSI, I think it comes down to the fact that there are always rotten apples. You know? Perhaps if you were sitting in a different section you would have had an entirely different expierence. That said, I'm not trying to diminish your complaint; your complaint sounds as valid as they come, but I think you know what direction I was going for.

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QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 05:15 PM)
I don't see how all of this adds up to an "awful" experience.


Neither do I. You can always tell that person to stop smoking and they will probably stop. This has happened to me as well, but I have nicely asked them to put their cigarette out and they do.


BTW, isn’t The Cell smoke free? Last time I went you weren’t supposed to smoke inside. If you see someone doing so than immediately tell one of the guards that work there. I’m sure they’ll do something about it.

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Jim, I agree with everything you said in this thread.


When I get hungry during a game, (most times) I have enough self-restraint to wait till the half inning is over. Even if I don't, I wait till the pitch/play/AB is over, and get up the stairs as quickly as possible -- looking back, and if a pitch is going on, I crouch even lower.


And when I come back with my food, while I don't like standing -- I usually wait till the pitch, and while crouching a bit, come back with my food. I don't think it's that hard to do, and usually you won't get yelled at by the other fans if you're making an attempt to not obstruct their view.


Then again, I'm proud to say that my parents were pretty good at teaching me good manners. I've been to enough Blackhawk/RedWing and Blackhawk/Blues games to know that I'm gonna anger a whole lot of people if I get up while the puck is in play.


I find all of this no big deal, just common manners/respect, but on half-price nights, I think a lot of that is brought to a low level (for whatever reason -- and that's not a shot at anyone here).


As far as smoking, I was at the game on Monday, and a lady in our section was smoking, and security was quick to get her out of her seat and back onto the concourse.

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Interesting debate...


It seems like everyone agrees on the smoking issue, but there is a wide gap on the middle of the inning hotdog/bathroom run. I will agree that after about the fourth or fifth time someone gets up in the middle of a play, it would start to become annoying... but honestly, I can't ever remember that happening to me. I'm only in my early twenties, but I've had the chance to go to at least a handful of games every summer since I became a fan in '91. It seems to me that most people wait for a break in the action. I, myself, always wait till the end of a half inning because I don't want to miss any of the action. However, even if something to the effect of someone leaving in the middle of a play was even a semiregular occurence, I've never noticed it and, more importantly, it never bothered me.


Like one of my college professor's always said, "When you're going to the beach, you put on your beach clothes... you don't wear nice clothes." I am actually an avid fan of opera and have had season tickets to the Chicago Lyric. When I go to a performance there, I am well aware what to expect... best behavior, keep the shifting in your seat to a minimum, don't you dare cough during the tenor's aria, and no exiting or entering the theater during acts... and if you exit, you are not let back in. Likewise, when I go to a Sox game, I expect a relaxed atmosphere. I expect people to be getting in and out of their seats, and it really doesn't bother me unless, as I stated previously, it happened all too frequently in the middle of plays (which I cannot remember occurring).


I think it all boils down to what people expect gauged against what their individual tolerances for such behavior are. Of course some people are going to cry about it, and of course there will be aggressive, lewd people who are going to call them Ms. Sassypants. My advice is to just keep your head screwed on and relax. If you get pissed off, go to a gym afterwards and punish some iron... at least it'll do a little good for your body and work off those beer calories.


Totally unrelated to this topic... what's the point of this??? ---> :canada

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 06:16 PM)
Smoke being blown in my face and not being able to see what is going on 90% of the time = awful experience!!!!!!!!!

Your telling me that 90% of the time, someone was standing in front of you? BS

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At Blackhawk games-if you try to come back to your seat while the game is going on, they do not let you back until there is a stoppage in play. I have encountered this problem, and usually its not too bad. But if you get the person who is intent on dropping $200 on concessions it will make for a pretty miserable evening if you are trying to watch the game. My advice is to sit in the Club level if you can. Not as many people, and even fewer who are trying to make the Guiness Book of World Records for beer consumption. With the smoking, get an usher or security, and they will put a quick stop to it.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 11:43 PM)
Your telling me that 90% of the time, someone was standing in front of you? BS


90% of the time people were walking up and down the stairs while play was going on. That is no BS. I never said people were just standing there did I? If I did then please show me this statement and I will correct it before it is misunderstood by anyone else. 90% of the time I was stretching my neck around some morons walking up and down the stairs while play was going on. Whether that was a pitch, a throw, a fly ball, a base hit, or what have you, it was 90% of the time. Believe or don't believe whatever the hell you want. I really don't give a s***.

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QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 12:21 AM)
At Blackhawk games-if you try to come back to your seat while the game is going on, they do not let you back until there is a stoppage in play. I have encountered this problem, and usually its not too bad. But if you get the person who is intent on dropping $200 on concessions it will make for a pretty miserable evening if you are trying to watch the game. My advice is to sit in the Club level if you can.  Not as many people, and even fewer who are trying to make the Guiness Book of World Records for beer consumption. With the smoking, get an usher or security, and they will put a quick stop to it.


I love the club seats! My favorite seat in the park.

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I know this has been beaten to death but my family's seats at the UC are at the end of the first row in 317 and usually if people get by the ushers during play I'm usually a jag about letting people get back to their seats. I shouldnt have to miss some of the game because somebody needed to buy concessions. People should have the common courtesy to wait. I know Keith has been there a few times when we've been a pain in the ass to casual fans who obstruct our view. ESPECIALLY Detroit or St. Lous fans :fyou !!!!

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QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 10:21 PM)
I feel for you, but welcome to 2005.


Fan consideration is at an all-time low.  People walk in front of you when the game is going on ALL THE TIME.  I ask them, as politely as I can, to wait until after the pitch.  More often than not, they get bent out of shape.


This is one big reason why quickman got his seats in the Club section, less pedestrian traffic and one would assume a better caliber of individual, i.e. people with consideration of others.  Sadly, on Opening Day there was a guy who felt he could walk in and out of the aisle whenever he wanted to.  Hockey games at the UC became so frustrating in this respect that it was a major factor in dropping tickets after our family had them for over 40 years.


As for smoking around you, it happens but I have zero tolerance for it.  I do not take matters into my own hands but I go and get an usher or security and insist they tell the person to stop smoking.  Security will always take care of that.  There is no way you should have to put up with smoking around you.


Lastly, regarding the level of knowledge of the White Sox fan base ... there are a lot of casual fans there, for one.  Second, there are tons of knowledgeable fans but that does not always translate to considerable knowledgeable fans.


Sox PR and stadium management does a decent job with having the players do taped messages on the scoreboard, i.e. Konerko telling people not to throw stuff on the field, go on the field, and so on.  They do need to do a better job educating the fan on Fan Etiquetter though.  What is common sense to most is a major revelation to some f***tard who thinks rules don't apply to him.  Good example, some person who insists on smoking in the seats, even after they hear the announcements and they know damn well they're not supposed to smoke in the seating area.  Worse ... they get indignant when asked to put it out.


Sadly, fans need to be told how to behave in many cases.  To be very frank here, I do not find White Sox fans to be the most considerate or well behaved.  I've been to many ballparks and Sox fans general simple courtesy is on the lower end.  Of course, that is a generalization but I think I'm quite qualified to make it.  But a big part of that is the casual fan at the ballpark, and the experienced fan not teaching them.


My father taught me how to be a considerate fan a long time ago.  I'm convinced that is where it starts and sadly, it doesn't always start there any more.  Parents believe they paid big $$ for their kids to go to a game and the kids are running wild all over the place (see: bleacher seats).  But the kids are not the worst, not by a long shot.  And it's not just too much beer either.  Unfortunately, quite a few fans are clueless about decorum and good behavior or should I say considerate behavior ... and they're ready to knock your block off when you point it out.


End of rant.  I feel badly for your negative experience.  Unfortunately, it happens all too often.




Wow nice post. Completely agree. Its usually the young people who create the problems. Sorry but its true. the rudeness is at an all time high, and most people expect you to adapt to them. When the club section gets bad i am going to the big green seats, when they get bad I am staying home.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 10:54 PM)
Welcome to the 21st century SSI. 


People don't give up their seats for the elderly, cars drive in the leftlane at 50, people talk on cellphones at the movies, and not many people know what hockey rules are when it comes to seating areas at sporting events.  This isn't a USCF thing, its an American society thing.  It happens everywhere, everyday, and it isn't going to go away.  People are inconsiderate of everyone but themselves.



Well said, and something I really hate that is happening to the younger people. Problem is I am not that old and I see a huge difference in the way people are acting today than just 15 years ago. I make the vendors crouch down if they are in my way, or ask them nicely to wait. They do it all the time if I ask. Most are aware of the play but some are not. Common courtesy is lost today its a real shame.

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 10:57 PM)
I agree with you SS2K5, but can't we do something about this? What if we as a board posted some things about ballpark etiquette. Maybe this board can help educate the younger generation. We can't help the casual fan here, but we can help the younger ones and they can teach their friends. I am very shocked at the posts on this board and thought that our fans had more consideration for others. I guess I was wrong.



You were wrong, but next time ask them politely to snuff out the smoke and wait for the play to end. Once somebody tells them they will learn.

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Wow complain much? Baseball is a slow sport you arent going to miss much if someone has to go and get some food or go to the bathroom in the middle of an inning. And if someone is blowing smoke in your face politely ask them to stop and if they continue than go and get an usher. If they are just smoking deal with it, a little second hand smoke from going to a baseball game once a year isnt going to hurt you. Btw im a non smoker so I know it can be bothersome at times but if they arent blowing it in your face, live with it.

Edited by SoxFan101
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Being a shorter individual, it sucks even more. I mean the fact there are casual fans is a good sign because it means new people are coming to the park.


I really want to know what is so hard about waiting in the aisle. If your seat is near the aisle, there is normally enough time to get there when Buehrle is not pitching, and an at-bat rarely goes more than 7-8 pitches. What happens to being nice? Even a simple "Could you please excuse me?" would make me not so pissed off.

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Wow complain much?  Baseball is a slow sport you arent going to miss much if someone has to go and get some food or go to the bathroom in the middle of an inning.  And if someone is blowing smoke in your face politely ask them to stop and if they continue than go and get an usher.  If they are just smoking deal with it, a little second hand smoke from going to a baseball game once a year isnt going to hurt you.  Btw im a non smoker so I know it can be bothersome at times but if they arent blowing it in your face, live with it.


Sure, why have rules about not smoking in the seating area? After all, it isn't a big deal and anyone can just do what they want, right? :banghead

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Wow, I can't believe that Irish is getting ripped for this. The guy was somewhat disgusted at what he saw at the park in terms of fan courtesy, and if he can't say something about it here, regardless of whether he talked to an usher, this wouldn't be much of a place for discussion, now would it. Some of you guys act like it's absurd that he's bringing this up, when we've had much more pointless and idiotic threads that slide by without people raising a ruckus. I don't even know if Irish was talking so much about his experience as the general fall of the courtesy of fans everywhere. I may agree with what he said, but it doesn't seem right that he's getting s*** thrown at him for this.

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I have a big peeve about people wanting to get to their seats while they are singing the national anthem. Wait until they are done singing before walking in front of people. A simple "excuse me" also works wonders for me when leaving or coming back in the row.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 04:49 PM)
That is when you stand up and wait on the concourse to go back to your seats.


Simple solution.


Get up between innings to get your food. Go Eat your food on the concourse, or bring it back to your seat between innings. When your finished, come back to your seats in between another inning.


Wow... don't get me wrong, but I am not going to eat on the concourse, when i have food for my family with me, or make them eat on the concourse too. I usually do not like to leave my seat during an at bat, but if i need to, i will ask politlely to be let out, between pitches. One pitch isnt going to ruin you night. Neither will I wait on the concourse to sit down.... as long as you are not just staning on the stairs chatting, and are moving, you are not going to block anyones view for more than a few seconds. As for passing people in an aisle, I will wait between pitches..... my tickets do not allow me (nor anyone) to be a jerk about stuff like that, but if i paid for SEATS i will sit in them when i want to.


QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 08:06 PM)
Wow complain much?  Baseball is a slow sport you arent going to miss much if someone has to go and get some food or go to the bathroom in the middle of an inning.  And if someone is blowing smoke in your face politely ask them to stop and if they continue than go and get an usher.  If they are just smoking deal with it, a little second hand smoke from going to a baseball game once a year isnt going to hurt you.  Btw im a non smoker so I know it can be bothersome at times but if they arent blowing it in your face, live with it.


What a rude comment that is! Many many people have alergies and asthma, both of which can be bothered by smoke... so you are saying just buck up and deal with it?? yeah right!

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I just think its a non-issue.... fans are assholes everywhere not just the sox game, like when i went to a bulls game the guy behind me was obnoxious and even spilled some of his beer on me....People in general are ass's and sometimes you have to live with it.


And like i said earlier if the smoking bothers you, first ask them to put it out and if they dont than go get an usher.

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